Hello I just came across some of your wordpress posts regarding searching for similar users or members plugin. I am currently building a website for parents of autistic kids and would like to include a ‘find a parent like you’ page with a filter. So when a parent fills the required fields of that filter like ‘diagnosis of your child’. ‘top behaviours’, ‘symptoms’, ‘treatment’ then he/she can find a parent that has answered similarly and exchange valuable information with him/her. Do you think a plugin of yours might do this job for me?
Many thanks
The Twitter profile links at Unlimited Fan Fiction don’t appear right. They look like this (I’m using my personal Twitter handle from my profile there):
<a href="https://twitter.com/whiteeagle2008">whiteeagle2008</a>
except that last > is showing up as the & g t (I’ve added spaces so it doesn’t turn into > here).
How can I fix this so that it shows up proper?
Nathan P.
]]>Hello! My BuddyPress profile pages include some custom layout styling (HTML added to profile-loops.php). This includes line breaks after each field label + response. Unfortunately, the custom profile fields plugin seems to remove those line breaks on the fields where links have been disabled (the other fields are fine).
The standard/linked fields look something like this:
Field one label
Field one response
Field two label
Field two response
Field three label
Field three response
The fields with the links disabled look like this:
Field one label
Field one response
Field two label
Field two response
Field three label
Field three response
Does you know how I could get the line breaks back so all fields have uniform space between them?
Thank you!
]]>turning social media names into links doesn’t work properly.
It creates
<a href="https://twitter.com/twittername">twittername</a>
instead of
<a href="https://twitter.com/twittername">twittername</a>
I have been styling up my profile page. I am interested to use this to remove the links, but once inserted an ID, it removes the styling previously applied.
How do I go about this without removing the styling?
Thanks in advanced.
]]>Any chance there’s a way to make a “tag cloud” page from the terms people enter in their profiles using this plugin? Assuming the fields are public, of course, which all the ones on my site are.
]]>Improved version, Update for BuddyPress 1.8.1 and WordPress 3.8
1. Replace your whole filters-bp-functions.php with this code:
// Turns on manual linking using curly brackets: {search-term}
function bcp_add_brackets( $field_value ) {
// We use curly brackets instead of square to prevent possible conflicts with bbcodes...
if ( strpos( $field_value, '{' ) | strpos( $field_value, '}' ) ) {
while ( strpos( $field_value, '}') ) {
$open_delin_pos = strpos( $field_value, '{' );
$close_delin_pos = strpos( $field_value, '}' );
$field_value = substr($field_value, 0, $open_delin_pos) . '<a href="' . site_url( BP_MEMBERS_SLUG ) . '/?s=' . substr($field_value, $open_delin_pos+1, $close_delin_pos - $open_delin_pos - 1) . '">' . substr($field_value, $open_delin_pos+1, $close_delin_pos - $open_delin_pos - 1) . '</a>' . substr($field_value, $close_delin_pos+1);
return $field_value;
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'bcp_add_brackets', 999, 1 );
// Adds social networking links
// Checks to see if we can allow bbcode and if so applies it, otherwise leaves field unchanged
function bcp_check_safe_shortcodes( $field_value ) {
if (function_exists('bbp_whitelist_do_shortcode')) {
$field_value = bbp_whitelist_do_shortcode($field_value);
return $field_value;
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'bcp_check_safe_shortcodes', 998, 1 );
function cpfb_add_social_networking_links( $field_value ) {
global $bp, $social_networking_fields;
$bp_this_field_name = bp_get_the_profile_field_name();
if ( isset ( $social_networking_fields[$bp_this_field_name] ) ) {
$sp = strpos ( $field_value, $social_networking_fields[$bp_this_field_name] );
if ( $sp === false ) {
$url = str_replace( '***', strip_tags( $field_value ), $social_networking_fields[$bp_this_field_name] );
echo '<a href="https://' . $url . '">' . $field_value . '</a>';
} else {
return $field_value; }
add_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'cpfb_add_social_networking_links', 1 );
2. Add the following class to the stylesheet of your activated theme:
td.data a[href$="members/?s"] {
display: none !important;
visibility: hidden !hidden;
In case you use a highly customized theme for BuddyPress or another Permalink, you might have to customize the CSS Code.
Have fun!
I am using version 0.3.1 (as I can’t get the latest one working how I want it).
The plugin works fine, however it seems to distort the CSS of the Members Profile. Whenever there’s a linkable profile field it creates an extra line below.
Hopefully this screenshot explains better: https://bit.ly/19YUJQb
How can I fix this?
]]>The fix listed here
still seems to work in buddypress 1.7.2
]]>Copy and paste the code from David at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-custom-profile-filters-for-buddypress-new-profile-fields-in-16-ruins-the-functionality-of-this-plugin?replies=4#post-3216073 to make this old plugin work in BuddyPress 1.6.x
Makes extra profile fields worth having ??
]]>Any chance of an update for BuddyPress 1.6 ?
]]>I am trying to use the ‘Twitter’ =>’twitter.com/***’ , coding but I cannot get it to turn into an actual link. For some reason all the profile “links” are searches with that specific name.
Obviously noone else is going to have the same twitter account… But for some reason BP treats it as a site search to see if any other members are using that name?
]]>I’m using WP 3.0.1 & BP …
This plugin is great , will this work with the latest version of BP ?