When the plugin is installed in a write-protected environment, the plugin’s admin page cannot be viewed by admins because the capability check fails (install_plugins
Using the activate_plugins
capability check in line 73 of the plugin would be a better check.
Pantheon’s test and live environments are write-protected and do not allow for installing plugins directly through the WP Dashboard. As a result, this plugin cannot be used by Pantheon sites.
]]>I cannot delete any comments because the advanced filter with dates is not visible. Thus I always get error “No comment found between these dates!”. It looks like it is commented out.
when can we expect the plugin “Delete All Comments of wordpress” to be compatible with WordPress 6.0?
Thanks in advance
Mario Mundt
I got the same error message as described in https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/notice-has_cap-was-called-with-an-argument-that-is-deprecated-3/
I thought it was the cause of a critical issue with my site so I investigated and corrected it. Turns out my critical issue was caused by something else. However I thought I will share the fix I made:
The argument that is deprecated is giving a Role where the function take an Capability. That is done at delete-all-comments-of-wordpress-website.php:76. My fix was changing line 72 to $capability = 'delete_others_pages';
. What capability to use is a matter of opinion. I thought delete_other_pages was fit. (See the full list at https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/roles-and-capabilities/)
Thank you for your work with this plugin!
]]>Hello Navneet,
Nice plugin ?? I got your plugin from the url below:
I had more than 150,000 comments in my trash.
So I installed your plugin and activated it.
I went to the “Tools” menu and accessed the “Delete Comments” page
I chose the radio button marked “Delete all comments in trash”.
Then I clicked “Delete Now” button.
My comments in the trash were deleted within 15 seconds!
However, I am facing a problem with comments on my site https://myplugins.net.
Please visit the url https://myplugins.net/php-web-services/
This post has 28 approved comments. But, the url above shows “0 thoughts on …” in the
comment list section.
What could be the problem? Can you please fix it?
I am using WordPress 4.9.18 with a child theme of Twenty Fifteen theme.
I am using version 4.2 of your “Delete All Comments of wordpress” plugin.
Buonasera, volevo sapere se è uscito il nuovo aggiornamento del plugin in cui conferma la compatibilità con la nuova versione wordpress 5.5 – poiché aggiornando la versione 2.6 crea error fatal e altre anomalie al sito.
Grazie, Cristina
]]>I just upgraded the plugin and now I cannot do anything on my site. It just displays these error codes.
Warning: Use of undefined constant _FILE_ – assumed ‘_FILE_’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in …/plugins/delete-all-comments-of-website/delete-all-comments-of-wordpress-website.php on line 13
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …/plugins/delete-all-comments-of-website/delete-all-comments-of-wordpress-website.php:13) in …/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1281
I will probably just reinstall wordpress as I was redoing my site anyway, so this is just a warning to others and a heads up to the plugin creator.
]]>Thank you for writing this plugin. I installed it at my WordPress multisite, and after that, when I visit a network site’s dashboard (as admin), I get several PHP warnings that begin with “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …” In addition, in the Tools menu there’s no “Delete Comments” option.
The FIRST PHP warning starts with: Deprecated: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead.
If I visit the dashboard of a network site that has no comments, then I don’t see the PHP errors.
I have five comments, and I get five of the “headers” PHP warnings, so I’m guessing the plugin’s checking over the comments and throwing an error for each one.
The reason I want to use your plugin is, suddenly I have 20,000+ comments, yet in PhpMyAdmin I can see only five comments in the wp_3_comments table.
I’ve since restricted comments to only logged in users.
Thanks in advance,
Carol Mattsson
I deleted all comments A – Z and the counts still show. Also, note in the image at the top left the red count bubble on the dashboard nav.
Can you help to clean up this orphaned data?
]]>Hi Navneet,
Has this plugin been tested on multi site installation? I need to remove all comments on a subsite.
Thank you for any help,
I got some notice at top of my site. The site runs without a problem when I disable the plugin.
WP: v5.3.2
Plugin: v2.4
PHP: v7.0.33
MYSQL: v5.5.30
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /****/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4865
Hope you might want to fix it on next plugin updates.
Thanks a lot
I have tested your plugin.
Comments are indeed deleted but I still have the count of comments in the dashboard.
I deleted all comments using your plugin, but still, I am seeing all comments https://d.pr/free/i/0lq6dh
Any solution ?
Depricated plugin enqueuing method, doesnt meet standard of wordpress 5.1. error in dashboard
Afterr spotting the error I didnt try to use the plugin.