I am searching for alternative plugin similar to this with free repeaters and easy to use plugin
This plugin is Vulnerable reported by Malcare. Can this be fixed in next release?
I do not have exact details on it.
It is possible to create a media field but with multiple selection, for using in a gallery?
Thank you!
When you will fix this??
I am have to delete plugin because of this bug
I am using this plugin since long didn’t face any problem but recently I am noticed in one of the websites the data is not saving and if saved, the same is not reflecting. Not sure what going wrong here. any clues pls.
I am using Version 2.6.7
Dear Plugin Support Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to urgently bring to your attention several critical security vulnerabilities identified in version 2.6.7 of the WordPress Custom Field Suite plugin. These vulnerabilities have been flagged by our hosting provider, WPEngine:
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.
]]>Will an update be released soon for the critical vulnerabilities recently announced that are impacting all versions up to 2.6.7?
I have a number of websites that are using the Jupiter theme and this is dependent on your plugin.
How can add pagination in Loop field
]]>When trying to add multiple field it shows error
In version 2.6.6 it is impossible to save fields
If you create one field and save it, then ok. But if you create one or more additional fields, the error is not saved: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function pre_save_field() on null in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/custom-field-suite/includes/field_group.php:199.
In version 2.6.5 – Ok!
When I preview a new post before updating it, the custom field values do not show up.
How can I fix this issue?
I’m not sure if the plugin is Tested with the new update for WooCommerce Version 8.7.0. Now the plugin content does not show up on the Edit Order Page even after ‘shop_order‘ has been selected under Placement Rules > Post Types. I have tried everything, including disabling other plugins and still does not work after the update.
]]>I am currently attempting to import custom fields created with “Custom Field Suite” using “Really Simple CSV Importer”. While importing is generally possible, I encounter issues when trying to import fields that utilize repeater (loop) functionalities.
Is there a recommended plugin that fully supports repeater fields for CSV imports with “Custom Field Suite”?
I apologize for taking your time, but I would appreciate it if you could confirm this for me.
В редакторе vc code функция CFS не определяется, пишет ” Undefined function ‘CFS’.intelephense(P1010)”.
Помогите решить проблему.
Hello there,
I’ve set up a couple of CF, both text fields, for a page with a specific template. Everything works fine untill I duplicate a page, for pages with same layout. The duplicated page comes with blank CF, but in the front end I can see the CF from the original page. If I fill the fields on the duplicate page nothing changes on the front end, I still see the old values, Looking at the database, the postmeta table where this values are recorded, I noticed that for the same post_id I have duplicated CF. So the front end takes the value from one row, while the back end edit the duplicated row.
I have the last version of WP 6.4.3 and the last versione of the plugin 2.6.5. Is this a bug or something that happend just with my configuration?
]]>I’m just starting out but I think I’ve found a bug.
I’m using nested loops. Repeatable Rows which then contains repeatable Tiles.
When I try to add a new row by using the +button a tile is created but in the hierarchy of my rows.
A visual demonstration
–Row (When I click the +button here …)
–Tile (… a Tile is created here. It should be a Row.)
So basically I try to add a loop element but instead a sub-loop is inserted in its place.
It might have something to do with this code, but I’m not much of a coder myself.
Any suggestions?
$(document).on('click', '.cfs_insert_field', function(event) {
var $add_field = $('.cfs_add_field');
var num_rows = $add_field.attr('data-rows');
var loop_tag = $add_field.attr('data-loop-tag');
var loop_id = loop_tag.match(/.*\[(.*?)\]/)[1];
var html = CFS.loop_buffer[loop_id].replace(/\[clone\]/g, loop_tag + '[' + num_rows + ']');
$add_field.attr('data-rows', parseInt(num_rows)+1);
$(html).insertAfter( $(this).closest('.loop_wrapper') ).addClass('loop_wrapper_new');
I added the plugin to customize fields, it worked perfectly but when adding images the image does not appear, appears the code 164. Before adding the plugin, the image was configured like this <img src=”<?php echo get_theme_root_uri(); ?>/med/img/img01.png”/>
After I added the plugin, I configured the image like this: <img src=”<?php echo CFS()->get( ‘historiatitle’); ?>/>
Is that correct?
]]>I need support for list blocks in the wysiwig field type.
I discovered that the list plugin is missing in wysiwyg.php
line 145
Changing it to
?tinyMCE.settings.plugins = 'code,link,lists';
fixes the problem. Obviously I’d like to avoid editing the plugin file.
Is there a way to override this setting via hooks?
Many thanks in advance
]]>{empty} : default value
cover-image : cover image
I can’t make an empty value – the default value for select. cover-image
always is default value.
I got that warning message..
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Custom_Field_Suite::$validators is deprecated in C:\Users\myName\Local Sites\test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\custom-field-suite\includes\form.php on line 225
to solve it I added the new PHP 8.2 attribute in the global namespace named
class Custom_Field_Suite
Just let it you to know.
]]>When I use WYSIWYG, I can’t add a list and an error appears Failed to load plugin: code from url wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/code/plugin.min.js
When I create a loop with images, I load the images normally. But when I edit a loop image No. 15 disappears.
This problem occurs only if the user is Editor, if the user is administrator, don’t have a problem!
Any suggestions? thanks!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for creating and maintaining Custom Fields Suite.
I found a bug with the Add Media in WYSIWYG field not properly inserting the image/media being selected.
In WP v6.3.2, I fixed it by editing /includes/fields/wysiwyg.php by adding the following code after line 112:
$(this).find('button.add_media').attr('data-editor', input_id);
As the Add Media button in WP 6.3.2 is using the HTML button
element instead of the a
element, so data-editor
attribute is not properly assigned the input_id
I hope this is useful.
]]>it seems like the wysiwyg fields have some buttons missing – buttons that were previously there (I do not see in particular the list buttons – ordered and unordered).
How do I configure the buttons that are visible?
]]>Since version 2.6.3, the rich editor’s text color selection menu is not displayed. If possible, please make it visible in the latest version.
]]>Fields are not displayed in a default taxonomy
]]>When we create a field, doesn’t matter if it’s a text field or any other and we go into a product and hit update we get a white screen that says Your session has expired. If we deactivate this plugin the error disappears.
This is our debug log:
[27-Jun-2023 08:10:31 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘mindthetrash-staging.wp_cfs_sessions’ doesn’t exist for query DELETE FROM wp_cfs_sessions WHERE id = ‘68801983a841fc92089f9c00a69964f7’ LIMIT 1 made by require(‘wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php’), do_meta_boxes, cfs_init->meta_box, include(‘/plugins/custom-field-suite/templates/meta_box_input.php’), Custom_Field_Suite->form, cfs_form->render, cfs_session->set
[27-Jun-2023 08:10:31 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘mindthetrash-staging.wp_cfs_sessions’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO wp_cfs_sessions VALUES (‘68801983a841fc92089f9c00a69964f7’, ‘a:7:{s:7:\”post_id\”;i:152972;s:9:\”post_type\”;s:4:\”post\”;s:11:\”post_status\”;s:5:\”draft\”;s:12:\”field_groups\”;a:1:{i:0;i:153233;}s:20:\”confirmation_message\”;s:0:\”\”;s:16:\”confirmation_url\”;s:0:\”\”;s:9:\”front_end\”;b:0;}’, ‘1687867831’) made by require(‘wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php’), do_meta_boxes, cfs_init->meta_box, include(‘/plugins/custom-field-suite/templates/meta_box_input.php’), Custom_Field_Suite->form, cfs_form->render, cfs_session->set
[27-Jun-2023 08:10:36 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘mindthetrash-staging.wp_cfs_sessions’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT data FROM wp_cfs_sessions WHERE id = ‘68801983a841fc92089f9c00a69964f7’ AND expires > ‘1687853436’ made by require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, cfs_form->init, cfs_session->get
[27-Jun-2023 08:10:41 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘mindthetrash-staging.wp_cfs_sessions’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT data FROM wp_cfs_sessions WHERE id = ‘68801983a841fc92089f9c00a69964f7’ AND expires > ‘1687853441’ made by require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, cfs_form->init, cfs_session->get
When a WYSIWYG type field is added to a Custom type, and editing or creating content in that postType selects an image, document or video, the textarea remains blank, it does not create the image or video tag or anything.
I tried disabling plugins, but the error persists.
WP: 6.2.2
Custom Field Suite 2.6.3
Editor clásico 1.6.3
Custom Post Type UI 1.13.6
Hello Everyone,
I am using Custom Field Suite but I don’t know how to get alt tag text in the image tag, please help me for add an alt tag on img tag because seo perspective we need alt tag text.
after the last update of CSF (2.6.3) I receive this error when editing a page:
Failed to load plugin: code from url https://example.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/code/plugin.min.js
How can I fix this issue?