Hi there – I can still see in my logs that https://openmtbmap.org/browserconfig.xml returns a 404. I thought that is the url which Windows requests? And I see quite a few hits in my firewall log to that url.
Am I missing something or is this plugin not working anymore? (using php 5.6 and nginx und ubuntu 14.04 with wordpress 4.5.1)
]]>This makes me sad. I see this so often. Developers list the generic “install a plugin” directions on the install page. But never go beyond that. Is there a WP code? I installed it. I activated it. Nothing on my site changed. I could not find a WP Code… maybe there is just something I am not getting.
Thank you in advance, for taking the time to respond to this post.
]]>I am using v2.1 of the plugin at https://www.svenskarecept.se, but despite using an JPG image that is 550×550 pixel and 156 kB, the tile won’t update in Windows 8.1. What have I missed?
]]>Display posts?
]]>Hi there! I have confirmed I have a large enough image loaded. I don’t get anything but a default IE shortcut pin though with a small and standard sized square. No image of mine and no live feed.
my site is: https://www.cadsoft-consult.com/blogs/support
]]>I can see the metadata lines in the source code but the pinning doesn’t produce a live tile. When pinning, I get to choose my icon image from the default ie icon or my last three featured images. As a result, I just get a pinned shortcut with the selected background color and image. I had thought that it was my lite-cache so I removed it. Still nothing. I went through the buildmypinnedsite.com construct and I couldn’t find where there is a discrepancy. Maybe it doesn’t work in 4.0
]]>Hi, I cannot get the program to work; it says there is an error, yet the pics do get uploaded. When I go to pin the final app it doesn’t have the images available that I uploaded. It keeps using the site’s icon instead?
I have a screenshot, but there is no where to attach it?
]]>My hosting provider disabled remote wrappers for file_get_contents so GD can’t load the image through a URL.
My quick and dirty solution is to use file:// and then have the plugin strip it off before passing an absolute path to the appropriate file.
In custom-windows-pinned-tiles.php, replace line 258:
$img = wp_get_image_editor( $input['imgurl'] );
$file_url = str_replace( 'file://', '', $input['imgurl'] );
$img = wp_get_image_editor( $file_url );
And then manually input a file path in the image selection box in the settings.
]]>My lastest post is missing from the slideshow. Actually, it displays last post from 2 to 6 instead of the five last ones. The source code shows <meta name="msapplication-notification" content="frequency=360;polling-uri=https://notifications.buildmypinnedsite.com/?feed=https://blog.example.com/feed/&id=1;polling-uri2=https://notifications.buildmypinnedsite.com/?feed=https://blog.example.com/feed/&id=2;polling-uri3=https://notifications.buildmypinnedsite.com/?feed=https://blog.example.com/feed/&id=3;polling-uri4=https://notifications.buildmypinnedsite.com/?feed=https://blog.example.com/feed/&id=4;polling-uri5=https://notifications.buildmypinnedsite.com/?feed=https://blog.example.com/feed/&id=5; cycle=1" />
but my lastest post seems to be referenced as “https://notifications.buildmypinnedsite.com/?feed=https://blog.example.com/feed/&id=0“