Good features but it makes Elementor very slow to load and save. “It can also cause the Elementor editor page to freeze occasionally.”
Any ideas for improvement?
]]>Hi according to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/update-not-available-4/ the update to fix the OG issue, was going to be live in a few days, A month has passed… any news?
]]>Empty Elementor Form field “Select” Type”, does not clear the existing Taxonomy values when saved.
Other fields work as intended on ACF fields, but Taxonomy field does not clear when a post is updated with empty values from the Select Type fields.
How do I resolve?
]]>Hi there,
The plugin is not working on my website with woocommerce. I try to display a button if the cart is empty and another button if the cart is not.
Sometimes it’s working (when i save my elementor page and refresh), sometimes not, i don’t understand. I’m not using a cache plugin.
Can you help me please?
Thanks a lot
I am trying to customize the display of some elements on the page depending on the meta field. In the “User & Role” section, no matter what I write in the dropdown list, the error “The results cannot be loaded.” always appears.
Please help me to solve this problem.
Hello, I’m trying to make a basic configuration, Show Login (For non-logged visitors) and Show My Account for all visitors except non-logged visitors and it doesn’t show it correctly
Versión 3.24.1 Elementor Pro
Thank you
I have a a couple of containers that I want to hide on mobile and show an accordion widget instead. Set up both the container and the accordion widget with device visibility settings but it’s not working.
Here’s a screenshot for the container settings: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/50324407?key=1cfd024569644af727c9725af9d0f668
And these are for the accordion settings: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/50324408?key=e31e78bac2419f2d6294e8e419d31601
The containers are still showing on mobile and the accordion does not show on desktop nor mobile. Are the settings ok? How can I set this up?
]]>Hi , as per https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/linking-scroll-and-clicking/ the update has been published but it doesn’t show up as such.
Where can it be downloaded?
I am a big fan of the Dynamic Visibility plugin by ooo, but I cannot seem to get it to show / hide content based on whether a loop carrousel has content (i.e. posts).
My post template for “Chapters” (custom post type) has a container with a loop carrousel with video posts. The video posts (another custom post type) are selected depending on whether they share the same category as the main “chapter” post being displayed. I use Advanced Queries Options and “Dynamically Related Posts” to do this.
I would like to use Dynamic Visibility plugin to display a message such as “No videos available” in the case that the loop carrousel has no posts, but can’t get this to work. I have the same problem with post widgets. I am looking for a simple way to test if these elements “has content”.
Can anyone help?
]]>Hi sorry to bump this but it’s been a month and I have a project depending on this promised fix:
Is there any ETA?
]]>I want to display a elementor widget in certain pages. I have assigned all my pages to certain categories using a plugin which allows me to add categories to pages. But it didn’t work. I again tried with tags by assigning 3 different tags to respective pages. It’s still not working. When I manually select a page using the page title, it’s working fine. Please help me in this regard.
Just for your information, your Advanced Masking option doesn’t work on mobile for Firexfox and Opera. I get my images covered completely with the background image instead of having the mask applied. Safari and Chrome on Iphone works well and all browsers on desktop also. It’s only Firefox and Opera for Iphone for now.
]]>Hi, I have a couple of imgs on a container on the top of the page and a container near the bottom of the screen that holds other images. I’ve set the images on the bottom to have visibility hidden and when I click the corresponding image On top it should set the hidden to visible.
So far so good , It works BUT…
If I set to the image on top to have a link to an anchor above the bottom image so I can show a scroll it doesnt change the visibility. It does go to the anchor but the image never changes visibility.
When I look the source code where the image should appear I see:
<div class="elementor-element elementor-element-fcb923d e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent" data-id="fcb923d" data-element_type="container">
<div class="e-con-inner">
<div class="dce-visibility-element-hidden dce-visibility-original-content dce-visibility-event elementor-element elementor-element-0aff488 elementor-widget elementor-widget-image dce-visibility-event-initialized" data-id="0aff488" data-element_type="widget" data-settings="{"enabled_visibility":"yes","dce_visibility_click":"#RockyImg","dce_visibility_selected":"yes","dce_visibility_event":"click"}" data-widget_type="image.default">
<div class="elementor-widget-container">
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1024" height="592" src="https://mysite/retrocard/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/01-RockyScroll-1024x592.webp" class="attachment-large size-large wp-image-30" alt="" srcset="https://mysite/retrocard/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/01-RockyScroll-1024x592.webp 1024w, https://mysite/retrocard/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/01-RockyScroll-300x173.webp 300w, https://mysite/retrocard/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/01-RockyScroll-768x444.webp 768w, https://mysite/retrocard/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/01-RockyScroll.webp 1181w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px"> </div>
As far As I can see the img is there but not visible …
How can I implement both the link and the click
Downgraded to 5.11 and it resolved
]]>After logging in my website takes you to the my-account page, IF you click home page, it shows the login button again instead of My account.
Added in WP rocket -advance rules-never cache cookies
Am i missing anything?
]]>Hi, I just got a fatal Error with the new update of Dynamic Visibility for Elementor.
[28-Jun-2024 11:02:38 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Trait “DynamicVisibilityForElementor\Validation” not found in /home/customer/www/website.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-visibility-for-elementor/class/helper.php on line 16
Solved the problem rolling back to 5.0.11
New update makes fatal error loop
]]>Hi I am getting critical errror after updating the plugin. Can you please help? I can share the url and log in details if you need but may be somewhere more private?
]]>This is an odd one. In ACF I have a Date Picker field wih the name ‘End_date’. In Dynamic Visibility (free version), when I choose ACF Date Time Field as my dynamic tag, I can’t select a key — I just see a small empty dropdown. Any ideas?
Thank you guys for great and usufull plugin! I have an issue with cache system and Dynamiv visibilliy.
In some scenarios the cache save the static HTML for the page with old condition.
For example, i have 2 containers that i set with dynamic visibillity plugin to show the first one when user logged in and hide the second and vise versa. But, I fact when I go to page for the first time as a non logged in user and then login it still show me the version of non logged in users. and it working fine after clearing cache with wp rocket.
We are currently using Memberpress & Memberpress Corporate Accounts.
Using this creates a new type of subset type memberships called “Corp Type” which is either “Corporate admin” or “Sub account”.
Is there any way for dynamic visibility to distinguish between the two corp types?
]]>Good afternoon! I have WooCommerce, Elementor PRO and Free Dynamic Visibility for Elementor. When a user is searching for a car model, then he will be redirected to search results page for “carplay” category. This search results page is using the same design for all categories.
For this specific category “Carplay” I want to hide a certain container.
So far I tried to hide by: Post&Page – Taxonomy (Product categories – product_cat) – Terms: Carplay.
Is there any chance to achieve this?
Thank you!
]]>Hi, can works with MemberPress Level Member?
It looks like if you have a Dynamic Tag that prints a number, that number is actually a string, so, the “Greater than” comparison doesn’t work (same for “Less than” and other comparisons).
]]>I hope I am being clear but this is slightly complicated to explain. Please bear with me. I want to make an elementor container HIDE when the content inside the container have taxonomy terms = “not available” Is that possible?
]]>Is the plugin compatible with MySQL 8 or 8.x versions?
]]>Hi, I’m using the elementor loop builder, and I have a loop i’m using on pages and on archives. The client wants one piece of information only to show up on taxonomy archives, not on pages. Is there a way that I can set this within the loop using your plugin? It’s easy to show hide via CSS, but I’m guessing I could do it with the plugin if I knew how. Thanks!
I’m trying to use the logical connective to make sure that a container is hidden if a specific ACF is not valued OR the site is in EN.
Whether I put OR or AND, however, nothing changes.
I wanted to try to activate debugging (I already set the WP one to true) but the option is no longer there.
Thank you
Hi, updated to the latest Elementor and Elementor Pro and now the editor won’t load. The console shows the following error:Uncaught ReferenceError: elementor is not defined
Weird that I’m not seeing other reports of this here, can you please try to reproduce this?
]]>hallo alle zusammen, ich habe eine Frage bezüglich des Plugins. Es geht mir darum, auf das Verhalten eines Short Codes zu reagieren. Damit m?chte ich sagen, wenn der Shorttcode [abcd] nicht aktiv ist, zeigt er derzeit auch immer als Text [abcd] an. Dies würde ich gerne ausblenden, aber auch wieder einblenden, wenn für den shortocde tats?chlich zb ein Formular hinterlegt ist. Ich brauche sozusagen den Wert des Short Codes einmal in seiner ursprünglichen Version, und einmal in seiner Version, wenn er etwas anzeigt. Darauf soll das Plugin reagieren und entsprechend alles ausblenden oder nicht.
eine weitere M?glichkeit sehe ich in dem jeweiligen Aufruf der Seite, der im einen Fall unterschiedliche Parameter mitgeliefert werden…
https://test.de/testseite/ ( hier alles ausblenden)
https://test.de/testseite/?=ekfufhbrjeuendn ( hier alles einblenden)
Ich hoffe meine Anfrage ist verst?ndlich formuliert worden und bedanke mich bereits schon im Voraus für eure Ideen. M?glicherweise kennt jemand noch eine Idee für einen weiteren workaround?