This is what Foundation need to work corectly.
ul -> li with classes “accordion-navigation [active]”
But EFS is going about this in a much different way. I suppose the dd with dl doesn’t really matter as opposed to the ul and li in the foundation example, but it doesn’t look like the active class is passed along.
You can see there is no “active” class added to the HTML.
Im trying to add a list item inside the accordion shortcode but it seems to break it.
Is this an isolated incident?
I think in order to contain html inside a shortcode you have to wrap it in do_shortcode($content) as the output in the shortcode PHP code.
That or maybe ob_start(); and return ob_get_clean(); will fix it?
I found the column shortcode option didn’t close it’s popup form on submit due to an incorrect js call.
In wpcolumns_plugin.js on line 303 the code is currently;
form.dialog( "destroy" );
This doesn’t do anything at all, what should be used instead is the efs_close_dialogue method like follows;
This operates properly, I’ve fixed my instance but am sharing so can be added in next update of plugin.
Found an issue with the thumbnail_plugin.js that handles the form and renders the shortcode.
If you provide a link, it doesn’t get rendered, this is because it’s looking for the class in the conditional on line 91;
link= ' link="'+form.find('#oscitas-thumbnail-link').val()+'"';
It should be trying to find #oscitas-thumbnail-link like this;
link= ' link="'+form.find('#oscitas-thumbnail-link').val()+'"';
Also another minor oddity is there’s a string ‘sdsd’ that’s added to the shortcode for no apparent reason on line 99;
shortcode = '[efsthumbnail sdsd'+link+cusclass+radius+' src="'+form.find('#oscitas-thumbnail-src').val()+'"]';
I’ve already tweaked in my version but wanted to bring it to your attention for the next update.
You are missing the accordion-navigation css class from the <dd> element of the toggle shortcode html.
Add that class to the dd element on line 69 of /toggles/plugin_shortcode.php and it works fine.
Just a heads up, thanks for the great plugin
]]>I found these two lines with google Pagespeed which just appera if activating EFS-Plugin:
<script id=”js-1124342058″ src=”//”>
<script id=”js-979159702″ src=”//” data-loaded=”true”>
What are they doing and how can i get rid of them?
Kind regards
]]>WordPress 4.5.1 brings updated jQuery, which has problems with this plugin due to syntax errors. Could you please update it for that? Many thanks.
I’m getting the following session warnings coming from this plugin;
WARNING: wp-content/plugins/easy-foundation-shortcodes/osc_foundation_shortcode.php:152 – session_start(): Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /home/dev/public_html/ymca/wp-content/themes/ymca/homepage.php:7)
require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/ymca/homepage.php’), get_header, locate_template, load_template, require_once(‘/themes/ymca/header.php’), wp_head, do_action(‘wp_head’), call_user_func_array, wp_enqueue_scripts, do_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’), call_user_func_array, efs_osc_add_dynamic_css, session_start
WARNING: wp-content/plugins/easy-foundation-shortcodes/osc_foundation_shortcode.php:152 – session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/dev/public_html/ymca/wp-content/themes/ymca/homepage.php:7)
require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/ymca/homepage.php’), get_header, locate_template, load_template, require_once(‘/themes/ymca/header.php’), wp_head, do_action(‘wp_head’), call_user_func_array, wp_enqueue_scripts, do_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’), call_user_func_array, efs_osc_add_dynamic_css, session_start
Thank you
]]>When defining a column like this:
[efscolumn md="5" mdoff="3"]
the mdoff
attribute is not converted to a corresponding medium-offset class.
]]>Maybe the plugin is not ready for WordPress 4.4.2 yet. After inserting shorcodes, the popup window, doesn’t close.
I’m making a plugin for tinymce which generates the html for foundation columns and grid. I searched around the internet and came to know your plugin. It is a very good work. I tried to install and use for a while. And I found that your approach is a different to mine. Your plugin generates shortcodes (mine generates the final html). And a question popped up.
Why not generating html?
With html we can see the final result right in the admin editor (with a little help from add_editor_style(‘foundation.min.css’) in the functions.php). Are there any difficulties? Or are there more benefits from shortcodes?
Thank you for a great plugin,
]]>Hi, would this work if my theme already has Foundation 6?
Thank you
]]>Thanks for the great plugin. My only comment – is the top-level WP admin menu really necessary? It’s only one page – wouldn’t it be better under the Settings menu? This seems to be the better context and wouldn’t contribute more top-level admin menu clutter.
]]>Is it possible to apply a colspan attribute to the table cells created by the table shortcode?
I need to create a table with a varying number of columns from row to row.
Thank you!
]]>Hi guys!
Love this plugin and it is super-useful.
Now Foundation 6 is out, will this plugin be updated to support new features?
Would be amazing if it was!
Would be great to now.
I’m using the shortcodes for row/column and found when I have a nested set that it craps out due to the end shortcode for the inner being caught as the end shortcode for the outer. For the time being I’ve resolved by simply duplicating the efsrow and efscolumn shortcodes to efsinnerrow and efsinnercolumn so they’re named differently. This has worked for me but would love to see proper support for this.
Feature Request: Can we add a class to the columns on the wpcolumn shortcode. The class on row is useful but I often find I need a class on the column itself rather than the row.
Thank you
]]>When using the efstoggles shortcode and specifying a toggle that should be open on page load using active=”active”, the content is properly expanded. However, the class=”active” isn’t added to the <dd>. It is added after clicking another toggle. Is there an option I’m missing?
]]>When I create a button with your shortcodes it gives me a option to pick target, or open in new window. When I check this box it still does not do it when placed in?
]]>Lightbox is pretty standard and one of the better features of Foundation. Where is it?
]]>Hi there,
I had to delete this plugin because first of all it breaks xmlrpc.php. It embeds the content of the xml feed INTO the HTML template of the site! This prevents the JetPack plugin from being able to read and access the website, for instance.
Also, I noticed the plugin has its own entire copy of foundation’s CSS inside of its plugin folder, which conflicts with the foundation rules within the FoundationPress theme, for instance.
This plugin should have NO foundation CSS dependency, and should only work if you’re using a Foundation based theme.
]]>Description page says “Compatible up to: 3.6.1”.
Will it ever be updated for current 4.3 release?
]]>Can I make the suggestion – allow the selection of Target _self or _blank for the tooltips links.
]]>Thanks for this great plugin! I found a typo at line 17, cursor position 65 of oscitas_dropdown_3_9.js ( that results in a superfluous opening bracket when you enter a the shortcode for Foundation tabs via the editor buttons. Nothing fatal, but it puts out a “[” in front of the rendered tabs, which might be confusing for non-dev editors.
]]>Hi there,
I am using the Canvas theme by WooThemes, and the tabs and accordion don’t work – when I click the tab title, the content associated with that tab doesn’t show. Nothing happens.
I’d love to get it working, if anyone is able to please help.
I can provide a link to the site if required.
Many thanks in advance,
]]>If I want to use this plugin on a multisite network install (50+ sites), is there a way to select my JS and CSS settings to ‘use from theme or any other plugin’ for the entire install, and not have to select this option on a site-by-site basis?
I need to know if is possible to add a new row inside an existing row.
If I write this:
[efscolumns large-xx]
/* others shortcode */
the shortcode structure breakdown and the
is displayed like simple text by wordpress.
How to fix it? I need to create a complex grid structure.
]]>Hello, would it be possible to add an option to this plugin to support a 24-column grid, over the standard 12-column? Thanks!
]]>This app is incredibly useful for the sites I develop with Foundation and therefore I want to pass on a bug that’s appeared. I have found that the accordions, for example, are not interacting properly with WP version 4.1, plugin version 2.5.0 and Foundation v5.5.0.
The class, accordion-navigation
, appears to be missing, resulting in the accordions not toggling to show their contents. This might be something just missed in the coding of this plugin or it might be a change from Foundation v5.0 to v5.5. In either case if we are using the latest version of Foundation in our themes it appears that some of the required classes may be missing.
According to the Foundation 5.5 documentation,, the markup should output like this:
<dl class="accordion yourcustomclass" data-accordion="" id="oscitas-efs-toggle-2">
<dd class="accordion-navigation active">
<a href="#efs-tooglepane-2-0">Accordion number 1</a>
<div class="content active" id="efs-tooglepane-2-0">Toggle 1 content goes here.</div>
<dd class="accordion-navigation">
<a href="#efs-tooglepane-2-1">Accordion number 2</a>
<div class="content" id="efs-tooglepane-2-1">Toggle 2 content goes here.</div>
<dd class="accordion-navigation">
<a href="#efs-tooglepane-2-2">Accordion number 3</a>
<div class="content" id="efs-tooglepane-2-2">Toggle 3 content goes here.</div>
</dd><dd class="accordion-navigation">
<a href="#efs-tooglepane-2-3">Accordion number 4</a>
<div class="content" id="efs-tooglepane-2-3">Toggle 4 content goes here.</div>
]]>If I specify active=”active” in the shortcode, the section displays expanded as expected, however it is missing the class=”active” on the parent element. Once I close and reopen the section the classname is applied correctly. I’m using the classname to add custom toggle icons so its important that the classname reflects the state of the section. Thanks!