Alas – it looks like the developer has walked away on this.
WP plugin ecosystem really is a disappointment. Nice in theory, poor in execution
]]>And it’s “no more”. I must be missing something…
]]>Hello, I use in my blog Worpress 3.5.1 and uses php 5.4.12 in the hosting,
Warning: Illegal string offset 'file' in /home/descar84/public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-protect/download-protect.php on line 41
please helpme to solve it, this is the line 41
if ((is_user_logged_in()) || ($visibility == 'public')) return '<a href="'.get_option('siteurl').'/wp-content/plugins/download-protect/downloader.php?d='.dlprotect_Encrypt
]]>File is always not found.
Many thanks for this plugin – I think it meets our needs (or nearly does).
It looks like the encrypted link that is generated remains valid indefinitely though so it could easily be shared with others?
eg. by right clicking and copying the link then pasting it.
I’m guessing that manually changing the key stops that but could there be a an automated way to purge links?
]]>1) why does the file area need to be the same as media settings?
i don’t want protected files in the media library – which is what i thought that setting did
i have setup a directory called protectedfiles for these files to into and that would not be the same as where the media files are located.
i can view the page (in wp client file from dashboard)
it lets me upload file and then shows me link to download
but i don’t see this on the site – as admin or user
what am i missing
also would like to have this work with a single user, not all users
How do I get the download link variable? has the same key as the download link for a file is always the same,
it would be great that it can change and can be used only once, expired etc
The plugin is working perfectly on my computer, and I can actually download the files without a problem. However, on some computers, they get the message please login to view. Could you tell me what is going on and how this could be fixed?
]]>Not sure when this happened, but after over a year of great usage, this plugin has stopped working with the following mesage:
Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /blog/wp-content/plugins/download-protect/downloader.php could not be found on this server.
I have W3 Total Cache, but have deactivated this and removed all caches. Any help greatly appreciated.
]]>When clicking on the Download link for a file I get “File does not exist. Make sure you specified correct file name.” I saw the other post regarding the trailing slash but it doesn’t change the behavior on my blog.
Any ideas on what to try?
]]>Hello webprodigy,
Thank you for this great plugin, please could you tell me if this plugin supports xcel spreadsheets?
When using download protect with an xcel spreadsheet the downloaded excel file opens with all jumbled up characters and text. If I download the file without using the download protect settings the file opens normally. Is there a setting I need to change to allow download protect to work with xcel files?
Many Thanks in Advance
]]>Up until yesterday, all files protected by the DP plugin downloaded as expected. Today, the small files still work fine, but the large files (14MB+) I use DP for do not download. Instead, I receive the following message:
This webpage is not found
No webpage was found for the web address: – looks similar to the looping address shown in other topic area… =%93%DB%D3%CE%D0X%A2%D4%9C%B3%CC%B8%A9%98%C7%A2%D4%D6%CD%92%DC%C4%92%A1%DB%B1%A3f%
Error 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): The file or directory could not be found. (I did re-upload the file + others just in case…still a problem)
Here are the settings:
– WordPress 3.3.2.; I use Post name for permalinks
– DP plugin is updated to 1.2.0 and download directory includes a “/” at the end
– Shortcodes are correct (were working until yesterday)
Do you have any ideas about why the plugin would suddenly stop working on a selective basis? Any help would be appreciated – thanks!
]]>I am using v1.2.0 of Download Protect with 3.2.1 of WP.
I set the directory of DP to “wp-content/uploads” to match the media directory.
Used the simple shortcode: [dlprotect file=”Home.doc”]Home Document[/dlprotect]
File shows up on the page when logged in but when trying to download the file I get a blank page with “File does not exist. Make sure you specified correct file name.”
Filename is correct, directory is correct. Permalinks is set to numeric if that bit of info helps.
Also tried new directory for both media and DP but still get the same error.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
]]>This plugin generates an automatic file path for the downloads that doesn’t exist. (See Warning Below) I try the option of entering my own absolute path and save the configuration but it does not save my absolute path. I’m stumped. How do I create the absolute path for the download files?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/51/7954451/html/superfleakc/wp-content/plugins/wp-download-codes/dc_administration.php on line 292
I like this plugin and setup it on my website. However on clicking the link of the private/protected file while logged into WP, I get a broken link message. The URL is as follows:
Have I missed something obvious?
Can you help me to fix problem? Thanks a lot.
One of the protected downloads is .dmg file. However, download protect is working for .exe but for .dmg or tar.gz it is giving me “Not allowed file type”. Can you add this file types in the next release. In fact, can’t you make it generic. I don’t see a point in restricting an kind of file type.
For now I have added them to filedownloader.php.
]]>Hello there
I have followed the instructions for setup of this plugin. However on clicking the link of the private/protected file while logged into WP, I get a broken link message. The URL is as follows:
Have I missed something obvious?
BTW, the download dir is outside the www root with the same, permissions set to 755.
Best regards, Brian