So where has the plugin files gone? Is it no longer supported or what?
]]>how do i translate this plugin? no language folder
]]>what is default encoding for this modules? it does not support french, spanish or polish letters in coupon description. how can i change it to UTF-8? Can you fix this module?
]]>I installed the DRP coupon plug in and it works fine on a PC or Mac, but does not work on iPad. Any way to get this working?
I had posted this on the main site, but I haven’t gotten a response so I figured to post here if anyone here knows.
Is there a limit to the number of coupons one can have? I’m planning to have several thousand stored at a time, would that work?
]]>Hi all,
When I add the coupons to a post, the coupons are left aligned. When I attempt to centre it, only the title and description of the coupon becomes centres and the coupon code box remains left aligned. Anyone know how I can move the coupon code box in order to have it centred?
Thanks for creating this plugin, but (unless it’s just me), it seems to be very temperamental. I Added a couple of coupons and directed the link to a page where they can be printed. No problems. BUT, I went to add another coupon and now nothing shows on the page. I double checked everything and tried to delete, start over etc. Sometimes they show up and sometimes they don’t. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you
Appreciate your effort to share this awesome plugin yet it is still free. However, I am looking forward to your premium paid version for more features.
In the meantime, I have been cracking my head on how to resolve the mouseover (click to open/copy) on the coupon code which is not working. Please review at and hopefully you could suggest further on how I can resolve this problem.
Thank you in advance.
I want to know what code I would use to show all active coupons as list within a widget?
I know that <?php get_coupon_content(“nameyougaveforcoupongoeshere”);?> will show individual ones, but what’s the code function for show all.
Doing this will enable me to not have to update code everytime I enter new offers.
website is
]]>What the hell were you thinking?? This is the most horrible way you could’ve created a small, simple coupon.
Uninstalled immediately.
]]>I told her plugin in use. The start date is 16 October 2011 and the expiry date is 23 October 2011. the message if the date is expired “coupon has expired” but the text is not displayed. what’s wrong?
]]>It adds that link if you I try to use a secure url, https.
Where’s the link coming from?
]]>It’s putting the url before MY url, making it What’s up with that?
]]>It would be alot better to make simple adjustments to how it actually looks on the page. For instance something as simple as centering it has been a real pain for me so far. I have basic knowledge of CSS so it takes me 3 times as long to accomplish this stuff when editing via CSS would be nice to see a UI involved with that. Additionally I would like to see a way to disable the expire option all together for codes that never expire.
Aside from how it looks I mainly and primarily strive to find a plugin that will hide the coupon code until someone clicks on the code then it reveals itself. This would be of great benefit and sky rocket this plugins potential. I been trying to figure out how I can do this myself but I am so poor with coding that its like looking for a needle in a haystack for me.
]]>drp coupon is very cool but make my jquery slider stops on my homepage. I’m running a simple wootheme and I had to deactivate the plugin in order to keep the picture/video slider working.
I hope th new version can fix this problem and will happily get it back up.
end tag for “link” omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified
…plugins/drp-coupon/css/shortcode.css’><script type=’text/javascript’ src=’http…
there is no attribute “unselectable”
<div unselectable=”on” onselectstart=”return false;” ondragstart=”r…
there is no attribute “onselectstart”
… <div unselectable=”on” onselectstart=”return false;” ondragstart=”return fals…
there is no attribute “ondragstart”
…lectstart=”return false;” ondragstart=”return false;” id=”coupon-4″ class=”c…
there is no attribute “href”
…” id=”coupon-4″ class=”coupon” href=”https://…
Program changes this: Children's
to this: Children\'s
If I use this: Children's
It looks fine, but the code disappears when you go in to edit.
Hello Sir !
Just installed your plugin and was able to create a coupon successfully . But the coupons are not showing up in the posts when we publish it
I have used the shortcodes as you mentioned but. No results
[drpcoupon name=”test”]
Can you please help me how to proceed further
Thanks !