Is there a way that I can customize the code or edit it so that on each page the player automatically plays a specific song instead of starting off with the same song? I don’t want it to shuffle just want to have specific songs to play for each different page.
For example
On the Homepage I may want (America the Beautiful) to play
On the Contact us page (national anthem)
and so on…
Each page have a specific song
Cw music player, works in firefox. when I use mp3 file ! but not when use ogg file.
Works in chrome, when i use ogg file! but not with mp3 file
FF: MP3 – not ogg
Chrome: ogg – not MP3
and both of them, not wma
Why ??!
and How I can fix this?
Please help me…
I have installed the plug in and activated all the options. The player shows on my page but it doesn’t play and does not show any of the player buttons to navigate through the songs.
What could be the reason for it?
My site:
I am using Circle wave and it was working very well when i placed the files on my wordpress site but i was running out of space so i placed my mp3 files on dropbox but now the player is not working with these drop box links.
Can you please help me out. I really like your player very much.
Thanks Regards, Heraa
]]>the plugin works just fine, but when i resize my website using ctrl+ or Ctrl – it stops functioning, or just looks bad when sized up. i have the same issue when i pinch zoom with my iphone. Can i make it so that when i resize my site the player will not be affected
]]>Hi guys,
First of all I really like your plugin. I’m using CW Music Player for one of my client website. He says that script does not working with some browsers (not showing up at all) and not necessarily old ones. It’s not only IE6 but also Firefox or Chrome. XP, Win7 or Win8 OS. What could be the cause?
Website url: (it’s polish lang). I’ll be very grateful for your help.
]]>Auto play is not working on my site, i enabled autolay ftr..but it’ll not wrkng.. ??
]]>Will this player only use .mp3 file types?
]]>This plugin looks good and functions for me in all ways with one exception, it stops playing the playlist after the first song on the newest version of Chrome and Firefox, while Safari, Opera, and IE9 work by continuing to play the entire playlist.
Thank you for any suggestions concerning this problem.
]]>I want to use the player hidden & let auto play music.. but even when i show the player, auto play does not work?
any idea?
]]>I love this plugin, it looks very tidy out of the box and is so simple to set up, and or modify!
One feature that WOULD be really worthwhile would be if the site remembered that you had set the music to NOT play and retain this setting until it was turned on again. Unfortunately, when a page is refreshed the music starts again, even if paused.
Secondary to this, it is a shame that the music restarts when changing pages, though I suppose this may be unavoidable.
]]>The player installs beautifully fine and plays back music, if I enable autoplay, however – if I click the player I get an instant redirect to ‘themesaholic’.
Can I fix this in some way?
]]>I installed this audio player and found it easy to use and style, but when I peeked under the hood I saw the links to my audio files right there for all the world to see (and steal). I also was disappointed that it must re-load and start the song all over again every time you browse to another page of the site. Those were two deal breakers for me, sadly. Other than that it’s great.
I’m a total WordPress novice. I’ve just downloaded, installed, and somehow “activated” the CW Music Player, but I’m not clear on what to do next. Is there an interface? I’ve looked under “Widgets” and other places, but I don’t know what the next step is.
Thanks for your help!