Hi there,
Chrome/Firefox are ok, but Safari does not work (no QR code visible). Additionally, when on Draft pages, the QR-Code is not for the permalink, but for the ID, eg: domain.com/?p=1234 (where domain.com/newpage_but_draft would be correct).
You have to use get_SAMPLE_permalink(pageID) to get the (future) permalink and regular permalinks.
i can share my (improved) code with you,
All best
Hello and thanks for the plugin:
I see the QR code of this plugin shows a more complex image than the same url encode in a online QR code generator. I think this happen because the QR code is encoding the custom permalink instead of the default permalink of WordPress.
In my theme I’m using echo do_shortcode("[dqr_code size='116' url='https://www.my_webpage.com/?p=$post->ID']");
but the code still looks more complex than the online QR generators.
There is some way to simplify the URL at the most basic possible to get a QR code the most clean and legible possible?
Thank you!
In multisite, I tried to set Qrcode color, but it does not work
[dqr_code url=”https://example.com” size=”300″ color=”#0000ff″ bgcolor=”#ffffff”]
]]>Multisite support please?
I want QR code for my company, bascially I want to add this QR code to my visiting card, so will this plugin work for me?
would it be possible to generate a QR code for a user when they register on WP / woocommerce site?
I want to be able to use the QR code at a physical location to check a user is registered / has a valid subscription to use / access the venue.
]]>Hi everyone,
[dqr_code] works if added from the page/post edit view but does not work when added as part of the footer code (right in the theme php). Pls advise a solution. Thank you!
]]>Not Working For me in my classipress theme please can you help
]]>add_filter( 'attachment_fields_to_edit', 'qrcode_attachment', 10, 2);
function qrcode_attachment($form_fields, $post){
$link = urlencode( $post->guid );
$qr_img = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=300x300&chld=H|4&chl=" . $link;
$qr_img_l = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=540x540&chld=H|4&chl=" . $link;
$form_fields['qrcode'] = array(
'label' => __('QR kód pro odkaz', 'domain'),
'input' => 'html',
'html' => "<a href='" . $qr_img_l ."' target='_blank'><img src='" . $qr_img . "' Title='" . __('Kliknutím otev?ete velky QR kód', 'domain') . "'></a>",
'value' => 1,
'helps' => __('Kliknutím otev?ete velky QR kód', 'domain')
return $form_fields;
]]>We are selling deals and I want to create a qr code and pass the voucher code for each dynamically created voucher.
I have the code as a shortcode [vou_code] – is it possible to do something like this?
basically I want the end user (merchant) to use an app to scan a code and then open the page on our site for code verification with the code already in the check voucher code box
here is the page they would open in their phone after scanning –
I want the code to be already in the box so all they need to do is click CHECK IT and then if it is valid click the REDEEM button