I am currently using the DS CF7 Math Captcha plugin with a WordPress version 6.7.2 and Contact Form 7 version 6.0.4. The integration of the captcha and the validation of the form work well, but I have a problem with the refresh button, this doesn’t trigger any action. No console errors or similar are displayed. On page refresh, however, a new captcha is generated as expected.
Any idea what the problem could be and how I can fix this behavior?
Thanks in advance for your support!
Hi, i love the plugin, nevertheless, it is been a long time, I do change this “What is” in the label, and each time I update the plugin, I forgot !!!
This sentense is not translate proof !
Could be very nice to have this line 621
$ds_cf7_captcha .= ‘What is ‘ . esc_html($actnVal2) . ‘ ‘;
changed to something like :
$ds_cf7_captcha .= esc_attr__(‘What is ‘, ‘ds-cf7-math-captcha’) . esc_html($actnVal2) . ‘ ‘;
Thank you ??
]]>On all of the websites I have installed it I got the error message: “Nonce verification failed. Please try again.”
]]>Hi Guys, I see you just updated the plugin but it no longer works.
Receiving a “nonce verification failed” error now for all my contact forms that use DS CF7 Math Captcha.
I like the plugin
I did change the English text directly into the files, but I forgot, and then next update
I lost again the text.
Please integrate or a string in admin or a Po Mo localization management.
Hi there,
thanks for the great and simple plugin! In the newest version 2.0.1 I found a few minor bugs and it would be great if you could look into it.
Line 260: js file loaded is script-min.js, the file under /assets is called script.js though.
Lines 247 + 295: I replaced
$ds_cf7_captcha .= ‘What is
$ds_cf7_captcha .= esc_html__(‘What is’, DSCF7_TEXT_DOMAIN) . ‘
to make it translatable to German.
Also I noticed that your TEXT-DOMAIN (dscf7-math-captcha) is different to the name of your plugin, I think it’s much more common to go with the plugin name (ds-cf7-math-captcha). Just a suggestion because I couldn’t figure out why the .po file wouldn’t work.
plugin is good.
Only a suggest: replace ‘.__(“Type your answer”).’ at line 96 to translate your placeholder
have a good day
Thanks for the awesome plugin, the plugin is working fine. But I’m facing an issue, whenever the user submits the form without filling captcha or entering the wrong answer in the captcha, it is not showing any error message.
Can you please look into this?
Prabuddh ??
]]>Unfortunately plugin don’t work correctly after cf-7 update. Tested with cf-7 v 5.6.1
]]>Please add localization, or even better: Use an invariant pattern, that is removing all strings in English at all.
I manually fixed that in a primitive way by changing line 96 to
$ds_cf7_captcha.='<span class="cf7as-firstAct">'.$actnVal2.'</span> '.$random_actionVal.'<span class="cf7as-firstAct"> '.$actnVal1.'</span> ? <a href="javascript:void(0)" id='.$tag->name.' class="dscf7_refresh_captcha"><img class="dscf7_captcha_icon" src="'.DSCF7_PLUGIN_URL.'/assets/img/icons8-refresh-30.png"/><img class="dscf7_captcha_reload_icon" src="'.DSCF7_PLUGIN_URL.'/assets/img/446bcd468478f5bfb7b4e5c804571392_w200.gif" style="display:none; width:30px" /></a><br><span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap '.$tag->name.'"> <input type="text" aria-invalid="false" aria-required="true" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-required" size="5" value="" name="'.$tag->name.'" placeholder="" style="width:200px;margin-bottom:10px;" oninput="this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, \'\').replace(/(\..*)\./g, \'$1\');"></span></p>';
and line 121 to
$ds_cf7_captcha.='<span class="cf7as-firstAct">'.$actnVal2.'</span> '.$random_actionVal.'<span class="cf7as-firstAct"> '.$actnVal1.'</span> ? <a href="javascript:void(0)" id='.$tagName.' class="dscf7_refresh_captcha"><img class="dscf7_captcha_icon" src="'.DSCF7_PLUGIN_URL.'/assets/img/icons8-refresh-30.png"/><img class="dscf7_captcha_reload_icon" src="'.DSCF7_PLUGIN_URL.'/assets/img/446bcd468478f5bfb7b4e5c804571392_w200.gif" style="display:none; width:30px" /></a><br><span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap '.$tagName.'"> <input type="text" aria-invalid="false" aria-required="true" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-required" size="5" value="" name="'.$tagName.'" placeholder="" style="width:200px;margin-bottom:10px;" oninput="this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, \'\').replace(/(\..*)\./g, \'$1\');"></span>';