Hello, is there any plan to support WP 5.8.1 for Custom Meta Widget?
How can I change the Register/admin part to just say Register please.
Planning to update to PHP7, but it looks like there is an error.
See here: https://plugintests.com/plugins/custom-meta-widget/latest
At the bottom it shows the error as:
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /wp-content/plugins/custom-meta-widget/customMeta.php on line 149
Is this something that could be fixed by chance? ??
]]>Hi there!
Love this plugin, great stuff!
The only thing I noticed that was different when switching from the stock widget to yours was that your UL element doesn’t have the “nav” class. Would it be possible for you to please either:
A) Add the “nav” class to the UL in your next release, or,
B) Allow custom classes to be set for the UL in the widget config
Hope you had a great break over the holidays, and happy new year!
]]>Wonderful, plugin..
one problem though..
It cripples my secure status in chrome, because the plugin is commented as
https:// /shinraholdings.com/plugins/custom-meta-widget/
Could you change that to https://shinraholdings.com/plugins/custom-meta-widget/ please?
I’ve edited the customMeta.php file to make it https:// and now my site is fully secure.
More users could have this potential problem and not figuring out what’s wrong..
]]>Hey everybody,
We use the plugin “Custom Meta Widget” to show our Login/Logout-Button. But unfortunately, the link of the login doesnt work anymore - it is configured incorrectly: instead of "https://medienunderinnerung.avinus.de/wp-login" it
s only “https://medienunderinnerung.avinus.de”.
How can we fix this problem?
Thank you very much!
I love your plugin, but I do have one request. Could you edit the option for displaying the title. So if I leave the title section blank, nothing is shown instead of the default.
Thank you!
Show the Custom Link no longer working after update to 1.5. Worked fine prior to the update.
To solve the notice add the following in customMeta.php (line 61):
$options = array();
foreach( $values as $slug => $sub_values ) {
$temp = array();
for( $i=0; $i<5; $i++ )
if (isset($sub_values[$i])){ //new
$temp[$keys[$i]] = $sub_values[$i];
$options[$slug] = $temp;
} //new
return $options;
The notice is gone in the backend.
I’d like to help with polish translation (because I’d like to use it). Currently it looks like it came from Google Translate.
Could you please update at least these messages?
Entries RSS
Comments RSS
Polish (as is):
Wpisów RSS
Komentarzy RSS
Polish (as should be – matching original Meta widget):
Kana? RSS z wpisami
Kana? RSS z komentarzami
Hi there!
I like the idea to re-use the Meta Widget (best way to keep the log-in/log-out imo) but I don’t understand why it is only limited to only 1 custom link and why the link isn’t opening in a new window/tab!
I’ld love to see these changes !
Have a good day,
]]>Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /*******/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-meta-widget/customMeta.php on line 65
Keep getting this notice when adding custom-meta-widget to sidebars.
]]>I had heavily customized the main PHP page CustomMeta.php, but then upgraded the Cherry Framework and all of my changes were lost. Is there any way to recover the previous version? My last sitewide backup doesn’t have it. Am I stuck? Any other advice for completely tweaking this menu with custom links/images in a way that sticks with the theme’s directory and isn’t affected by plugin or framework updates?
]]>This error is displayed in the admin side of wordpress when the plugin is active.
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in /home/saratoga/public_html/_sites/board/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3624
As noted some weeks ago in the forum, this plugin uses a deprecated constructor. For now, it appears to be benign, but warnings will appear if WP_DEBUG is set. And, since the deprecation is related to changes in PHP, if a server is using PHP 7, the plugin may not work at all.
This should be corrected (I’ve already supplied some code to address the issue) soon.
]]>As I’ve tried to say on your website (but have had lots of trouble with the “comment editor”), here’s a revised constructor–replacing the deprecated one:
function __construct()
// set widget options
$widget_ops = array (
'classname' => 'customMetaWidget',
'description' => __( 'Hide the individual log in/out, admin, feed and WordPress links', 'customMetaWidget' )
'customMetaWidget', // Base ID
__('Custom Meta', 'customMetaWidget'), // Name
$widget_ops // Args
Thanks. (And sorry for all of the postings–feel free to (in fact, please) delete the ones I posted on your site.)
]]>Hi there and thanks for a nice plugin! Here are Swedish translation files that you are welcome to include in your package:
What, if any, is the substantial benefit to have the list of Meta widgets in a sidebar or anywhere else on your site? https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-meta-widget/
Could someone share with me one or two benefits of this widget? My plan is to remove it from the site. Thank you.
]]>I installed the Ephemeral widget for twenty fourteen, but I don’t know how to make it work. Is there a tutorial?
]]>It’s been a while? Will this thing be updated at some point? I imagine it will become a vulnerability for security if not …
]]>I’ve checked it off but nothing shows on my page. I have login but no way for anyone to Register.
]]>Installed Custom Meta Widget.
It shows login, entries rss, comments rss, wordpress prior to login.
After login, it applies the settings made in the widget.
]]>The title says it all. It would be awesome if the plugin could show the member’s avatar and link to the user’s bp profile.
–> Just the link to the user’s bp profile would already be awesome.
]]>Is this plugin multisite compatible?
]]>I need more custom links – Pls Help
Your plugin is very handy!
Question: What snippet
do I need to edit or add so I can redirect the users to a specific page when they login (and) when they logout as well?
– GM
]]>I have the plugin installed and it is working great. However, for every single user once they log in the “Register” link turns into “Site Admin”. I don’t want this shown for non-admins, so I created a custom link instead and called it Register, but I want it to appear above my Login/Logout button, is there anyway to reorder the widget?
Or if you could tell me how to enable it so subscribers only ever see Register while other users see Site Admin that would be excellent.
]]>My META widget kicks out junk data on two links. The LOG OUT and LOG IN links work fine, but the following links render out bad:
<a href>Register</a>
<a href>My Account</a>
The code as written is EXACTLY how it renders in the page.
I’ve tried using the CUSTOM META WIDGET plugin and exactly the same thing happens, so maybe someone can suggest some troubleshooting to figure out where this plugin and the meta widget are getting their render instructions.
I tried switching Themes, but the error still exists on other themes.
You can see the issue at:
We are currently using your plugin on a French site for which there is no localization file for your plugin. We don’t mind your plugin’s back-end to be in English.
For displaying the register and login links, you use the wp_register() and the wp_loginout() functions which use the main localization “.mo” file. This is great since even without a locale for your plugin, everything is translated on the front-end.
Unfortunately the links for the entries RSS and the comments RSS don’t depend on the main localization file, even though they replicate core functionality.
Would you consider changing the $content variable’s definition (around line 170 of customMeta.php) as such (I’ve modified ‘entryrss’ and ‘commentrss’ so that they use the main localization file):
$content = array(
'register' => wp_register( '<li>', '</li>', false ),
'login' => '<li>' . wp_loginout( NULL, false ) . '</li>',
'entryrss' =>
'<li><a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ) . '" title="' . __('Syndicate this site using RSS 2.0') . '">'.
__('Entries <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>') .
'</a></li>' ,
'commentrss' =>
'<li><a href="' . get_bloginfo( 'comments_rss2_url' ) . '" title="' . __('The latest comments to all posts in RSS') . '">' .
__('Comments <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>') .
'wordpress' => '<li><a href="https://www.ads-software.com/" title="' .
__( 'Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform.', 'customMetaWidget' ) .
'showcustom' => ( !empty( $instance['customtext'] ) && !empty( $instance['customurl'] ) ?
'<li><a href="' . esc_url( $instance['customurl'] ) . '">' . esc_attr( $instance['customtext'] ) . '</a></li>' :
'<!--' . __( 'Error: "Show Custom Link" is checked, but either the text or URL for that link are not specified. The link was not displayed because it would be broken. Check the settings for your Custom Meta widget.', 'customMetaWidget' ) . '-->' ),
'linklove' => '<li><a href="' . $this->homepage . '" title="' . __( 'WordPress Plugin Homepage', 'customMetaWidget' ) . '">' . __( 'Custom Meta', 'customMetaWidget' ) . '</a></li>'
Best regards,
]]>Is there a way to add a target=”_blank” to the custom link option? It would be nice to have a box to check for that feature. Where can I put that code?