is deadblocker available for non wordpress websites?
]]>I’ve had to deactivate De AD Blocker as the Modal display ad blocking notice doesn’t appear up front, but now shows below the footer to all visitors, wehther using an ad blocker or not. It was find before the recent few updates! Please correct this as it’s a great plugin! Thanks.
Are you working on the blocking option for this plugin? When do you expect to have it done by?
]]>Evreything is in the title…
DeAdblocker still appearing when Adblock is disabled, especially on phones, even though there is no Adblock installed…
]]>Plugin works to detect the adblock extension, but after white-listing a domain the plugin still detects adblock is installed even if a domain has been excluded. This means users will constantly have to keep closing out the box…
Also, the plugin runs on pages even if no ads are on a page.
Nice plugin, thanx! I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind helping me find the css identifier to change the color of the red close button? I’ve been trying #deadblocker_dialog , .deadblocker_action , etc. but nothing seems to work.
Thank you!
]]>Thank you for the plugin!
It seems to work well where I tested it, but the Adblock Warning Removal List blocks the loading of your scripts.
It would be helpful if those resources would load them from a neutral or random name. For example if users can copy them into their own folder in “uploads” and load from there.
Also some variations in the used class names would be nessesary.
]]>Хотелось бы увидеть в будущих обновах:
Возможность разместить уведомление (бар) не только сверху но и снизу края екрана.
(к примеру: минус верхнего расположения в том, что уведомление закрывает меню навигации по сайту – тема 2014.
Возможность управлять размерами бара у высоту и ширину.
Возможность модального окна которое нельзя будет закрывать для тех, кто не отключает adblock либо не добавляет сайт в белый список.
Так же хотелось бы иметь возможность скрывать какую то часть статьи на сайте для тех кто не выключил adblock.
Пока что это всё, что удалось придумать.
]]>the plugin dosent work correctly anymore
the notification box appear even if the browser dosent have any adblocker
waiting for update
It is disabled at the moment.
]]>hello, thanks for otimo plugin, I wonder if you have to delay more time to power the message, type delay about 20 seconds apr sampled the image, as if the person enters the site and appears that it will close and will not even read more if it already reading what interesa the message will be read carefully.
If you can help me I thank you very much!