This plugin is really great and works fine at one of my sites.
My problem is that I need to export/import all posts to another site and this process doesn’t keep the original folder structure I’ve created with this plugin and imports all media with the default WP media structure (year/month).
Is it possible to revert somehow to classic WP media folder structure for media at existing site or, otherwise, should I rather install the plugin at new site with same settings? In this case I’m not sure whether the import/export process will keep the same structure…
What would you recommend?
]]>mp3 and mp4 used to be options when specifying an extension. Those no longer exist, so all my audio and video is being uploaded to my default subfolder (which is images).
Please fix this!
I have set the Default Folder Name via wp-config to be another directory in the root of our site. I cannot change this to the same folder with this plugin and related setting. I can set this value in the DB or via another plugin, but would prefer to limit the amount of plugins installed and activated. When I do this, I can leave the field blank, and everything does seam to work, but I receive the Please enter a Default Folder Name error.
I would like to see functionality added similar to WP Original Media Path.
]]>Hi there,
The plugin works great with backend uploads but seems to completely ignore uploads made by users using frontend submission forms.
I use a directory theme that offers frontend submission and uploads and just discovered that uploads made by clients are not taken into account and end up at usual WP uploads folder.
It would be great if you find a solution for this…
Thanks for your work!
Just realized that images downloaded through Image Inject plugin
are not taken into account in user folders and remain at root.
Image Inject downloads and stores images on server by its own.
I don’t know whether there is a way to solve this..
]]>I see how to create rules for extension and rules by user.
When you setup both will it create a folder to follow extension rules for each user?
So for example if PDF’s got to /uploads/pdfs
and I have a user with /uploads/first_last
Will they have their pdf’s go to /uploads/first_last/pdfs ?
]]>I would be great to organize the uploads folders by week and/or day. It gets annoying when you have a huge amount of files in one single folder. Plus, FTP protocol does not like it.
Great plugin!
]]>This plugin really fills a gap and would be also great to get it to work on multisite installations.
I tried but doesn’t work at all, at network level or individual site.
]]>I would like a feature where I could assign a specific folder to a specific user. For Example, I would like to assign the folder “/wp-content/uploads/conservation” to user “Mary” and “Mike”. The “admin” user I want to stay at the default.
Another possible feature (I think this one would be hard!) is to assign a certain folder to all the media depending on the (custom) post type. I have a few custom post types like “conservation-news” and “conservation-events” that I want all media to go to “/wp-content/uploads/conservation”.
]]>I get this error when I try to activate the plugin:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in \wp-content\plugins\custom-upload-folders-plus\custom-upload-folders-plus.php on line 336
In total there are 6 lines in “custom-upload-folders-plus.php” where this occurs: 336, 570, 571, 584, 599, 600.
If I edit the file and change “[]” on the above 6 lines to “array()” then it activates correctly and seems to work correctly as well.