Hi, I just installed Data Tensai for Contact Form 7 and it works fine with the CSV export and filtering, but it doesn’t show the charts at all.
Fortunately I found the bug: you’re missing a “t” in the code!
–> wp-content/plugins/datatensai-cf7/views/field-stats.html.php:14
you have an esc_atr() instead of an esc_attr()
I fixed it and now it works perfectly.
Maybe you should check it too! ??
I am really amazed with this plugin..
any shortcode to display data and chart on the front end?
thank you so much.
Is there a shortcode—bespoke maybe—to display the admin style or similar list table of datatensai_entry post-type on the front of site. Nothing fancy. Just a base loop to display Subject and Message onto the public side of site?