Hi grosbouff,
Just wanted to say that I think it’s pretty cool what you’ve done here in recreating the plugin. I checked out your code and really like your approach to using the core “link” type as a library of links that are then referenced by individual posts. Great job!
One minor issue is due to the plugin having the same exact same folder name. Now my sites are asking my to upgrade to your version of the plugin. Which would be fine if they were more similar, but I don’t see a clear upgrade path.
This support ticket is just to let you know that I will change my github project name, since that is probably easier than you getting a new wp.org repo for your fork. This means the url and plugin folder name for my version of the project will change (for your documentation). I don’t think this will inconvenience anyone, considering the github project has zero stars. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you get any random support requests from old-project users about the plugin being “broken” after updating to 2.0.
That’s all, I’ll Let you know when I get around to changing the original repo name.
Good luck with your fork!