Hello! Thanks for your time put into development of this plugin.
I have found “Please read!” text, being now 4 years old, which claims that this plugin is no longer needed. This seems also to be backed by www.ads-software.com documentation.
In my case this turns to be not true. In the newest Gutenberg custom fields are not appearing. I have filed a bug about this.
I have then read your post again, second paragraph about possibility of stopping native support of custom fields in WordPress starting 2022. Based on that I have installed your plugin to my WordPress network.
Unfortunately, even with “Force Display” checkbox checked in plugin configuration I am getting no results. Custom fields are not available.
Do you know anything about this issue? Is your plugin again needed in 2023? Thank you!
]]>Hi there,
I am struggling to add a second custom field to my pages. There is no button or option there. Those pages that already have the two custom fields I want can be edited just fine. But I want to ADD another!
The reason why I use this plugin (thanks!) is that the original custom fields function of wordpress does not function in my installation.
]]>I’m developing a WordPress theme. Can I programmatically disable the custom fields for all post types, except for a specific custom post type? I need to perform it right after the plugin is activated. There is a filter/action to do it?
]]>Before WP 5.0 this plugin was needed. Then Custom Fields were suddenly supported in 5.0, so now this plugin is not necessary to view custom fields with Gutenberg Block Editor. To view your custom fields using native WP functionality, click the settings button (three dots) and then go to options, where you can enable the Custom Fields box.
So that is the good news. The bad news is that WordPress will be supporting Custom Fields only until about 2021 or 2022. After that, this plugin may once again be necessary to view custom fields. That in mind, I won’t be doing much with this plugin until if/when it is needed later down the road.
NOTE: Do NOT post comments on this sticky announcement. If you need help or want to leave feedback, ask a question, or whatever, please post new in the plugin Support Forum. Thank you.
]]>From the start of using this plugin I noticed that updating a custom field and then saving the page seldom worked. Now I’ve noticed that when I try to change the page template of a page and update it from the editor interface, the change doesn’t save. However, if I use Quick Edit to change the page template, it saves just fine.
I would REALLY love to see a slimmed-down, working version of this plugin that mimics the exact functionality of the “Show Hidden Post Meta” plugin by Phillip Newcomer. It would be SO helpful.
My custom post type does not display in the post types list in settings.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thank you
]]>Just a couple of comments.
When I open a page with the Classic Editor plugin, there are two meta boxes for custom fields – the original and this one. Perhaps you could detect it is running inside the Classic Editor and not display?
And you may want to change your display name to something like Custom Fields for the Block Editor (Gutenberg) as WP seems to have abandoned the name Gutenberg, and now that every one is finally being forced to face the reality of the Block Editor, they may not know to search for Gutenberg in the plugin name.
]]>I just updated to WP 5.0 and will stay using the classic editor (Plugin). But after this update also the custome fields in the classic editor disapeared. So, it’s not only a problem of the new Gutenberg editing environment.
I fixed the problem by installing the Custome Fields for Gutenberg Plugin and the custome fields work again also in the classic editor. So it’s also a good solution for Custome Fields for Classic Editor (for WP > 5.0).
Thanks for this great plugin! I only want to share this, because other users will face similar problems these days.
]]>I don’t know if it’s related to recent updates of gutenberg or anything,… but now, whenever I want to add a tag and its value, I absolutely must save the page and reload the editor page to see it saved and in the tags list.
So I suggest, if possible, to add a “Add/edit” button that saves the tag and its value, then updates the tags list without having to reload the whole editor page.
]]>I have created ACF for this page and they will not display with your plugin. It there any other thing to do ?
]]>I have installed the 5.0 beta version and it isn’t working displaying fields on my posts
]]>Hi. Not showing upon my custom post types either. Tho it is showing up on my pages just fine.
Also — what does this mean:
Enable theme switcher via settings or shortcode
yours dusty
]]>I was so excited when I installed this plugin that I wrote a five-star review. I quickly had to dial it back, though, when I discovered the following problem:
When I enabled Gutenberg, my Advanced Custom Field metaboxes disappeared in custom post types. This plugin brought them back, but only for posts I have already created. The metaboxes don’t seem to appear for new posts.
I’ve tried publishing and reopening as suggested in another thread, but that’s not working for me.
For what it’s worth, I think I can actually see the metaboxes briefly when I open the editor, but then they quickly disappear.
]]>I’m not sure why, but for some reason the custom fields don’t seem to save when I update them. Sometimes they do, but most times they don’t.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the editor for the post/page
2. Scroll down to Custom Fields
3. Change the value in the custom field I want to update
4. Click “Update” in the top Gutenberg bar
5. Check the front-end to see if the field was updated (it was not)
6. Reload the editor to see if the new custom field value was there (it had reverted to the previous value)
I was previously using a plugin called “Show Hidden Post Meta” that did the same thing (but not for Gutenberg) and it had an “update” button for when you wanted to update a field (via ajax I suppose) and gave a visual indicator that it had saved by flashing the background yellow. No need to even update the post/page.
]]>At least no direct way to delete a custom field … you have to erase the two text boxes. Works, but not very user friendly (thinking about my clients).
Also, just fyi, i noticed that Gutenberg seems to sometimes duplicate a custom field several times, but have not been able to see what i’m doing that’s causing that … could be related to autosave, i dunno … will watch for it to happen again
Thanks for an essential plugin. I cannot imagine why they dropped this from Gutenberg, as it’s very widely used functionality.
]]>More an observation, bug perhaps?
When I FIRST create the page I do not see the “Custom Field” area.
However, after saving it (Draft or Publish), navigating away from the page, then coming back, the area did show up.
Otherwise, very grateful for this plugin.