I noticed on the WordPress plugin page that this plugin hasn’t been tested with the last three major WordPress releases, suggesting it may no longer be maintained or supported. Could you please let me know if it is still actively developed and whether new features or bug fixes are planned for future releases?
Thanks in advance
]]>I saw if I activate the flag to see the content only through doccheck I no longer have the possibility to access the graphic editor in the backend (in my case I use oxygen, but I think it applies to any link)
How can I fix this problem?
Every time I try to access the backend editor or even just view it I am redirected to the login page that I set in the settings. This is right if I were an unprivileged user (I’m referring to wordpress).
If I am an administrator or editor of the site I must be able to view them before I can publish them regardless of whether I have activated the restricted access flag with docCheck.
While waiting for the feature to be added, is there a workaround?
if we add a profession redirect to one of our pages, the redirect does not work. We have checked if a pro_id does get saved to the session variable and it does not.
Is this an issue someone was able to solve?
]]>After logging into the Doccheck pop up, we are redirected to Doccheck to accept the terms. upon accepting them we are now getting a fatal error on redirect.
leider funktioniert mein Login nicht mehr. Das Login endet in einem Serverfehler. Ich habe mir das angeschaut und das plugin rennt beim Check mit dieser URL ‘https://login.doccheck.com/service/oauth/access_token/’; in einen Timeout.
Seit Version 1.1.3 funktioniert das Plugin nicht mehr. Client ID und Client Secret wie auch Redirect von DocCheck sind mehrfach geprüft.
Der Session Token wird auch nicht gesetzt. Wenn wir uns einloggen, gibt die URL Werte zurück und auch im Cookie wird ein Wert gesetzt, aber der Redirekt stimmt nicht, die verschlüsselten Seiten sind nicht aufrufbar und man gilt als ausgeloggt.
Einen Seitenlink kann ich hier ?ffentlich nicht einstellen. PHP ist Version 8.1.27.
Habt ihr eine Idee?
Merci Fred
]]>Since the Update to 1.3.3. the plugin does not work anymore. I get this error message when I try to activate the plugin.
Can you advise if this is an issue with the plugin and if it will get resolved.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected ‘|’, expecting ‘;’ or ‘{‘
in?/home/NAMEofPage/public_html/main/wp-content/plugins/doccheck-login/admin/class-dcl-metaboxes.php?on line?219
Call stack:
Query Monitor
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘|’, expecting ‘;’ or ‘{‘ in /home/iscadorc/public_html/main/wp-content/plugins/doccheck-login/admin/class-dcl-metaboxes.php on line 219
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
I’ve implemented the DocCheck Plugin and it works fine in respect to protecting a page from access of users who are not logged in. There is an option on file level to also secure the file with DocCheck, but if I check the respective box and save, the page reloads and the box is unchecked.
Could you please assist?
Ich habe mit den Shotcodes [dc-hide-content]bla bla bla [/dc-hide-content] Bereiche meiner Seite für nicht eingeloggt User ausgeblendet… soweit funktioniert es.
Jedoch wenn ich mich über DocCheck einlogge, werde ich zwar auf die Seite mit den ausgeblendeten Bereichen weitergeleitet, jedoch sind diese Bereiche immer noch nicht sichtbar… auch wenn der DocCheck-Login funktioniert hat.
Der Support von DocCheck hat mich an euch weiterverwiesen.
K?nnt ihr mir weiterhelfen?
]]>Hi there,
we have an issue with the login functionality of the Doc Check plugin, whenever we enter Doc Check login credentials on the locked (secured) page, the WordPress error message “There has been a critical error on this website” appears.
The exact error is this one:
[Wed Oct 05 12:53:17.217118 2022] [php:error] [pid 26356] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: property_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, null given in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/doccheck-login/client/class-dcl-client.php:306\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/doccheck-login/client/class-dcl-client.php(306): property_exists()\n#1 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/doccheck-login/client/class-dcl-client.php(230): DCL\\Client\\DCL_Client->dcl_do_login()\n#2 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): DCL\\Client\\DCL_Client->dcl_access_redirect()\n#3 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters()\n#4 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action()\n#5 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action()\n#6 /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('...')\n#7 /var/www/html/wordpress/index.php(17): require('...')\n#8 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/doccheck-login/client/class-dcl-client.php on line 306, referer: https://login.doccheck.com/
We think that it is caused by the incompatibility of the Doc Check plugin with the PHP version 8.1. Is that correct?
Could you please check this issue?
Thank you
]]>Hi there,
is it possible to allow the user to register either via DocCheck or via the standard WordPress registration?
Kind regards
]]>Hey all!
1. My site uses multiple languages – English, French and Spanish (using polylang tool). I’m implementing Doccheck gating on French pages. Whenever the user enters credentials on French homepage login form, they are redirected to English homepage. I have checked all ‘target URL’ settings Doccheck as well as on plugin settings page. Please help how can I solve this?
2. I am testing the Economy license. When we are logged in from the wordpress admin dashboard, the doccheck gating works fine. But when we try to browse the doccheck login as a front end user (logged out of wordpress admin dashboard), the login window just keeps on redirecting to the login form and the page content doesn’t load.
On this plugin page, it is mentioned ‘As test licenses are designed for use with test users only, please make sure to not use a live environment for testing’
Does this mean I can use the test license only when logged in from the WordPress admin dashboard?
Kind Regards,
we have installed you plugin on our website. On our current live website it is working fine, but on our test website, it does not. If a user tries to login, the user sees a 501 method not implemented error.
We were already in contact with DocCheck, but they are saying, that everything is set up properly from their side.
Best and thanks,
Im working on a project that needs the shop to be restricted with doccheck, everything is connected like it should be, i have the doccheck ID and the client secret, the plugin works on every other page except on the woocommerce shop. It works if the page is not selected as a shop, but once you declare it from woocommerce settings, everything goes sideways. Can you please tell me what can the problem be and how can i fix it.
Thanks in Advance,
This is a question regarding the usage of the restriction function, specifically with the economy license or higher. Is it possible to somehow have any new page/post automatically have the ‘Restrict’ option checked when it is published?
Additionally, is the page restrict function limited to only Admin users? Is it possible to have it available to other user profiles such as Editor or Author?
Many thanks.
]]>This is a feature request:
It would be nice to have different content shown to not logged in Users,
is this possible?
I saw this: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/add-shortcode-to-toggle-content/
Since i dont want mess with the plugin code, is it possible to write this into functions.php?
Hi, I’ve restricted the access to the “products” / “produkte” page on the website. Yet, after login into DocCheck through the restricted page it redirects to “https://fotmer.de/de/fachbereich/” a page that never existed.
In the settings page I tried “Front Page” and “Produkte” as target page but neither works.
Is the redirection page set somewhere else?
]]>The DocCheck Plugin makes it impossible to edit a DocCheck secured page with Elementor, since the plugin blocks the content and the preview edit mode at all.
To solve this, there should be an addition in the client/class-dcl-client.php at line 179:
// Check if we're inside the main loop in a single Post.
if ((is_page() || is_singular()) && in_the_loop() && is_main_query() && $_SESSION['restricted'] && !(\Elementor\Plugin::$instance->editor->is_edit_mode() || \Elementor\Plugin::$instance->preview->is_preview_mode()))
Don’t forget to include the Elementor class in the head of this file:
use Elementor\Plugin;
It solved my issues and Elementor based pages can be edited again, even though they are secured with DocCheck.
Would be great to have this included in a future update since Elementor is getting an industry standard more and more.
Is there a possibility to create a GitHub repository for this plugin, to make it possible to commit such suggestions?
]]>Hi there,
is it possible to use the plugin with the business license for 1 current domain and 3 subdomains?
Kind regards
WordPress is showing me a critical problem which is related to the Doc Check Plugin. When disabled the warnig disappears. Any ideas?
Es wurde eine aktive PHP-Sitzung erkannt Performance
Eine PHP-Sitzung wurde durch einen session_start()-Funktionsaufruf erzeugt. Dies beeintr?chtigt die REST-API- und Loopback-Anfragen. Die Sitzung sollte von session_write_close() geschlossen werden, bevor irgendwelche HTTP-Anfragen erfolgen.
Die REST-API hat einen Fehler gefunden Performance
Die REST-API ist eine M?glichkeit, wie WordPress und andere Anwendungen mit dem Server kommunizieren. Ein Beispiel ist der Bildschirm des Block-Editors, der darauf aufbaut, Ihre Beitr?ge und Seiten anzuzeigen und zu speichern.
Die REST-API-Anfrage ist aufgrund eines Fehlers fehlgeschlagen.
Fehler: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (http_request_failed)`
How does Custom template functionality works? I cannot find anything about it.
Not 100% sure how docheck works, but how do you apply a site wide doccheck login, for example when you navigate to the URL, you would need to docheck login to proceed to the site. Is this possible?
Can you please help me with the following problem?
I can see that in the settings page for the plugin there is a Profession routing option, but my question is:
Is there a way to give access to a certain page only to certain profession?
I am asking this because I want only a specific profession to have acces to some content on one hand, but in the first place I don’t want that accounts with professions unrelated to the medical field to be able to get access to the blocked content.
From what I tried, you can make a DocCheck account without a specialization in the medical field (you can choose the option ‘Other’).
Thank you for your time!
Can you please help me with some extra information regarding the Login ID and the Client Secret fields?
From what I understand these are required fields, so how can I get this info?
Do I have to register a company on DocCheck website in order to get this information?
Thank you,
Have a nice day!
Hi, unfortunately the field “target page” doesn’t work in my settings. When I pick any site and safe the settings, the plugin always shows me the homepage after login even if I picked another page. It is a testsite so I can’t share the link in public.
]]>Please add the following shortcode at ‘/doccheck-login/client/class-dcl-shortcodes.php ‘
add_shortcode( 'dc-toggle-content', [ $this, 'dcl_shortcode_toggle_content' ] );
* Shortcode: toggle content.
* Toogles content between brackets for DocCheck users.
* If Users logs in, then Content is hidden
* [dc-toggle-content]Hidden content[/dc-toggle-content]
* @param $atts
* @param null $content
* @return string
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function dcl_shortcode_toggle_content( $atts, $content = null ) {
if ( $this->dcl_has_logged_in_user() ) {
} else {
return wpautop( $content );
return '';
This way we are able to add custom messages for non logged in users and won’t bother logged in users.
And please, please move this plugin from SVN to GIT ??
]]>Hi Antwerpes,
in our page we work with your plugin we also need to hide some custom post types: e.g. us_portfolio and their categories. Is there any way to add this?
Funny thing is that the portfolio pages don’t have the checkbox to hide them in the right column, but in the list overview some of them have the “small lock” and indeed can’t be viewed in frontend without logging in. So there has to be some way to achieve this. I have no clue how those portfolio-pages got locked, as they were all created way before we installed the plugin.
Thanks for your help!
I would like to report an issue that I’ve found in the DocCheck plugin allocated in the WordPress repository.
My website has WordPress with the latest updates, but when I install your DocCheck plugin and add the credentials it raises a PHP error with the following “Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when session is active in […]\wp-content\plugins\doccheck-login\includes\class-dcl-base.php on line 262” and doesn’t get the correct tokens from DocCheck API.
I’ve updated the plugin code and finally I get it working but I don’t think that this could be the best practice, as I’m afraid that if there is an update of the plugin in the future, our fix will disappear. Please, could you advise how to solve this issue?
when I check the option to hide restricted menu items I don’t see the menu items when I am logged in. Only the homepage link is being displayed. Any ideas why this doesn’t work in my wp installation?
Ich würde gerne mit dem Shortcode [dc-hide-content] [/dc-hide-content] in WordPress einen Loop umschlie?en.
[[Kurze Erkl?rung:
Wir haben das Plugin Woocommerce genutzt, um eine übersicht aller Impfstoffe einzustellen, die DocCheck geschützt sind. Das hat soweit funktioniert, obwohl das Plugin eigentlich nicht mit DocCheck arbeiten m?chte. Allerdings nur, wenn man die Impfstoffe direkt über die Seiten aufruft. Sobald man über Google auf einen Impfstoff kommt, ist er frei zug?nglich. Die einzelnen Produktseiten werden wohl nicht als Zugeh?rig zu den geschützten Seiten erkannt. ]]
Nun wollte ich über die Template-Seite den entsprechenden Loop, der die Produkte aufruft, einfach mit dem Shortcode umschlie?en. Mit der Funktion <?php echo do_shortcode (?[dc-hide-content]“); ?> k?nnte das funktionieren (Shortcodes werden so erkannt, das Login-Feld konnte ich einbinden).
Aber hier erkennt das Template den abschlie?enden Shortcode <?php echo do_shortcode (?[/dc-hide-content]“);?> nicht. Der wird als Text einfach unten auf der Seite ausgegeben.