i have used your plugin for Add extra filters for custom post type it’s working fine for First post type but not working for multiple in same texonomy.
Please check screenshot 1 and screenshot 2
working fine in first screen shot
but i want to add in Application also, so can you help.
I try to filter my Ultimate member groups, but the categories filter doesn’t work. Tags filter work good.
The ID and the name of the categories field are empty. I think it would be the problem.
You can try to install Ultimate member and create some groups and categories of groups and active the group categories filter.
Thanks for your work!
]]>when active for Posts now apears 2 select dropdowns one is wordpress whithout numbers and the second is of the plugin whith numbers of posts. how to disable the wordpress selector?
I cannot make the latest version work with custom taxonomies.
Reverting to 1.4 works fine again.
]]>Not sure what the problem is but after enabling this on a custom taxonomy which is attached to pages, the filter shows up but anything you select does not get filtered, you always see all the items.
]]>I need to invert the functionality of this plugin, so instead of only showing posts that *do* have a certain taxonomy, I need it to filter them out and show only those posts which *don’t* have it. Is this possible?
Secondly, if so, is there a way to make that view the default when a user visits the ‘all posts’ page?
]]>After playing around with the plugin some more, I’ve noticed a few other issues:
1) Even though the media attachment post type is available as an option on the plugin settings screen, no filters appear on the media library screen. Since I have custom media taxonomies, it would be great if this worked!
2) The plugin only adds public CPTs to the settings screen — no filter options are available for private CPTs. I would need the filter options available for any post type, not just public ones.
3) Plugin settings are deleted if changes are made to the plugin via the Editor. I was trying to see if something like 'edit.php' || 'upload.php'
would work for displaying the filters on the media library screen and couldn’t understand why my filters were no longer displaying on the post and page edit screens. Then I realized that every time I make changes to the plugin using the Editor, I have to go back to the plugin settings screen and reselect all my options. That shouldn’t happen… (And btw, nothing I tried worked for showing the filters on the media library screen.)
I sincerely hope some of these issues can be resolved soon. Thanks!
]]>I just started using this plugin today since the one I used before was recently removed from the repository. It works a lot as expected, with a couple of glitches.
Mainly, I couldn’t get any of the filters to work at all with the category filter enabled on posts. The regular category filter appeared, as did the plugin’s category filter (as well as the other custom taxonomies I had selected) — but none of them worked at all, except for the regular WordPress category filter.
I disabled the category filter from the settings screen, which resolved the issue. The plugin’s category filter is gone, and the regular WordPress category filter remains. Now all the filters work, except for the tag filter, but there’s already a thread open for that…
So I thought I would post this in case anyone else comes across the problem.
I would also like to request that the WordPress category filter be disabled by default if the plugin’s category filter is enabled. I suspect this would fix the problem as well, because to me it just looks like a conflict between the filters. And since the plugin’s filter shows totals for each category, it’s more useful than the default filter, so I would prefer to use the plugin’s filter.
]]>If you have a taxonomy that exists over more than one custom post type, even if you only check it to show on one specific type, it becomes checked on each custom post type.
The only way to get rid of it is to uncheck it for every post type; though this means you can’t use as shared taxnomy as a filter for just a specific post type.
You have a customer post type ‘news’ and another called ‘resource’ both are bound to the taxonomy ‘area’. If you enable the filter to be use for the type ‘resource’ it will automatically check itself to also be displayed for the type ‘news’… In this case I would only want the filter to be bound to the content type selected.
]]>hello i have just installed it but it doesnt work . i see the drop down i see the tags but nothing is filtered . plz help
]]>When WP_DEBUG is set to true, a couple of notices appear in admin:
Notice: Undefined index: category in /home/sites/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-taxonomy-filter/customtaxfilterinadmin.php on line 557
Notice: Undefined index: post_tag in /home/sites/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-taxonomy-filter/customtaxfilterinadmin.php on line 557
Notice: Undefined index: post_format in /home/sites/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-taxonomy-filter/customtaxfilterinadmin.php on line 557
Notice: Undefined index: category in /home/sites/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-taxonomy-filter/customtaxfilterinadmin.php on line 516
Notice: Undefined index: post_tag in /home/sites/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-taxonomy-filter/customtaxfilterinadmin.php on line 516
Notice: Undefined index: post_format in /home/sites/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-taxonomy-filter/customtaxfilterinadmin.php on line 516
]]>Plugin works well, but I’m unable to uncheck any checkboxes in the settings. When I save they still displayed as checked.
This is the case with all checkboxes so if I check a previously unchecked option, it saves OK, but if I then uncheck it refuses to turn off.
I have not looked at the code yet but I would guess that because unchecked checkboxes are not submitted when a form is submitted, the code might be checking for a value and because there is no value not saving the deselected options.
]]>I noticed the following bug when activated :
The taxonomy list in the admin does not refresh automatically anymore when creating a new taxonomy term. The page has to be refreshed manually.
An Ajax issue, obviously.
Pretty good plugin otherwise.