We recently changed themes to twenty sixteen. After changing themes, we had to reenable the custom login plug-in. The only modification that we have made to the login page is to include the header from the website so that the overall style matches the website.
Directly in the center of the page, Powered by WordPress is displayed. We would just like to remove those words somehow.
]]>Is there a way to make the field to input username or email address wider?
]]>I have just done a recent update which may be due to another plugin conflict, however, this plugin has not been updated to the lastest wordpess update.
I get the following:
undefined index:multisite in file path .php 122/171/172/173/174/175/469/742/1005
Warning: Cannot modify header information …..
I can send you attachements.
Can you assist or is the plugin becoming obsolete
Excellent plugin. Is there a way to show a link to the profile page rather than the default wp-login.php page AND how can I edit the text in the link. I don’t want users to think this is the “admin” of the site. It’s misleading.
Network activated. Shortcode not showing on sub-blog.
]]>When we add code to top middle section the plug in does not show added code can you provide a solution
]]>We’re wanting to use this plugin to customize a few of the websites we operate. However, when we go to make any choices in the plugin’s options, those changes aren’t reflected on the live login page.
It’s almost as if there’s some sort of cache that’s prohibiting the log-in pages from updating, except we’re not currently using any caching software on the site.
Any ideas on what’s going on?
I’m having an issue with this plugin & Avada where on the wp-login.php page it shows hardly any css formatting, it’s mostly broken in appearance and it also isn’t importing certain css files
I am using the following php code in my functions.php to fix part of their theme and one custom file doesn’t import for some reason.
function avada_and_a5customlogin_css_imports() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'avada-stylesheet-css', '/wp-content/themes/Avada/assets/css/style.min.css' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'avada-stylesheet-custom', '/wp-content/uploads/avada-styles/avada-custom.css' );
add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'avada_and_a5customlogin_css_imports' );
The second import is a hacky way of fixing it for me, by copying custom css into that one file.
Basically Avada has the option to either inline custom css or compile it as you can see:
However compiling it gives it odd names, that changes whenever css caches are re-created by Avada and as such the css becomes outdated in my custom import file and also if we use the URL of one of the caches.
I guess what we need is A5 Custom Login Page to detect if the Theme is being used and if it is then import the first css file and then detect if dynamic css is being used and import that file too…
Below is a copy of Avada’s latest PHP code for the dynamic css importing…
* Dynamic-CSS handler - Inline CSS.
* @package Fusion-Library
* @since 1.0.0
// Do not allow directly accessing this file.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit( 'Direct script access denied.' );
* Handle generating the dynamic CSS.
* @since 1.0.0
class Fusion_Dynamic_CSS_File {
* An innstance of the Fusion_Dynamic_CSS object.
* @access private
* @since 1.0.0
* @var object
private $dynamic_css;
* Constructor.
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @param object $dynamic_css An instance of Fusion_DYnamic_CSS.
public function __construct( $dynamic_css ) {
$this->dynamic_css = $dynamic_css;
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_dynamic_css' ), 11 );
// Make sure file mode dynamic CSS is not created in backend.
if ( is_admin() ) {
$needs_update = $this->dynamic_css->needs_update();
// No need to proceed any further if there's no need to update the CSS
// and the file exists.
if ( ! $needs_update && file_exists( $this->file( 'path' ) ) ) {
// If we got this far, we need to generate the file.
// First try to check if the file is writable.
// Then attempt to create the file.
// Finally check if the file exists.
// If all of the above tests succeed, then the file is properly created.
if ( $this->can_write() ) {
if ( $this->write_file() ) {
if ( file_exists( $this->file( 'path' ) ) ) {
// If we got this far we need to fallback to inline mode.
$dynamic_css->inline = new Fusion_Dynamic_CSS_Inline( $dynamic_css );
$dynamic_css->mode = 'inline';
* Enqueue the dynamic CSS.
* @access public
* @return void
public function enqueue_dynamic_css() {
// Nothing to enquue if the file doesn't exist.
// If that happens we've fallen back to inline mode (see the class's constructor).
if ( ! file_exists( $this->file( 'path' ) ) ) {
$dependencies = apply_filters( 'fusion_dynamic_css_stylesheet_dependencies', array() );
wp_enqueue_style( 'fusion-dynamic-css', $this->file( 'uri' ), $dependencies );
* Gets the css path or url to the stylesheet.
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $target path/url.
* @return string Path or url to the file depending on the $target var.
public function file( $target = 'path' ) {
// Get the blog ID.
$blog_id = null;
// If this is a multisite installation, append the blogid to the filename.
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$current_site = get_blog_details();
if ( $current_site->blog_id > 1 ) {
$blog_id = '_blog-' . $current_site->blog_id;
$fusion_library = Fusion::get_instance();
$page_id = ( $fusion_library->get_page_id() ) ? $fusion_library->get_page_id() : 'global';
// If WooCommerce is active and we are on archive, use global CSS not shop page, which is return by get_page_id.
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && ( is_tax( 'product_cat' ) || is_tax( 'product_tag' ) ) ) {
$page_id = 'global';
$file_name = 'fusion-styles/fusion' . $blog_id . '-' . $page_id . '.css';
if ( 'filename' === $target ) {
return $file_name;
$file = new Fusion_Filesystem( $file_name );
// Return the path or the URL
// depending on the $target we have defined when calling this method.
if ( 'path' === $target ) {
return $file->get_path();
return $file->get_url();
* Writes the file.
* @access protected
* @since 1.0.0
* @return bool Whether the file is successfully created or not.
protected function write_file() {
// The CSS.
$css = $this->dynamic_css->make_css();
$filename = $this->file( 'filename' );
$file = new Fusion_Filesystem( $filename );
if ( false === $file->write_file( $css ) ) {
return false;
* Writing to the file succeeded.
* Update the opion in the db so that we know the css for this post
* has been successfully generated
* and then return true.
$fusion_library = Fusion::get_instance();
$page_id = ( $fusion_library->get_page_id() ) ? $fusion_library->get_page_id() : 'global';
$option = get_option( 'fusion_dynamic_css_posts', array() );
// Update the 'fusion_dynamic_css_time' option.
$option[ $page_id ] = true;
update_option( 'fusion_dynamic_css_posts', $option );
// Clean-up transient.
$page_id = ( $fusion_library->get_page_id() ) ? $fusion_library->get_page_id() : 'global';
// If WooCommerce is active and we are on archive, use global CSS not shop page, which is return by get_page_id.
if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && ( is_tax( 'product_cat' ) || is_tax( 'product_tag' ) ) ) {
$page_id = 'global';
$transient_name = 'fusion_dynamic_css_' . $page_id;
delete_transient( $transient_name );
return true;
* Determines if the CSS file is writable.
* @access private
* @since 1.0.0
* @return bool
private function can_write() {
$file = new Fusion_Filesystem( $this->file( 'filename' ) );
return $file->is_writable();
/* Omit closing PHP tag to avoid "Headers already sent" issues. */
Good day, I have a website: https://www.paylight.co.za that we use to sell prepaid electricity but only to specific users. What we’ve done is allocate different user roles to a user – of which we have 4 users, so luckily we have been able to use the existing wordpress user role for each person (excluding Admin). Now, if I go onto the plugin on my wordpress dashboard and go under ‘Advanced – Custom Redirects – Redirect per user role, I see the following roles (default wordpress roles) ‘Editor, Author, Administrator, Contributor, Subscriber, Shop Manager, etc.’ and next to each user role is a field where I then enter the URL of the page I want that specific user to redirect to once they have logged in.
Now, the thing is, we need to extend our users from 4 to 12 which leaves me wondering, how do I now do this and only see basically just 2 spaces left to insert user roles that aren’t admin where i can redirect those to…I need to extend to 12 users, then later to a few hundred users…how can I make this possible or have a multi user system where once each user logs in, I can put a redirect to the exact page I only want them to see and NOT the entire shop page? Or if you can’t assist, do you have any thoughts or ideas or referrals for me to go and achieve this. I am very happy with your plugin and have been using it for the past 2 years almost…with no issues…works like a charm…just need it for more users now. many thanks
To login to secure content click “login” in main menu.
When I preview the page in the a5 styling area the preview also only shows the generic wp layout.
Thank you for looking into it. I can provide login info.
]]>Good plugin. But too self-indulgent. No need for this one-time functionality to be glued to the admin bar. How can I remove this? Couldn’t find options. Thank you.
This is weird, but since I updated to latest version of A5 plugin and WordPress, I am getting the following errors.
I don’t understand because I don’t have a multisite.
How do I fix this Please>
Notice: Undefined index: multisite in /var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/custom-login-page.php on line
171 Notice: Undefined index: multisite in /var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/class-lib/CLP_DynamicCSSClass.php
on line 742 Notice: Undefined index: multisite in
/var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/class-lib/CLP_DynamicCSSClass.php on line 1005
Notice: Undefined index: multisite in /var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/custom-login-page.php on line 172
Notice: Undefined index: multisite in /var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/custom-login-page.php on line 173
Notice: Undefined index: multisite in /var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/custom-login-page.php on line 174
Notice: Undefined index: multisite in /var/www/html/siga/wp-content/plugins/custom-login-page/custom
Hi, so this plugin is perfect so far in what I need, but I can’t seem to find a way to add placeholder text to the shortcode login form.
]]>choosing black as body background color but its not chaning. everything else works well. not sure what else to try. our website is at appariza.tk
hope you can guide me on how to get the whole background black.
Only using plugin to include header and footer of theme. Just noticed in HTML page code that head element is duplicated. Page still seems to work, but should be fixed.
Thank you
]]>What is the shortcode for registration? I know it’s [a5-login-form] for the login.
I’ve been using your plugin for a while, I’m trying to pinpoint what is slowing my site up and sure this probably isn’t slowing my site up but it certainly isn’t exactly good to have.
I’m pretty sure this can only be fixed in the actual plugin code, if not… how do I fix?
]]>Love this plugin so far! Question: On login screen, when mouseover the custom logo, it says “Powered by WordPress” and links back to www.ads-software.com. Would prefer it to say something else and link somewhere else. How can I do that? If not, simply remove the alt text and the link. How can I do that? https://bpah.net/login-vets
today i had to change the link from my wp-login page to a different caused by another plugin.
Now the funktion “hide registration link” doesn’t work any more. The link is diplayed again. Any ideas how to remove it?
Thanks for help ??
]]>Hi there,
First, congratulations for your work, this plugin is exactly what I needed and is very nice to use.
Anyhow, I am encountering an issue. That’s the same problem than the one sinemac describes in this post.
I have finally been able to figure out what was going on. The issue is related to “Additional HTML” feature. The custom login form natively displays a p element of class “message” that content a general message about what the user has to do. But when I add a custom HTML in the “Above form” section, this p element is no longer present in the dom. Why this choice ?
Another related question : as far as I saw, the additional HTML only display in the registering context. Why ? Or what do I do wrong ?
Thanx in advance for your answers.
I have just upgraded to your latest version.
For some reason the background image I had original;y set and the option for no logo to display
is still there, but they don’t work.
I am getting the default wp login screen.
]]>Network activated, what footer would each blog use since there’s no options for styling a footer if “Check, to include the footer of the frontend into your login page” is selected.
I have enjoyed this plugin. However, after deactivating and reactivating the plugin to troubleshoot another issue with the site, all of my settings and formatting for the login page have been cleared. It took a good bit of time to format the appearance of this page the first time and I would rather not have to do it again. I have tried replacing the plugin file with a version of the plugin from a recent backup, hoping that would restore the previous edits, but it did not. Has anyone else had this issue? Does anyone have ideas for how to restore the edits?
I’d appreciate it!
]]>Excellent plugin, best of all, though…
The logo of the login page is directing for www.ads-software.com when it should direct to the site. And the “ULR to link to” does not allow editing, although it shows the correct url for the site.
]]>A5 Custom Login Page version 2.8.1
Hi I am running previous versions of the login widget on two other charity sites that I manage but on the site with v2.8.1 the lost password e-mail isn’t displaying properly with the result that the reset password link is not displayed:
Someone has requested a password reset for the following account: https://www.mywebsite.com/ Username: abc If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address:
Can you help or is this something to do with another wordpress php file?
Hi there,
Relatively new to WP, lots to learn, lots to memorise. I couldn’t find this question in the ones listed, but if this is a repeat question, my apologies.
At the moment I am using an unlisted login page, as the basic login screen of WP is just that hideous. What I’d like is a login page that tranparently overlays on whatever page the user was looking at when they clicked Login, making that page fuzzy, and showing the login prompt over the top of it.
In case that explanation was clear as mud, I made a mockup of what I’d like the end result to look like in paint.net :
How do I go about this? Is it even possible?
I need to add basic captcha (the image of numbers) to my custom login form generated using the shortcode.
I saw another post where someone asked this and you said it would be possible to add in the additional html fields.
Could you elaborate on this? Where would I find the code for the captcha?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve tried to align the text boxes with the messages/reports, but no success. Playing with margin and padding but it won’t work.
Please see the website https://seckmauern.com/wp-login.php?loggedout=true to see what I’m talking about.
How to solve this issue? How to avoid this big space at the top (when no message is shown?
Kind regards,
When using the Shortcode on a page, currently if someone enters an incorrect user/pass or doesnt enter anything at all the user is taken away from the custom page to the default wordpress /wp-login.php page.
I want the user to stay on the current login page when an error occurs, is this possible?
]]>Hello there, trying to figure out how to edit and moderate the list of users who register.
Basically, my client wants “to have control over who registers or at least some way to control/moderate new user registrations in the event that some random person figures out the URL for the login page. I’m thinking that we should require folks to use their work emails to create logins as a basic measure to confirm their identify and relationship to our coalition…”
Currently the site has a very generic, default login on a separate login page. His worry is that anyone could easily find this page and then register and see items that should only be available for STIRR members. Is there a way to control that using your plugin, or should I find something else?