Das Plugin scheint mit DIVI nicht zu funktionieren?
Es werden keine neuen Verzeichnisse in wp-content angelegt.
Thank you for this smart and tiny helper.
Please delete /wp-content/uploads/dsgvo-webfonts when deactivating and/or deleting the plugin.
Not only for clean handling, this would also help when other things like font handling or script deferring are changing and the local font has to be generated freshly.
I am using latest version/latest wp version.
I use W3 Total Cache, so the URL/filename of the background image which your plugin generates gets cached along with the page containing the video.
Problem is, the filename changes constantly. Everytime this happens, there is no image shown on the page containing the video, so it looks like the video is no longer available. I have to manually purge the page cache to fix this.
Can you tell me *when* or in what circumstances the plugin changes the filename?
PS: any chance to extend this to Vimeo?
]]>Dear Plugin Writer,
we are using the “EU DSGVO Helper” plugin on our page.
Apparently, it works for all fonts used on the site but not for the Poppins…
We would appreciate any help in that matter.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Erst einmal danke für das PlugIn, das funktioniert absolut fluffig. Ein kleiner ?nderungswunsch: Nach der Installation wird eine Ressource über https:// geladen statt über https:// – und das betrifft die Verlinkung zu den herunter geladenen Schriften (google web fonts). Somit sind die Seiten nicht “absolut sicher”. Das l?sst sich doch bestimmt ?ndern, oder?
Grü?e nach HH
Wenn ich das Plugin aktiviere, wird offenbar jQuery nicht geladen und in der Folge erhalte ich nicht nur eine zerschossene Seite sondern in den Developer Tools auch jede Menge jQuery-bezogene Fehlermeldungen. Da es ja keinerlei Einstellungen gibt, bin ich etwas ratlos, was ich tun kann. Irgendwelche Tipps?
Moin Herr Marten,
zuerst mal vielen Dank für das Plugin – das als eines von wenigen schlicht und ergreifend das tut, was es soll (und muss).
Mir ist allerdings bei einem eingebetteten Youtube-Video aufgefallen, dass nach dem Klick “nur” das Video abgespielt wird, ohne die eigentlich mit angegebenen Parameter wie v.a. “rel” (vgl. https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters). Muss das so?
Beste Grü?e vom Balkan
Wordfence notified me about some tried code injection in a css file created by this plugin:
/* Original-Document: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Libre+Franklin%3A300%2C300i%2C400%2C400i%2C600%2C600i%2C800%2C800i&subset=latin%2Clatin-ext for: }__test|O:21:\"JDatabaseDriverMysqli\":3:{s:4:\"\\0\\0\\0a\";O:17:\"JSimplepieFactory\":0:{}s:21:\"\\0\\0\\0disconnectHandlers\";a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;O:9:\"SimplePie\":5:{s:8:\"sanitize\";O:20:\"JDatabaseDriverMysql\":0:{}s:5:\"cache\";b:1;s:19:\"cache_name_function\";s:6:\"assert\";s:10:\"javascript\";i:9999;s:8:\"feed_url\";s:54:\"eval(base64_decode($_POST[111]));JFactory::get();exit;\";}i:1;s:4:\"init\";}}s:13:\"\\0\\0\\0connection\";i:1;}e??? replaces: 8 , version: 4 */
So I guess at some point your input should be sanitized ??
BTW, do you think user agent differentiation is really required? Because there are very very many different user agent strings…
]]>Sehr geehrter Herr Marten,
vielen Dank für das Tool, leider sehe ich keine Funktion. Die Verbindung zu Google-Fonts wird nach wie vor hergestellt und Youtube-Video laden nicht mehr, es kommt die andauernde Warteschleife.
Ich verwende das Plugin in einer gesperrten Testumgebung, kann diese aber zeitweise für Sie freigeben.
Mit freundlichen Grü?en,
J?rg Sch?tz
Hello E. Marten,
sorry about to say that it doesn’t work for me. Network analysis from chrome:
Request URL: https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v18/KFOlCnqEu92Fr1MmWUlfBBc4.woff2
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
accept-ranges: bytes
access-control-allow-origin: *
age: 1133002
alt-svc: quic=”:443″; ma=2592000; v=”43,42,41,39,35″
cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
content-length: 15436
content-type: font/woff2
date: Thu, 24 May 2018 14:39:30 GMT
expires: Fri, 24 May 2019 14:39:30 GMT
last-modified: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 17:33:12 GMT
server: sffe
status: 200
timing-allow-origin: *
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
Provisional headers are shown
Origin: https://www.example.de
Referer: https://www.example.de/wp-content/uploads/fonts/6b3a568ce7d1e40ebfbd32bf431dc48d.css
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.62 Safari/537.36
First of all I would like to thank you for this plugin. There is really a lot of GDPR-related plugins for WordPress available but all of them do things I don’t need (such as displaying cookies notifications – while I am not using cookies on my web page) and don’t do things that I need.
While local caching of Google Fonts and emojis is what I have done already long ago manually (since it makes the website load faster – as opposed to what some people claim, and I anyway had to change the fonts because by default the template I use had ones that didn’t include Polish diacritics and this is necessary since the website is in Polish). But replacing YT embeds with previews will be definitely useful for me.
Or it would be… if it worked. Because after I installed it, the only I can see when I try to embed a YT video is:
in the place of the embedded video.
It looks like the plugin should create a directory dsgvo-embed, in it a directory of the name corresponding to the YT video ID and create probably a HTML page with a downloaded preview image of the video which gets placed in the IFRAME in the post – but it doesn’t work. It doesn’t create anything in the dsgvo directory. I tried creating in it manually a directory named dsgvo-ytembed and even giving it 777 permissions – but unfortunately it doesn’t help in any way. Nothing appears in this directory created by myself and the embed, obviously, returns a Not Found error.
Do you have an idea what might be the cause?
And one more question. What I actually really need is a feature which would allow me replacing the Facebook widgets until the user expresses a consent for that – it could be e.g. a button displayed instead of the widget or – probably better – a pop-up message, like it is usually done for cookies, but anyway the Facebook widget must load only after the user clicks that he agrees and never load if he clicks that he doesn’t agree. Is it likely that such a feature could be introduced in the near future in your plugin?
Vielen Dank im Voraus,
I have installed your plugin – but can’t activate it. Is there any conflict with another plugin?
I get an error message during activation:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare disable_emojis_tinymce() (previously declared in /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/disable-emojis/disable-emojis.php:53) in /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/dsgvo/eu-dsgvo-helper.php on line 216
Cannot activate. Do you have any hints? Thank you.