I would love to use your plugin in my code debugging work.
But unfortunately I have no idea how to use it!
Even when you try to explain how to use your plugin, you make things more difficult: when explaining how to use it, you put an image (which requires us to type), and not a text (which we could copy). Perhaps with simpler examples, many novice programmers could be helped by this great product.
When I activate your plugin with Debug Bar, then Javascript throws the following error whenever I try to grab another set of posts with Jetpack’s “Infinite Scroll”.
SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token '<'
Maybe this has something to do with the “hack” you used to move Debug Bar to a later execution? I use half a dozen other add ons for Debug Bar and they don’t exhibit this problem.
I saw this problem when using your plugin with Debug Bar and the generic Twenty Twelve theme.
I am trying to extend a plugin by creating a widget for it. I didn’t code the plugin so I am looking for a great debugger that will help me understand what is going on with the plugin. Can debug my plugin help me? any best known methods?