why don’t you update this plugin, it’s really usefull.
If u can, i get this warning in the backend.
But it’s still working with the last wordpress release!
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /Volumes/MAIN/www/domain/wp-content/plugins/custom-image-sizes/filosofo-custom-image-sizes.php on line 47
]]>Thanks – I really need it, but need to know that it won’t break the site (it’s a big site).
]]>Hi there – I am trying to re-size the image based on a custom field (So, the image URL) but your plugin only does it for attachments. Any chance of adding this feature in the future? Or have you run across anything that does this?
]]>Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in \wp-content\plugins\custom-image-sizes\filosofo-custom-image-sizes.php on line 47
What will this look like fixed?
$size_name = trim($size_name);
]]>In the “Add an Image” pop-up inside Add New Post (or Page), I just get radio buttons (Thumbnail, medium, large, original) — where do I put the exact size I want with your plugin?
Also, isn’t it true that the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin clobbers the additional sizes you add to the attachment metadata? So, running that plugin would force your Custom-Image-Sizes plugin to re-add the metadata, but since the alternate-size files already exist, they will not be regenerated… which might not be what you want, if you actually modified the actual attachment? Presumably your plugin would have to check the modification times of both the original and the downsized versions, and if the meta-tag does not exist but the file does, regenerate the custom-sized image if it is newer than the original attachment image.
]]>While this plugin is great, and according the debate here :
ticket #8599
ticket #11895
and especially ticket #15311
It would be nice if wp_constrain_dimensions() may be used in order to resize the image according to one dimension (widget XOR height) thus preserving the ratio.
According to the changelog for 1.0, it annouces it is supported (if height XOR width) is omitted.
But in the code I can not see any } else { to the following condition :
if ( ! empty( $height ) && ! empty( $width ) )
which apply if both dimension are given.
There are two way to resize respecting the ratio:
1) you know both dimension, you check which one is the most overflowing, then you want to reduce this one and omit the second which will be resized accordingly.
But a theme should not have to do this heuristic.
2) it should provide both constraining width AND height + a way to specify that no cropping should happen (without using add_image_size() as it is one of the goal of the plugin AFAIK)
Thus a dimension string may be, eg :
Where true is whether or not cropping is enabled.
As far as I studied the code, this string patter should not cause drawbacks. It is ignored until image_get_intermediate_size() is called in image_downsize(). Then image_get_intermediate_size() won’t return anything so the initial image will be returned…
except that if the plugin is activated, apply_filters('image_downsize', false, $id, $size)
may return $out.
So, in filter_image_downsize(), the following regexp :
$crop = (isset($matches[2])) ? $matches[2] : true;
So … maybe I missed the point (then please explain me :))
otherwise it would be nice to have this simple way to crop|ratio-resizing option.
Timthumb still does not provide such feature but discussion currently happen under the hood (https://code.google.com/p/timthumb/issues/detail?id=61)
Anyway, I wish we can have the 3 WP tickets above fixed one of these days, with either having a simple and good plugin (this one seems very promising to me) either having such features into core.
Have a good day.