When I create a new form is automatically created an email type field I can’t erase.
This field has the tag <value=”the-email-of-site”> and no placeholder.
I’d like avoid the tag <value> and activate the tag <placeholder> for that indelible filed
delete that field and add an email field fully editable
switch it to not visible and add an email field fully editable
Why is this form not working properly? All the settings seem in good tune. The checkboxes seem to be disabled. It looks kind of screwed up.
Would appreciate your help a lot!
This is the page where it is implemented: https://www.reumatism.ro/nuintoarcespatele/autoevaluare/
Thank you!
]]>Many things to like but almost too simple where options are limited and hard to navigate website support for easy FAQ. No date on submissions that I can find and can’t export list for free…
I hope you can help me please.
When the SEND button is pressed the page reload and message not sent.
This was in the beginning no problem.
Ik can’t even send a quistion from the dashboard in wordpress to you.
Kind reegards
]]>The popup form should have a way to close it quickly, other than clicking off the form, or as well as clicking off the form. Why annoy customer forcing them to have to think, to use our sites?
]]>After the latest plug-in upgrade, to 2.1.2, the Required Field option stopped working.
]]>Hi Support,
after sending a mail to support mail 3 weeks ago and still waiting for an answer. I try it here.
The domain name has changed and the plugin therefor doesn’t work anymore. It was a developement domain that no longer exists.
Where do I send the new domain name?
Kind regards
]]>I just clicked the Upgrade button within my WP panel for this plugin and, suddenly, none of my Required fields are working correctly. They don’t have the * designation, nor does the form force an entry upon submission.
]]>Fantastic plugin …..
Dropdown only shows 10 items, which can change this setting?
Thanks in advance
]]>I would like the radio and check boxes to align left and stack on top of each other instead of running together like they do now, is there a easy way for me to do this, could I just insert
or do I need to do css, if css where do i find the proper place to put it.
Thank you!
]]>First off, great plugin! I had to try about 5 different form plugins before I settled on this one. I think it’s simple and straightforward.
I am having difficulty placing the ReCaptcha box in my quote form however, and I’m hoping you can help.
To resize the ReCaptcha box I found that the following code works excellently:
.page-id-2 .article-container #cfp_input, .cfp_input_captcha {
transform: scale(.8) !important;
-ms-transform: scale(.8) !important;
-webkit-transform: scale(.8) !important;}
But I still need to horizontally center the Recaptcha box within the container. I have tried various selectors and margin commands with no luck. Thanks!
My site: https://www.trafficlawsolutions.net
]]>Is there a max number of characters in the Drop Down field? I have up to around ten options I like to be able to choose from but I ocan only put about half of them (around 200 characters).
]]>Hi. Whatever page has the shortcode inserted into it, the surrounding widgets no longer display any of their images (show broken image link).
]]>First at all thx for this great contact plugin.
But when you enter are wrong captcha code then all entered field data is gone and you need to start all over …
Any idea how to Change that?
Is there a way to keep the data even if the code was wrong … that is really boring when you filled all fields and y need to re enter everything ….
Any suggestions or ideas how to fix that?
Kind regards from australia
I recently installed Contact Form Pro and think its great but just having one problem.
I want to have some introduction text on the page ABOVE the contact form. However even when I put the shortcode below this text the form still shows above it.
So how do I get the contact form to display below the paragraph text?
URL: https://bradytravel.com/contact-us/
]]>Thanks for your good work on this plugin, but I have problem in Chinese character output, is there any suggestion to fix it?
]]>How can I show a field as required, when it won’t let me put and asterisk * in the field?