Hi, I have installed this in my sidebar. I wanted to filter out a bunch of Media library categories, and only show blog post categories. But I can only get this widget to display ALL the categories.
When I type in the ID numbers of the media categories into the ‘Hide Categories’ box, and click save, then ALL the categories disappear from my sidebar.
Tried typing a ‘1’ into the ‘Hide Empty Categories’ box to see if that would filter out the non-blog categories, but that didn’t work either.
Hopefully you can suggest what might be going wrong, or I’ll have no option but to delete the widget, as it doesn’t function for me.
]]>Line 139, the “strong” tag needs to be closed. Don’t know if that’s causing any of the other problems people have reported, but it did make the dashboard look strange.
]]>in 3.4.1 this doesn’t appear to work
]]>Hi. I’m using Genesis StudioPress framework with the News Theme and after loading this plugin I’m unable to get the widgets to drop down for editing. Turn off the plugin and the problem goes away. This only happens when logged in as an Admin and an attempt is made to get a widget to drop down for editing. The user side of the site appears to have no issue with it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Foremost: Thanks for this great & simple plugin. It’s great to be able to easily manage & select categories for the widget areas.
If I may, I’d like to make a few suggestions for the next version of this plugin.
Add ability to show OR hide noted categories
Right now, the widget awesomely allows users to select “Categories To Hide.” It would be great if there was a toggle to EITHER show or hide the categories that the user enters. That way, if there are a great number of categories and you only want to show a few, you can just enter the few that you want to show rather than all the categories that need to be hidden.
This might also help with the issue that if you hide a parent category, it also hides its children categories (whereas, sometimes, there are needs to show children categories without the parent categories).
Correct spelling issues in output code
In the code output by this plugin, there are some odd misspellings.
Shorten Tag Classes & IDs
Aside from the spelling corrections above, it might actually be nicer if the classes & IDs in the tags were shortened a bit, just to clean up the code that is output from the plugin.
For example, using an ID of something like “ecm_widget” instead of “easy_categories_management_widget.” Just a thought.
Hope this helps make this fine plugin even better!
]]>no explanation of how to find category ID numbers.
this is the second plugin I tried that has no instructions on finding the category ID numbers!
programmers drive me crazy… :(((
]]>I think you should make it GUI (Graphics User Interface) from current CUI mode.
]]>When I try to move the widget into the sidebar the area below the inactive widegts fills with: Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count ?Enable Post Count