I have tried multiple SVGs to try and replace the default plugin arrows but nothing ever shows.
]]>hi Howard,
i would like to show pages in carousel, but there is no such option. is it possible to show pages in carousel instead of posts?
Thanks for the great plugin!
How could I go about setting the ‘center: true’ option within Owl Carousel?
Essentially, I would like the center slide to have the ‘center’ class so I can use CSS to enlarge the image?
]]>Hi, really enjoying your plugin so far!
I would like to style my excerpt text (give it padding). I`m noticing it doesn��t have it��s own selector when I look into the code. I dont see a way of styling the text when its not in a paragraph tag and doesnt have its own class.
Do you have a way to do it or could this maybe be included in a future update?
Thank you
On the team section this plugin is being used. For some reason now the first few team member images won’t load unless the carousel is interacted with (even then it’s problematic). Switching off Lazy Load works but then the titles down hide and show correctly.
]]>I created a Carousel and it works fine – CSS ID 1117 (changes didn’t work though), i then created a 2nd Carousel – CSS ID 1185 but that one wont appear on the page unless i change the CSS ID to the same ID as the 1st Carousel (1117), but then i cant change the css for that one only.
When i check the code i can see the js code (below) but it is repeated on the page 5 times but all 5 repeats of the code reference CSS ID 1117 so it isn’t adding a js call for the 1185 Carousel.
I’m also guessing that when i make an edit to a Carousel it is adding another js code as below instead of updating it.
Where are the js scripts stored? i couldn’t find them in the database or in the plugin folder.
jQuery(“#carousel-1117”).owlCarousel({ “loop”:true, “autoplay” : false, “autoplayTimeout” : 7000, “smartSpeed” : 400, “fluidSpeed” : 400, “autoplaySpeed” : 400, “navSpeed” : 400, “dotsSpeed” : 400, “margin”: 10, “autoplayHoverPause” : true, “center” : false, “responsiveRefreshRate” : 200, “slideBy” : 1, “mergeFit” : true, “lazyLoad” : false, “mouseDrag” : true, “touchDrag” : true, “nav” : true, “navText” : [‘<’,’>’], “dots” : false, “responsive”:{ 0:{items:2}, 480:{items:2}, 768:{items:2}, 991:{items:3}, 1200:{items:4}, 1500:{items:5}, }, });
Can I translate ‘Read More’ with WPML?
]]>There seems to be an issue with the width of single elements (at least at our website). The width ist not correct until I resize (width or height does not matter) the browser window. Instead of 5 elements it shows 7 and a half. Once the windows size is changed it shows 5 elements like it is defined in the settings.
I implemented a fix in class-owl-carousel-2-public.php where I added a setTimeout around the .owlCarousel part of the code. This seems to be a known problem with Owl Carousel in general.
An additional field with the possibility to set a timeout per carousel (or global) would be awesome!
How I can add content post in popup lightbox post carousel ?
Thanks before.
The plugin rocks and I’m super happy with it. However, I’m trying to display some custom fields from Pods in my carousel. I’ve seen the code example for WooCommerce prices but that seems specific to that post type.
I have a field called “fareharbour_booking_button” that I want to display in a button, but havent been able to pull it correctly
I saw a code example for ACF but wasnt able to make it work. Any ideas?
I am trying to make a carousel to show events from Events Calendar, but it just doesn’t show on the page. I can see in the inspector that the slider is there (top of page), but it’s empty.
Shortcode used: [dd-owl-carousel id=”4316″]
Theme: Astra
Post Type: Begivenheder (events in Danish)
Taxonomy: None
Number of Posts: 5
Post Excerpt Length: 10
Post Excerpt: …
Order Output: Date Ascending
I am trying to replace the slider custom type post with an external link with ACF field. I use the following code but not luck.
add_action( 'dd-carousel-after-content' , 'my_custom_carousel_header' , 10, 1);
function my_custom_carousel_header($id){
if ($id == 254524) { // your carousel ID - numeric
global $post;
echo '<div class="item-inner"><a href="'.get_field('external_link_sl', $post->ID).'">Go To Link</a></div><br>';
//$terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'product_cat'); // use your custom taxonomy
$term_list = array();
foreach ($terms as $term){
$term_list[] = $term->name;
echo implode(', ', $term_list);
How to set the a href to image link with the a href link with the ACF field link?
The settings are Display Post Option > Image On Click Options > None – Just show image
]]>[dd-owl-carousel id=”1″ title=”Carousel Title”]
We are using Custom Post Carousels with Owl
there are only 2 members on Carousel
Under North Valley City Hall, Eve Sinclair appears twice.
we want to update so Eve only appears once.
is there shortcode for it
I’m using your plugin however is there a way to vertical align the images to center, with a white background at all?
]]>I’m using owl carousel, which is working fine.
But my client is now asking that the user should be also able to scroll horizontally (as well as drag).
I found this script that works with OwlCarousel:
But I don’t know how to implement it in WP for it to work with your plugin.
Can you help?
Thanks !
I’ve seen that the text (more…) is shows in excerpts if there is not excerpt defined in the post and it’s used the “read more” block in the post description (some post types of some plugins don’t have excerpt available so it’s needed to use the “read more”)…
I’ve changed the PHP code of the pluging to avoid it in the file:
I’ve made an easy change in the line 271 to make the excerpt in this case don’t show the (more…) text.
$theContent = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content() );
$theContent = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content(”) );
I’ve only add the quotes to the first parameter of get_the_content function, to delete the more_link_text
That’s all… because the (more…) is not good for me…
Maybe in the next update this can be an option to be changed or a default behaviour
?Thanks for the plugin!
]]>So this is probably the only plugin I found that is a) free and b) does almost what I want due to my limited PHP knowledge (barely any).
I was wondering if it was possible to style it in a way where I could have the post title, excerpt, read more button, and maybe the arrows all on top of the featured post image?
Sort of like this:
Sort of maybe inputting PHP corresponding codes in my theme for where the featured image goes, post excerpt, read more, etc. Since I’ve coded a theme where it would have a featured post carousel, but due to my lack of PHP knowledge, I’m not able to do this from scratch, which is why I’m relying on plugins to do this, and so far this does it all except for being able to get it to match my design as closely as possible.
I am trying to place an url from ACF custom post type to owl-item.
Any help how to archive this?
Post titles were displaying just fine when I installed the plugin this morning. I updated a few minutes ago & now they are not. ��Hide post title�� setting is unchecked. I checked the setting, updated carousel, unchecked it, and updated carousel again, no change. I also created a new carousel from scratch, same issue. Can you please check?
I use this plugin for several month but I recently encountered an issue when uploading images.
In the back-office, when I upload images on a carousel it appears correctly but when I publish/update the page, it all disapear.
Here’s a video of the issue : https://clients.raphaelvallauri.fr/owl-slide-issue.mov
I assume it might be an issue with the new wordpress version but if someone has already known this trouble I’ll be thankfull to have the solution !
I’ve been using this plugin with the svg icon on the Prev and Next button.
But after updating to the latest Update version(1.4.3) of the plugin,
the Prev and Next button change to default button ‘<‘ and ‘>’.
I tried to change from ‘<‘ to ‘<svg…>’, but it automatically returns to ‘<‘.`
Could you check this matter, please?
(Version 1.4.1 works)
I’ve created a carousel with random order and have inserted the widget via shortcode in the sidebar. If i view multiple posts at the same time, it appears they all display and go through the same posts in the same order rather than displaying random posts. And for every post I visit, they all start the same and go through the same order. There doesn’t seem to be any thing random about the display. Does the Random order not work?
When updating to the latest version of the plugin, the Taxonomy Options break.
Basically when selecting custom post types by ID, it returns no results in the ID field, even though posts do exist for the particular post type.
]]>Out of the box, this plugin doesn’t work because the placement of where you are just dumping out the variables in a <script> tag is not taking into account where I’ve placed my jQuery enqueue function…
You’re just placing it somewhere in the footer, however the issue is your code is appearing before my call to jQuery (resulting in this not working at all).
Is your plugin not loading based on the jQuery as a dependency?
]]>Hello, and thanks a lot for your plugin!
I’m using it to display my projects, which are organized by category.
I have managed to customize one carousel using the add_filter code and got the result I’m looking for.
But my code targets only one carousel (by ID) and I need to use that same model for several carousels, one in each category page. Is this possible?
I’m not a programer, and I tried my best but I’m stuck right now.
And I’m french, so I hope I’m being clear in my request ??
Any chance you could help?
Thank you so much for your response.
Here is the code I use:
add_filter('dd_filter_owl_carousel_script', 'custom_owl_carousel_filter', 10, 2);
function custom_owl_carousel_filter($owl_script, $carousel_id){
if ($carousel_id !== 762) return $owl_script;
$owl_script ="
'autoWidth' :true,
'autoplay' : false,
'autoplayTimeout' : 2000,
'smartSpeed' : 400,
'fluidSpeed' : 400,
'autoplaySpeed' : 400,
'navSpeed' : 400,
'dotsSpeed' : 400,
'margin': 400,
'autoplayHoverPause' : false,
'center' : false,
'responsiveRefreshRate' : 200,
'slideBy' : 1,
'mergeFit' : true,
'mouseDrag' : true,
'touchDrag' : true,
'nav' : false,
'navText' : ['',''],
'dots' : false,
'lazyLoad' : true,
return $owl_script;
Greta plugin, but when I load two shortcoeds on one page I get a website critical error. No error in php log though
]]>Hi, I am showing carousel on pages that have a state dropdown on the page, and I only want the custom posts with the selected state to show in the carousel.
How do I pass the selected state from an html dropdown into the carousel so I only show the ones for the selected state? I assume a filter would work but I don’t know how to get this value from client side and pass it to the the server side filter. Please help? Thanks.
I currently have a few carousels set up that I’ve coded to be filtered by specific tags on specific pages.
We are trying to use the infinite loop on these, however, when there are fewer posts that are filtered in then the number of columns selected in the plugin the posts are repeated due to the selection of the infinite loop. Is there a simple way to modify this plugin so that the loop setting will only kick in if the number of posts available is greater than the number of columns selected in the plugin?
]]>This is exactly what I am looking for but oddly, it doesn’t display at all (it should be at the bottom of the page).
I can see that the .owl-carousel is set to display:none; which I don’t understand. If I remove the display:none; it then displays, but not in a carousel.
Any help would be much appreciated
I am using your plugin but it doesn��t show navigation arrows, it��s a bug or any error?
Thank you