I would like to modify the plugin so that users who registered via social login can delete their accounts without being asked for a password. Despite my attempts to adjust the plugin’s code, I haven’t been successful.
Could you kindly assist me with a solution for this issue or suggest how I can implement this functionality correctly?
Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I add delete form to woocommerce my account page using this snippet and it does not work:
echo do_shortcode( '[plugin_delete_me /]' );
But if I do add one more delete form like this:
echo do_shortcode( '[plugin_delete_me /]' );
echo do_shortcode( '[plugin_delete_me /]' );
The first one does not work, the second form works and the user is deleted.
Is it a bug or what is the problem. Thanks
]]>Hello, due to performance reasons I’m not using native WordPress Cron, but calling this wp-cron.php from Linux crontab “*/10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /<wordpress-dir>/wp-cron.php
“. Unfortunately this causes every 10 minutes an error message Undefined array key "SCRIPT_FILENAME" in /<wordpress-dir>/wp-content/plugins/delete-me/delete-me.php on line 30
“, because $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’] is not set from CLI. I now added “if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))
” before line 30 in the mentioned file. As this is not upgrade safe and will be overwritten with any new version of “Delete Me”, I kindly ask you, if it would be possible to add this line also to the original file.
Hello there,
I use shortcode and form, the plugin works fine, the only issue is every time a user opens the page where the shortcode is implanted, the form’s autofocus attribute automatically positions the cursor to the password form, which is not what I want because deleting an account is a big decision that should be left to the user to decide rather than me trying to guide him to make a decision.
Can you disable the autofocus attribute on the password form?
]]>I want to use this for someone to be able to remove their account from this site, but this site does not use Woocommerce. The customer sets up an account in to have more access to private documents and such. Google wants them to be able to remove themselves for the App to be compliant. Thanks!
]]>What is the best alternative ? Because delete me looks abandoned
I’m getting a notification that the “Delete Me” plugin is derelict and untested in the last 3 major WordPress updates. Is it possible to update the plugin to the current version of WP?
Salve amici chiedo il vs aiuto vorrei inserire il tasto delete user da frontend , ho installato il plugin delete me ma non compare il tasto per cancellare utente. Vi chiedo cortesemente di aiutarmi non so come posso fare, non sono molto bravo chi mi aiuta? grazie amici vi voglio bene
]]>Are there maybe any updates for the latest version? ??
Why not open a GitHub repository where the community can offer support? ??
I have some suggestions:
– Introduce Rest Api (expand also for Mobile Apps);
– Introduce integration/compatibility with the multi-language plugin qTranslate-XT ( https://github.com/qtranslate/qtranslate-xt )
I don’t understand I checked the box for sending confirmation, but no request appears, could you help me please ?
Thks a lot
]]>First of all, thank you for the development of the very useful plugin – especially in view of the GDPR! Great work!
I would like to know if the plugin is still maintained – because according to WordPress it’s only tested up to 5.7.6 and not up to the current version 6.0.1 – also the last update is sadly 1 year ago. Are there maybe any updates for the latest version? ??
I would love to continue using the plugin, but not if emerging vulnerabilities are no longer cleaned up…
I think your plugin is broken and not working anymore with the latest update of WordPress, Any soon updates?
]]>Hello. I’d like to take over the plugin if you don’t want to or can’t maintain it anymore. What do you think?
It would be great if the “delete me” link would appear even when the option isn’t available. e.g. even for admin users and users that are not logged in, and then just not actually delete the account when it was clicked. It would make it a lot easier for testing.
I’m wondering if the plugin supports languages like Japanese and Korean. I’m assuming everything is on the backend of the website, so using a plugin like TranslatePress will have no effect on this plugin. I just want to know if I have to translate anything if the user has their own language set to something other than English for their browser?
My site have a single quotation mark in its name, which will broke the script and cause user account delete immidiate without any warning or password confirm.
<a href="..." onclick="if ( ! confirm( 'WARNING!\n\nAre you sure you want to delete user [email protected] from Vanca's Dream?' ) ) return false;">Delete Account</a>
Please guide me how to fix it by edit source file in case you not intent to release the patch soon. Thank you.
Looks like a very useful and good working plugin, but it has been 8 months since the latest update. Will this lovely plugin be maintained and updated soon please?
I have installed the plugin and can correctly see the delete account link in profile, but when logged in as a normal user it does not execute the delete, it just sends me straight to the landing page.
I am not a PHP programmer, but just eyeballing the code, it is as if one of these checks is failing
if ( current_user_can( $this->info[‘cap’] ) == false || ( is_multisite() && is_super_admin() ) ) return; // stop executing file
// Does the trigger value match the currently logged in user ID?
if ( empty( $this->user_ID ) || $this->GET[$this->info[‘trigger’]] != $this->user_ID ) return; // stop executing file
// Nonce
if ( isset( $this->GET[$this->info[‘nonce’]] ) == false || wp_verify_nonce( $this->GET[$this->info[‘nonce’]], $this->info[‘nonce’] ) == false ) return; // stop executing file
Hello Clint,
10 month ago i ha d a question about woocommerce products beeing deleted with account delete.
You gave me this answer: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/add-product-delete-for-woocommerce-vendors/#post-12391325
I′m i right that your answer was just about the database entries?
Because we checked your plugin again today in a live invironment and after account delete all products from this user were removed from the front end. Also the images were removed from the wp_content/uploads folder.
My specific question is, if this is the standard procedure:
1. With Account Delete remove all related woocommerce products.
2. Also remove images from the wp_content/uploads folder
3. But not touching the database
Thanks in advance
]]>The link to delete profile is right above the save settings button which can be very confusing to the customers, I was wondering if it was possible to place the link in another part of the Edit Profile page. Thanks
I’m currently using the plugin and have a special page for the delete me shortcode. However, anyone can access the page. I’d like to put a link in a widget on the profile page (which only logged in users can view). Is there a way to do it?
I enabled the plugin. But it is not showing in the my account section https://share.getcloudapp.com/OAuJQzdo
Please let me know how I can integrate it.
Also, any plans to provide an update?
password reset doesn’t work on the woocommerce password reset page.
the Flywheel support said: “It looks like two plugins, delete-me and popup-maker are causing an issue with the password reset email being generated. On our cloned sandbox, the email was delivered as soon as both of these plugins were deactivated.
We recommend working with the plugin developers to get this conflict sorted out and/or applying any updates that are available as they will have the most insight into their plugin’s code.”
Can you please check this problem out?
]]>What if the user is an administrator on one site, and a subscriber on another, and the options for subscribers to delete their account across the entire network are selected. Will it delete the user from the sites where he is an administrator?
]]>so, if I′m in 3 sites of a multisite, by deleting (if network activated) the user will be delete in all the sites or just in the one where the user is doing the deletion?
]]>Enabled network wide…
I have selected a role
Then saved the change..
And added the short code [plugin_delete_me /]
In the profile page where i wanna show the link..
But there’s nothing in the profile page
Is it possible to make a template for the delete form?
It would be much integrated with the site.
Hello, there is a way to put the Delete account link under Account Management in the user profile?
]]>If user delete account user-created posts (woocommerce products) are not deleted. How can I do that?
]]>Hi, I’d like to know if the data generated by a customer in woocommerce, i.e. orders and fiscal data, is erased when the user request deletion his/her account.
Thank you!