Although the plugin looks nice I can not make it work. I can not verify a facebook page? In what format does it want it
where normally the facebook page link is :
Any of them seems not to pass through the verify step.
Please help me!
<div style=”height:40px”></div> appeared at the end of all the posts i created and still appearing at all the posts i create leaving a blank area after the post content before comment area.
how can i remove it………… any help please ?????
I’m running into something strange. I’ve got Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram streams set up. If I click “validate” on all, they show streams. However, no new posts are getting added and if I click run now, it brings up a popup which just says “0”
Any idea why streams would validate but adding posts would fail?
]]>Since the facebook “verify” uses http and not https I can’t verify my page. I was getting an “Unsupported get request” error so I created an app to include an access token but that requires an “http”. I’ll need to alter the plugin and prevent it updating until this is fixed.
“https” will work with standard user pages as well so changing this in the file:
will not break the plugin
]]>We had an issue with Facebook posts getting duplicated on our site on every fetch, which bloated up our database and had the images taking up a lot of hard disk size.
After looking into this, I managed to fix the issue by making this small change to the plugin code:
inc/class-facebook.php on line 56: $post_id = $this->post_exists( $title );
The issue with using post_name_exists and passing the title as a parameter, is that the post_name property gets formatted in the database like this: “Post Name One” -> “post-name-one”, which causes the LIKE comparison to fail. Instead we should use your brilliant function post_exists()
and only just pass the title as a parameter.
I have a problem when trying to activate the plug-in.
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function options() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/house/wp-content/plugins/dw-social-feed/dw-social-feed.php on line 71
I am using WordPress 3.8.2
]]>I added the twitter profile and verified successfully. When I hit run now it doesn’t render into my posts for the category chosen. Please advise! Thanks.
I have an issue in this plugin that all my textual contents are imported in to the post but images are not.
Why this is not imported my images. Please help me.
I am using facebook, youtube and RSS feeds.
I can not run the plugin. Once the feed and the category as I get them comaparire in an article?
]]>I downloaded DW Social Feed plugin by mistake and customized the Facebook feed and now my recent WordPress blog post feeds on my homepage are all Facebook posts. Please help!
]]>Hi there
Great plugin by the way!!
I am new to WordPress and am experimenting with this plugin (DW Social Feed).
Is it possible to change the heading of facebook feeds? At the moment they are all the same (httpswww-facebook-comavotw). Is it possible to change this somehow either manual or via code?
Have a look at this site as an example. It is only in its infancy:
Many thanks for your help.
]]>I’m asking for Instagram information.
DW Social feed is calling for
and it needs to call for
Evidently, that slash calls for an unverified bit of XML. Leaving it off gets the feed.
The only place I’ve found to make a change that is anything like that is in the Javascript, but the saved change doesn’t seem to make a difference.
I changed line 82 from
url = "https://widget.stagram.com/rss/n/"+username+"/";
url = "https://widget.stagram.com/rss/n/"+username+"";
Any suggestions?
]]>Has this plug-in been withdrawn? I have uploaded and activated it, and filled in the settings, but it doesn’t doesn’t appear as a widget and there is no mention of it on the developer’s webpage.
]]>When the facebook post is posted on my blog it makes the actual image on the page small, thumbnail size. Is there a way to have it larger?
]]>I use WP3.5.1 , WallPress1.0.7 , DW Social Feed.
I’m in a trouble blow.Would you please tell me what I wrong!
My website is https://l-ri.com/
1.I can’t change custom profile of rss on DW Social Feed.I made 6 custom profiles and enter each RSS URL,category,but Profile was last saved will be overwritten to the profile of all.
2.I will not be able to automatically display the widget “Social Feeds”
]]>First of all, it’s really great one. I really like it.
I have questions,
1. title after feed and integration.
When I cron .. it feeds well from my facebook page and intergrate to my WP database.
but the title is all same which is DW profile name.
Is it normal? if so, do I have to fix it everytime whenever I feed?
2.What I should put for “source text”?
I put my facebook page url. is it right?
Great plugin! Everything is working just fine, but when i try to add a twitter search, no posts seem to be rendered in the designated category. I filled out the twitter search, i.e. @open_vld (and when i verify, he finds the account), in source text i leave it as it is (From Twitter). When push the button run now, no posts appear in my category.
What could be the problem? Please advice!
Thank you!
]]>I’m trying to get a facebook page feed to work and a twitter feed to work.
1. For the FB profile do I just put the page number/profile or do I need a feed URL?
2. For the Twitter feed, do I just put the Twitter user id?
3. what is the purpose/use for Search string? to find only certain posts?
thanks for making a cool looking plugin.
your plugin is really FANTASTIC!!!
But it would be more incredible if it was possible to import post with different status (for example: pending or draft or public or private or future).
And better, if it was possible setting time of publications of post: for example I do an import at 2:00 PM and post goes public at 8:00 PM. So I have time to verify if import has gone well but in case of my absence post goes public in any case.
Thank you
]]>I have installed the plugin , using facebook and twitter. I was able to get twitter to work. Not able to get facebook to work. here is the page we want to import https://www.facebook.com/PsychoticHumor
the plugin took the profile, but won’t take the Facebook pagename
can you help me with the settings?
]]>How can you add an @ symbol for the titles in twitterfeed? It just looks more intuitive if people know the titles were actually usernames.
]]>I have a problem with all the urls in the post. The shortening also doesn’t work, no matter which one I use.
For example:
The url name that you see is ok:
but it refers to:
Any idea’s on how to solve this?
I can’t find a way to get also retweets on my site.
Is there a option for that?
Greatings Kees
the crown job doesn’t work..
Only when I press “Run now”
The site get the updates.
I’m testing this plugin right now to put in futures sites, but i’m having troubles with instagram images, it’s like the plugin only got the text but no images of instagram feed, plz help! ??
sorry for my poor english.
Url test site:
]]>For some reason, no posts are being imported from https://www.feedshuffler.com/createfeed.aspx?feedid=9
and I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I see the plugin is using the google feed api, and it’s returning empty entries.
I thought I’d share a hack I added that takes the <category> tags from the RSS feed and adds them as tags to the post.
in the function dwsf_custom_insert_post
$excerpt = $entry->contentSnippet;
$tags = $entry->categories;
within the
if( !is_object($post_id) && $post_id ){
if (count($tags) > 0) {
foreach ($tags AS $k => $tag) {
$istag = get_term_by( 'name', $tag, 'post_tag');
if ($istag) {
wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $istag->slug, 'post_tag', true );
else {
$newterm = wp_insert_term( $tag, 'post_tag');
$newtag = get_term_by( 'id', $newterm['term_id'], 'post_tag');
wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $newtag->slug, 'post_tag', true );
When I import images with the feed, some of the posts imported in display images from other posts imported in. Any idea why?
]]>Hello… I absolutely love the concept of your plugin. We installed it at https://www.WhosInHollywood.com and it works perfectly for us except the following things:
– When a facebook page posts a Youtube video the embed code is placed in the link section on our posts instead of the url of that video so the link doesn’t work. It sometimes pulls up the shadow box looking for a video but no video is played because of this.
– We are using buddypress so when that same user’s new post (ie facebook update) is posted in his activity feed all of the links go to a page on our site that “doesn’t exist”
– The title of the post says “Facebook status at 2012-08-07 – will-smith” for instance and we would like to customize it so that it can pull the title of the post or first three words of post or whatever. If not possible, then we can live with this.
– Twitter updates don’t post the entire update, sometimes cut off mid-sentence.
Please see sample here: https://www.whosinhollywood.com/blog/2012/08/07/facebook-id-89a6ddbea3d91c33e0f44d1f22da40a2/
We would like to pay you to help us develop and customize this on our site so that it works the way we need it to.
]]>CRON timer is stuck at 00:00:00 no matter what I do.
Also I noticed that the Instagram link does not work
Verify pulls up URL “https://widget.stagram.com/rss/tag” instead of the documented link “https://widget.stagram.com/rss/n/”
I love this plugin and can’t wait for future versions that pull from other social networks.