My media search is broken with the plugin activated. Too bad.
]]>Does this plugin only work when viewing your media library directly – or can it help when dropping images onto pages & posts? I need something that gives me the option of seeing my media library as a list WHEN I use the “ADD MEDIA” button on the page or post.
I’m looking to be able to go to a page or post, edit it – and then put my cursor where I want my image… click the Add Media button – and see my Image Inventory in a list view.
]]>The plugin is awesome and exactly what I was looking for, but unfortunately it lacks support for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. ACF offers an option to have media custom fields to add as post meta. The media fields under the post use the media library, which looks exactly the same as the native wp media library window, but somehow is not affected by you wonderful plugin.
The “Add Image” button under the main textarea:
Although “All images” is selected – only “uploaded to this post” images are displayed:
selecting “Uploaded to this post” in the dropdown brings up the same images (which is okay), but when going back to the “All images” option the dropdown changes automatically to “Images”: Only then I can choose “All images” and actually get all images.
The plugin seems to cause JavaScript errors when the media view related scripts have been removed, in my case when removing the media upload button via remove_action( 'media_buttons', 'media_buttons' )
A workaround might be to hook the plugin’s enqueue function into ‘wp_enqueue_media’ in stead of ‘admin_enqueue_scripts’. This hook is called at the end of the wp_enqueue_media()
function generally used to enqueue all scripts and stuff for the media editor.
After the update to the latest version the media list is not filtered so it shows all media files. If i change the javascript back to the version 1.0.5 it works well. (I use the standard media modal not e.g. woocommerce products or other cases)
I’ve noticed that this plugin can break Edit Gallery dialox.
Steps to reproduce:
This plugin show images that are attached only to the current post, but this also affect Edit Gallery window, where is no swicht or option to show any images.
On pages that don’t enqueue Underscore.js, this script causes a JS error. On line 41 of default-media-uploader-view.php
, you need to change the script dependencies to include underscore
instead of just jquery
, like this:
wp_enqueue_script( 'default-media-uploader-view', plugins_url( '/default-media-uploader-view.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery', 'underscore' ), false, true );
]]>hi, thank for your plugin. some enhancement about plugin ->
there is no label between input, if i click on text, radio input is not check ??
<input type="radio" name="mode1" value="list" <?php checked ( $mode, $modes[0] ); ?> /><?php _e( 'List', 'default-media-view'); ?>
<input type ="radio" name="mode1" value="grid" <?php checked ( $mode, $modes[1] ); ?> /><?php _e( 'Grid', 'default-media-view' );?>
and add please localization
public function plugin_setup() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'default-media-view', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/localization/' );
]]>Great plugin, but while making a webshop with WooCommerce, I noticed it doesn’t work with the “Add product gallery images” on a Product page. I’m guessing WooCommerce creates and sends startup settings to the “media frame” in a slightly different way than usual: Code here
Anyway, with the help of this wordpress.stackexchange post, I added some code to default-media-uploader-view.js
, and made it work. Any chance this could be added in the next version of your plugin?
if ( media ) {
media.view.MediaFrame.Select.prototype.initialize = function() {
media.view.MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
//** NEW CODE **
//Fix for WooCommerce Product Gallery
this.states.forEach(function(st) {
var lib = st.get('library');
if(lib) {
lib.props.set('orderby', 'menuOrder');
lib.props.set('order', 'ASC');
//** END NEW CODE **
_.defaults( this.options, {
selection: [],
library: {
orderby: 'menuOrder',
order: 'ASC'
Your Plugin is great, but i have one more question.
How can I delete all other Options from this “Filter” Field and just to leave one your option, like “Uploaded to this post”.
Thanks a lot
]]>The new media uploader documentation is almost nonexistant and my knowledge of Backbone.js is very limited. I made this plugin by reading Stack Exchange questions, WordPress Code Trac tickets, blog posts and forum threads. So, if you find a bug or have a problem with the plugin, I might not be able to help you, but I’ll try.