I noticed that the text hover link/logo changed from “Powered by WordPress” to “Go to www” which to me meant from my language to English. I wish it was possible to remove text hover link/logo or that I myself can choose what it should say.
]]>Login logo size is 80×80 in WP 3.8.
I would be nice if we can set the login logo size.
Thank you!
Just wanted to say Thank You! You would make a KILLING Selling this plugin!
Not sure people understand WHY this plugin is SO good!
Because you can LINK the graphic there is Nothing stopping you from making it an AD! For our clients we simply remind them they earn cash for Referrals and a link to that topic page on our website.
Every 2 to 14 Days they WILL see this Ad! (2 days for no “Remember Me”, 14 days for “Remember Me” logins)
Only thing that could even make this better is the ability input Iframe it so “Ads” could be managed from one place for an entire network!