Can you please update this plugin revive it? , The plugin is not recognizing fileds from any other plugins like : Custom Fields or Advanced custom fields.
This plugin could be useful and powerful please update it it could use a update.
Best regards.
]]>With WP 4.3.1, the Post Views and List Views pages don’t offer anything, save the page title.
]]>Howdi Marco,
Nice extension, thanks.
I couldn’t find a way to contact you, but in using this I wanted to have a mailto/email link feature.
I couldn’t see a way to do this, so I made one:
(I can’t find anything about licensing in your repo, think of that as MIT licensed).
Had the code for the plugin been in git, I’d have sent a PR. I was in two minds about git-svn’ing it.
]]>After installing, WP stops responding.
]]>After I install the plugin I get some error about loading scripti in index.php at line 61.
Can you help us?
]]>The dashboard goes blank after activating
Thank you for a GREAT plugin!
I am using Advanced Custom Fields, and upload a series of files (pdf, doc etc).
How do I display a listing of these files in a List View?
I am using CPT list views in a template using the shortcodes, together with Advanced Custom Fields.
The function is fantastic, but the tables display multiple times.
Any suggestions?
]]>On activation through an error on line 61.
]]>I installed the plugin and after I clicked on to activate the plugin page is blank and I can not see anything else the administrative part, how to fix this error?
Thanks to all
]]>How does one ad audio to custom fields. What code needs to be used?
]]>Does not work
Fatal error: Call to undefined function load_scripts() in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-view-generator/index.php on line 61
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function load_scripts() in C:\xampp\htdocs\zimmer\wp-content\plugins\custom-post-view-generator\index.php on line 61
Thanks and good luck
]]>Hi there,
This is a great plugin so far but the recent upgrade to 0.4.5 made my admin panel completely inaccessible. Would you mind making 0.4.2 available in the WordPress repository please.
Thank a lot.
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function load_scripts() in C:\xampp\htdocs\peymansite\wp-content\plugins\custom-post-view-generator\index.php on line 61
]]>just tried on wordpress 3.4.2 and 3.5.0 to upgrade cpvg resulting in blank dashboard and admin pages.
Getting errors in my apache log wordpress was trying to access non existing tables like
WordPress database error Table 'Wordpress.wp_3_cpvg_post_views' doesn't exist for query SELECT options\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM wp_3_cpvg_post_views\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE name = 'page' made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/twentyeleven/page.php'), get_template_part, locate_template, load_template, require('/themes/twentyeleven/content-page.php'), the_content, apply_filters('the_content'), call_user_func_array, cpvg_process_page, referer: https://fukked-up.de/de/
And it’s correct, only wp_cpvg_list_views and wp_cpvg_post_views exist, not the corresponding ones for wp_n.
Just went back to the last backup, so everything’s working again but on old 0.4.2 cpvg.
]]>You renamed the function but not the function call.
Still calling to load_scripts(); instead of cpvg_load_scripts(); in line 61 of index.php
]]>Hi there, I’ve tested the different options to enable pagination in lists, and found that no matter if I set it to make pages of 6, 3 or even 1 item, the page is always showing the first 10 items. Ordering is working fine, but the pagination seems to be stuck in 10. May the theme in use affect how your plugin is reading the lists?
Thank you
]]>I noticed that the plugin removes the more tag functionality. Instead of a “read more” link there are now the full posts on the blog. Any idea how to change that back?
PS: It’s an absolutely amazing plugin and I am very grateful for all the effort! Thanks.
]]>I am using WordPress 3.4.2, running on IIS 7. I used the plugin Custom Content Type Manager to create a custom post type. When I go into CPT View Generator and try and create a post view or list view and hit save, it says “Layout Saved”, but then nothing happens. I can’t access that layout, it doesn’t change the post view, it doesn’t appear anywhere, and if I go back to the post type and same template, everything is blank.
Anyone else having this problem?
]]>Hi! The plugin looks like it’s a good one.
I configured every piece of custom fields, the filters, the pagination, the sorting, and there are about 10 posts to show in the list, but when you browse the pages, only 6 are shown. If I reorder items or even if I show them with random, the page will always show 6/10 posts, not the same ones every time, but it looks like if the query has a “LIMIT 6”. What can I do?
]]>How can I order a list view by custom fields?
]]>After downloading and activating Custom Post View Generator I noticed that the core “read more” behavior of my posts was suddenly not working. Basically large/lengthy posts that contained a “<!–more–>” tag were suddenly displaying the full content of the post on the front page of the website rather than only displaying the “fragment” that I had specified in the post.
I did some research, and even went so far as to make a few suggested changes to the_loop that people suggested to get the desired behavior, but nothing worked.
After walking backwards through the steps that I had done recently I realized that I had installed this plugin, so I deactivated the plugin (left it installed), and suddenly the “Read More” functionality started working again.
I reactivated the plugin (didn’t even bother configuring it) and the “Read More” stuff was broken again.
I like the plugin, but I don’t like the side effect that it has on the site.
You can see the problem on the frontpage at https://norsesoccer.kwstk.com.
Looking for a correction. Not sure what the plugin is doing, but it is having a very undesirable effect.
I have another question.
With custom content type manager plug in I created a relation custom field. i.e Cinemas for movies. However it displays the ID numbers instead of the Cinemas, when I used theCPT view. How can I change this.
]]>Hi Marco
I really like the idea of your plugin. There should be a way of using custom fields without programming a template.
That said, I am having a problem using the plugin. The veiws I set up can’t be saved. When I hit the save layout button ( or generate preview button) nothing happens.
Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
I’m using wp3.4.1 now but it didn’t work with 3.2 either.
]]>Hello. First of all I am not a programmer. I am creating a web site by using Custom Post View Generator and Custom Content Type Manager plug ins. I am using the Suffusion theme. I managed to create a custom post and custom fields for that custom post and have them displayed when viewing the post. However, I could not have the custom fields displayed when viewing from the categories, I mean from the frontend. Let me give you an example. I have parent and child menus. Assume parent is Restaurants and the child is a city. I created many X restaurants for a city. When I click on the city category, I want to display the custom fields that I created (like the excerpt) for each X restaurant first. Then the full content will be displayed when the headline is clicked. I hope I managed to explain my problem. I hope you can help me.
Thank you
]]>Is there a way to display featured image (post thumbnail) from custom post type in listing?
]]>Is it possible to make the Horizontal List View sortable by the visitor?
Great Plugin! Congratulations!!
]]>When I use the pattern of %B for the Month, it will become some strange symbols.
(in pattern of “%m %d, %Y”) [[post.post_date;cpvg_date;%m %d, %Y]]
item title – 07 08, 2012
(in pattern of “%B %d, %Y”) [[post.post_date;cpvg_date;%B %d, %Y]]
item title – ?C?? 08, 2012
I hope it show July 8, 2012
%A (for fullname of weekdays) causes strange symbol as well.
item title – ?C?? 08(?P????), 2012
I hope it show July 8(Thursday), 2012
Moreover, if I wanna just show 1 digit (so I use %e) but whole date disappear. It seems the plugin cannot find any matches function for %e. But the sample code within cpvg date shown.
Is there any measures out of these errors? Is it because of the languages of my server in localhost? as the interface was in Tradition Chinese. Here are some information.
———Server info———
伺服器(server): localhost via TCP/IP
伺服器版本(server-version): 5.1.41
通訊協定版本: 10
使用者: root@localhost
MySQL 文字編碼(word-code): UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Thanks a lot. This plugin is a great help for me.
]]>I first had the following error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/23/d187487723/htdocs/xxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-view-generator/index.php on line 467
I deleted two list views I had created and now I get the following error in the post
No list view with the name ‘list1340824920796’ was found.
What I want, in fact, I believe, is post views. I created several fields in two groups, Ideas and Minuta, with ACF.
When a user posts a new post and selects a category, he/she automatically gets the corresponding ACF template. The categories are also called Ideas and Minuta (plus other categories that I don’t want a special template for).
I don’t see where I can add different post views but rather only one so I added in the fields from ACV in one post view and just indicated that they should be hidden if empty. So, if someone posts a post using the Ideas category and template from ACF, then logically anything posted in the Minuta custom fields wouldn’t appear, or rather, there wouldn’t have been anything entered as that template did not appear to the user.
On the front end, I need the Ideas category’s posts to show the fields and data from the Ideas template (not referring to a WP post template but rather the template ACF renders when writing a post), then I need the data and field names to display on the front end.
I don’t see where the more tag can fit in here at all which bothers me.
Also, in list view, under the CPVG menu items, there are no fields to drag there. I only see draggable fields on the post view option. I think that’s OK because I don’t want a list view.
Please let me know if the above logic will work with this plugin and what I am doing wrong in order to generate the above errors and how to fix them so that the custom fields data can render on the display side after writing the post with the ACF templates.