[10-Feb-2018 15:05:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Declaration of DropDown_Nav_Menu::end_el(&$output, $item, $depth) should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::end_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/aaa/public_html/wp-content/themes/customtheme/functions/plugins/dropdown-menus.php on line 184
any clue what this is?
]]>Hi all,
I’m using this Dropdown menu plugin for our new website.
I would like to have the selected item look bigger than other items in the list. Like shown in this fiddle – https://jsfiddle.net/zRtbZ/
How/where do I add <optgroup> & </optgroup> to the plugin’s code?
Is there a better way to make the selected item’s font size bigger than the rest?
Everything works just great with this plugin. The only thing is that is not respecting the “Open in a new window” option.
Is there any solution for this? I’m not sure if it’s not working or if it’s not implemented.
Thanks in advance!
I would like the default item in the dropdown be ‘home’, with no blank item that says ‘menu’ or ‘choose one’ or anything like that. Is this possible?
]]>I’m getting many Strict Standards errors on an upgraded test-install (WP 3.6)
I can see this plugin hasn’t been updated in a while so any help appreciated. Or perhaps it’s time to change to another plugin?
]]>Is it possible to use a shortcode with this plugin and include it on a per post or per page basis?
Or, any plans to include that in a future release?
]]>Hi guys.
I am trying to use this plugin, but it creates a list of blank options, with no links and no values and no content. Can anyone help?
This is the code it generates:
<div class="menu">
<option class="menu-item-23 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-53 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-50 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-266 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-56 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-29 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-89 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
<option class="menu-item-17 menu-item-depth-0" value=""></option>
Thank you!
I really want to use this plugin for a client’s site I’m building, but when I activate the plugin the screen goes white in both the admin and the front end. The only way I can get rid of the problem is by deleting the Dropdown Menus folder via FTP.
This problem doesn’t occur when I tried it with TwentyEleven theme activated, so I assume it’s a problem with the theme I’m using. But just wondering if you’ve come across this problem before and what might be causing it/what I can do to prevent it? It would be handy to be able to give some info to the theme developer.
The theme I’m using is Pinpoint by SwiftPSD (https://www.swiftpsd.com)
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>This is not working for me at all. I’ve tried both my menus, as a plugin as a widget and as an include (which is really what I want to do). The select box itself shows up, but with no option items present. When viewing the code, it seems to be writing the items, but with no ‘<option>’ tags.
'theme_location' => 'artists'
Even when i put ‘<object>’ in the before after arguments they still write with no tags.
I was wondering if it was possible to remove the blanking title completely, and just have your home page title show up as the first menu item?
]]>Hi, I am using this plugin as the alternative to PC navigation (so for mobile), I was wondering if it is possible, or if you know a way to switch the widget on and off depending on mobile use?
Can this be used in a premium theme for sale?
Hay this is a nice plugin! Very nice job!
Can I use this in premium themes that I build?
Is there anything I need to do to attribute the work to you other than linking to the plugin’s page?
]]>Hi, thanks for your plugin!
Is there a way to customize select’s style, like change arrow?
Since upgrading to 3.4.1, our dropdown menus on the side navigation no longer work. Ive recently inherited this site but if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.. https://www.tivertonyouthsoccer.org
Would like to start with saying this is a great plugin. Although I have found something that would make it even more great!
The challenge today is that I am using this plugin on a site with about 200 subpages, which makes for a pretty horrific select-menu. With the Chosen plugin you could make it way more usable.
So my question is, how would I implement this? I tried going in to the plugins/dropdown-menus/dropdown-menus.php and added “classchzn-select” ass a class on row 95
[ $args[ ‘items_wrap’ ] = ‘<select id=”%1$s” class=”%2$s ‘ . apply_filters( ‘dropdown_menus_class’, ‘dropdown-menu’ ) . ‘ classchzn-select’ .'”>%3$s</select>’; ]
(works fine with Contact7). Although this didn’t work.
Anyone have any Ideas??
I am trying to implement the dropdown menu in a theme.
The widget function works.
But I want it to display in the headerbar as a dropdown.
When I insert this code in the functions.php I get an error.
if ( ! function_exists( ‘dropdown_menu’ ) )
include( ‘dropdown-menus/dropdown-menus.php’ );
What am I doing wrong?
What code and where do I insert?
My testpage:
I’m using the dropdown menus plugin as additional navigation for our website contact page (https://ci.champaign.il.us/contacts/city-services-directory/) and it has been reported to me that the dropdown menus aren’t actually navigating away when using any version of Internet Explorer. Works fine on Chrome and Firefox. Is this a known issue?
Pat East
Great Job! Thank you very much.
I used responsive menus but i needed to control for which menus i wanted to use it. And responsive menus is always working without conditional use. With your solution one can decide. That’s much better.
Thank you.
Best regards,
]]>I’m using the dropdown menu in a responsive layout design. It replaces the full-size navigation on mobile devices. The menu correctly displays, but when an option is selected it doesn’t change to that page/url.
Any ideas? Maybe I didn’t implement correctly?
Make your browser narrower than 600px and you can see the dropdown menu: https://www.browndogcreative.com/BDC2012/
I’m not sure if this is by design, but the menu drops ‘up’ instead of down… (covers my header image) is there any way to change/force the direction to down?
]]>I added this in my functions.php:
$("<option />",
"selected": "selected",
"value" : "",
"text" : "Go to \u2026"
so the menu always displays the text “Go to …” on page load. How do I get rid of the default “–” place holder?
Also, I’d like to change the top level menu items that have children to ‘optgroup’ elements so I can style them (and make them un-clickable) & could use some guidance (I’m a jQuery noob).
]]>for some reason you can’t call it like:
<?php dropdown_menu(‘nav-footer’); ?>
instead you need to do call it like:
<?php dropdown_menu( array(
‘menu’ => ‘nav-footer’
)); ?>
this took me a while to figure out and I thought the plugin was broken… hope it helps someone
The plugin page claims to take in the same arguments as wp_nav_menu() but the ‘echo’ argument doesn’t seem to be functional at present.
I was able to get this to work very easily by opening the plugin code and making one tiny change. In dropdown-menus.php, in the dropdown_menu function, I added “return ” in front of the line reading “wp_nav_menu( $args );”
This now works with and without the echo argument set on my install. I hope this helps and thanks for a great plugin!