Hallo, is it possible that the featured image is only linked on the post page but not in the Latest Posts widget?
In other words: The featured image in the widget should link to the post but the featured image in the post itself should link to the specified URL.
Is this possible in any way?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Add Featured Image Custom Link plugin not working, I have tried in two themes but not working. The input box comes below the feature image tab, when I add an external URL and update the post, it is not working any clicks not opening the external link, I am trying this from 3 days, but didn’t woked, please help.
I would like to add a feature: the possibility of uploading files to imgur and using them in the site library to add them to the article and add them to the favorite image of the article….
In other words, I prefer to use imgur as a cloud host for photos
These are some of the old additions that used to do such work
]]>Your plugin works with cover template twenty twenty?
This plugin’s “Requires at least” is below 4.6. so you need to set a Text Domain in custom-url-to-featured-image.php and it needs to be custom-url-to-featured-image to correctly internationalize your plugin! (see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/internationalization/how-to-internationalize-your-plugin/#text-domains)
I cannot find the repository of this plugin so I cannot submit a pull request.
The necessary modifications are the following:
custom-url-to-featured-image.php, please add Text Domain: custom-url-to-featured-image
to header.
Line 52 should be load_plugin_textdomain( 'custom-url-to-featured-image', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );
admin\class-cust-li-fi-admin.php line 23 should be __( 'Custom Url to Featured Image', 'custom-url-to-featured-image' ),
Hey, I found this amazing plugin but unfortunately; it is not working.?
The Product link: [ redundant link removed ]
Can you please help?
]]>Hi team
I’ve changed my custom link to my featured images but they don’t work.
Could you look into it, please?
Hi i would like the image have the link without the quick view button,
so imagine would to take the External link right away is that possible?
My client (Harley Davidson) has over 11.000 images which I placed on a cdn subdomain. Inside the urlnamings some inconsistencies happen such as use of capitals in one product and use of same code but with small letters in variaties for same product OR extra images with extensions such as xxxVM~_1.jpg and xxxvm~_2.png for the 2nd image, etc.
I would like to enter a url with a wildcard such as * meaning that all that preceeds the asterix is to be exact, all that follows doesn’t matter and is either used for the featured or for the gallery depending if there are more than 1 images.
Also, if no image is found a placeholder should be used.
I use WP All import but don’t know what to select on the WP All Import “images” section when using your plugin.
Website is under construction, you could access and play…
Thank you for helping me out here…
Hi there,
We have been using an encoded URL link within the feature image URL, but when we publish the page it reverts back to the decoded version of the URL.
Is this a known issue? Any way to get around this?
]]>I want to use featured image link for every post and page in my site.when i go with add featured image custom link plugin link is not working. am using newsberg theme.
]]>Hi – I was using this plugin (Custom Link Featured Image) but it just stopped working. No link is being attached when I do inspect mode
]]>Plugin installed without issue, input field below feature image in dashboard as expected. However when we add the url it doesn’t seem to take effect. Using theme “One” by evolve themes. Very stable and mature theme to date. Alternately you can see the post featured on the home page with the feature image and text excerpt. (“overture.coop”). Using current version of the theme and WP.
How do we translate the following in backend –?we cant seem to do it with Loco Translate:
1 –?Featured Image
2 –?Custom url to Featured Image
Thanks. lot! ??
i have installed the plugin and activated but Featured Image Custom Link not working.
i test on this external image:
no results at all
]]>This is a small patch to properly show featured image in a post if the theme supports it
in admin/class-cust-li-fi-admin.php
, replace the following function
function cust_li_fi_thumbnail_fallback( $html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr ) {
$clink = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_custom_url_image', true );
if ( empty( $html ) || !empty ($clink) && is_singular()) {
$width = $size == 'post-thumbnail' ? get_option( 'thumbnail_size_w' ) : NULL;
$height = $size == 'post-thumbnail' ? get_option( 'thumbnail_size_h' ) : NULL;
$html = sprintf(
'<a href="%s" title="%s" target="_blank" class="ex-link">%s</a>',
esc_attr( get_the_title( $post_id ) ),
? sprintf(
'<img src="%s" style="%s" />',
empty($height) && empty($height)
? 'width: 100%; height: auto; max-width: 100vw'
: sprintf(
empty($width) ? '' : "width: ${width}px;",
empty($height) ? '' : "height: ${height}px;")
: $html);
return $html;
also add another hook to the very end of the file
add_action('has_post_thumbnail', function($has_thumbnail = NULL, $post = NULL, $thumbnail_id = NULL) {
$clink = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_custom_url_image', true );
return !empty($clink);
While this is not ideal, but it gets the job done. Also be careful when you are replacing the function code, as the code itself is rather badly formatted.
]]>Not able to get featured image to link. Not sure if it’s because of my template or what.
Also do you know if your plugin will be compatible with this one:
Can I post a featured image url using the wordpress rest api?
]]>I’m using WP.org’s theme named “Spacious”. I was able to successfully install and activate the plugin. I went to an existing page, with a featured image attached. The field to enter the link appears underneath with https://example.com, but I am unable to edit the field. I can put the cursor in the field, but nothing else.
No special plugins at this time except the “Disable Gutenberg” plugin is active (I HATE the Gutenberg editor). Could that be messing it up?
]]>The featured image custom link works great, except it requires http or https for a link which makes it not portable. Is there any way to eliminate the http prefix and just allow a / at the beginning of the url?
]]>Great plugin, fast, easy and doe’s what it says! Thanks!
I do have a question, my front page is a preview of posts all with a scaled featured image. It is possible to make that preview image a link?
Thanks, good work.
Could you make an option for the Featured Image external link to open in the same tab? Perhaps add a radio button to select:
__ Open external link in SAME tab
__ Open external link in NEW tab
]]>I just installed this plugin and I am thrilled with how easy it is to use and what a great problem solver it is for connecting my images to external URLs – even YouTube videos!!
I would like to make a donation, however, the “Donate to this plugin” button gives a 404 error. Please fix the URL so that I, and other users, can support your efforts.
]]>i have installed the pro version of this plugin and the plugin in not working , its still links to the original post and not to the external link
]]>Hello. Need add to the code by hands, like “echo get…”
Please, help…
]]>Hi there,
Clicking on the featured image opens a page in a new tab. How do I make it use the same tab?
on my website “FEATURED IMAGE CUSTOM LINK”Plugin is not working.The feature image is not opening in new tab or not showing the link where it is copied from.Please help in resolving this issue.
good morning,
your plugin is awesome !!!
only works perfectly with elementor that when I click on the image in evidence it doesn’t bring me to the personalized link but to the post.
how can i solve?
thank you
When the featured image is clicked, can it be set to open the external URL in a separate page?