Hi, our host tried to fix a php error. Can you help? Message from our support:
I have reviewed the matter and the current session file on the server is:
> -rw——- 1 lifevac lifevac 134 Jun 11 2020 /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea3/sess_b2bc247c0129c9f5ff151978a3f2bd7c
however, your plugin is looking for the following session file:
> /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea3/sess_48d6384af33c794a6514f076b50aa6e4
I have attempted to clear your website cache and the server-side cache in an attempt to resolve the issue, however, the same persisted.
With the above in mind, we recommend consulting with the developers of the plugin and if any changes have to be made to your server environment you can contact us at any time and we will gladly assist you.
I have 22 pages on /wp-admin/admin.php?page=easy-modal page, and when I tried to enter page number in top-right input and press enter (instead of clicking on pager arrows) I redirected to this url:
and Fatal error shown:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function render() on null in /[……]/wp-content/plugins/easy-modal/classes/controller.php:8
Stack trace:
#0 /[……]/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): EModal_Controller::render(”)
#1 /[……]/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(312): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
#2 /[……]/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#3 /[……]/wp-admin/admin.php(254): do_action(‘toplevel_page_e…’)
#4 {main} thrown in /[……]/wp-content/plugins/easy-modal/classes/controller.php
on line 8
Доброго времени суток интересует возможность вложить во всплывающее окно шорткод в котором находятса категории товаров… Подскажите правельный путь ибо простого и понятного мне выхода из ситуации я не нашел… Спасибо за внимание и время
]]>When using the Appearance Editor to edit my theme files, when I hit Update File, I get the error:
Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.
Disabling all my add-ins and switching to Twenty Seventeen fixes the issue. Reactivating my theme (a Gravida Pro child) does not bring the problem back. By selectively reactivating plugins, I’ve isolated the issue to the Easy Modal plugin. Once I activate that, the theme editor fails again.
I’ve read elsewhere on the www.ads-software.com forum that this is a known issue: under WordPress 4.9, plugins that call session_start() too often or in the wrong place can cause the editor to fail.
Is this a known error with the plugin? And can we expect an update that fixes it?
]]>For example
For php code inside content of modal
on one site there is a theme setting
on another site with the plugin of exactly the same version – there is no option for the theme.
because of this I can not configure the appearance of the modal window.
why is this happening and how to improve the situation?
I tried to install and configure a popup-maker.
but I really did not like it because the appearing / disappearing scroll when opening / closing the modal, so i have jumping width of the window.
Also, the jumping window looks different in chrome and firefox.
just do not like popup-maker, so help please to configure the ease-modal.
]]>before the installation of the plugin, the site was loading up to 0.2 seconds.
after installation 5, 10, sometimes 20 seconds.
HTTP Request
cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds
Call Stack
Tonight suddenly my site was loading really slow and timing out. I traced the issue back to this plug in. The problem is the plug in “calls home” to easy-modal.com which no longer seems to be a live site.. I deleted this line to make the site load normal again.
Remove line 27 &28:
if (!defined(‘EMCORE_API_URL’))
define(‘EMCORE_API_URL’, ‘https://easy-modal.com’);
I have a question about migrating to PHP 7.1. Will this plugin play ok with it?
Thank you,
Hello, I love your plugin and use it across my web-site. I’ve recently run into issues where the Modals no longer scroll, but the page behind will scroll.
Following your post format request:
1. https://americanadventures.com/work-for-us/
2. Suppose to happen: click the modal, it pops up, and you can scroll up or down to read everything in the modal.
3. What’s happening: I click the modal, it pops up, I scroll but the page behind the modal scrolls leaving much information unreadable.
4. You can find in the 3rd section of the page under the titles: About Us, About Our Trips, etc.
How to fix scrolling page with a fixed window? Use code for a large amount of text <div style=”overflow-y:auto; height: 800px; padding-left: 30px;”> but does not handle this window, as it works, scrolling the entire page under the modal window. How to turn off scrolling under the page, but to include in the modal window. Iframe to use I can’t!
]]>Hi everyone.
I’m using Easy Modal and I’m having an issue with the translation of the form which is inside of the modal. The .po and .mo files of the form are translated to spanish but they are not displayed inside the modal pop up.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Thanks for your time, attention and support.
Best wishes to everyone ??
I migrated my site to its final URL, and am facing a very strange error.
I have 14 modas, all loading sitewide and appearing in custom pages. But within a specific custom page, which doesn’t use the modals, I can see the code for all the modals being loaded and, at the end, a datepicker is being displayed.
Is there a way to correct this?
My site : https://www.manassafetyindia.com uses easy modal plugin but its not showing on the webpage. I have tried selecting the modal from the “edit page” option and also tried to show it sitewide but it just doesn’t shows.
Please help
]]>1. Link Your Implementation of Easy Modal:
2. Describe what is supposed to happen:
Modal created and set to popup when https://roots.currentperspectives.org/roots-clothing/ is launched.
3. Describe what is actually happening:
Modal does not pop up when page is loaded. Nothing happens.
4. If you have to click something on your page to get the modal to popup, please specify where:
I have pages with lots of images and with google map.
Modal is opened on button click.
But it is not available until everything is loaded, I think that problem is in google map which loads very slowly. I can click on the button but modal is not appearing.
How to fix this. How to make modal available immediately when user click on button, and not to wait until the whole page is loaded?
Thank you,
]]>Hi! After migrate to another hosting plugin not work. Reinstall not help…
Help please. Hosting use nginx…
I’m using a contact form shortcode with Easy Modal. Everything works like a charm, beside the thank you message. After submiting the modal form – page reloads, Modal dissapears and user dont know anything about his message – was it sended succesfully or not, how can i change this so the default cf7 thank you message will show – even after reload, ofcourse the better way will be without the page reload but still… Is there any workaround?
]]>Hey there!
Sorry to bug you with what I assume is likely an obvious question, but I’ve read through the forum and the Getting Started Guide, as well as tried to implement dozens of solutions myself to no avail.
I am calling an Easy Modal popup through Themepunch’s Essential Grid. It is pulling a post category into EG and then displaying the content in a modal window. It works terrifically if I’m already on the page that displays the posts, but now I just need to create a link to these modal windows from off-site.
I have seen a number of people claim they’ve got solutions, but my understanding of their various methods is so spotty that I can’t recreate any of them.
Thank you so much!
I use YouTube embed code with autoplay selected in a pop up.
The problem is video doesn’t stop on pop up close and it continue playing in the background after closing the pop up.
Do you have a solution to stop video playing when someone click on the close button?
Thank you.
In a web I have to use two plugins. The idea is this: in the section Relojes have to carry the catalogs of each brand. The catalogs are made with a plugin Gallery “Gallery for Supsystic” and want to show popup through “Easy Modal”.
The problem arises when the popup shows the gallery, Firefox looks perfectly but does not load well in Chrome and Safari …
How I can do to look good in all browsers?
The problem is Easy Modal, because the gallery works perfectly.
Thank you.
clic Reebok Ver Catálogo
Doesnt work
]]>I’m trying to customize my modals and it’s working EXCEPT…the difference in #eModal-3 doesn’t show up. Actually, the customization for #eModal-3 doesn’t work at all. It’s like the custom CSS only allows for customization of one Modal. You can see that the difference in the modals is only the border color.
Can anyone see what I might be doing wrong and how I can be able to customize all my modals?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Here is the CSS code I’m using:
#eModal-1 {
height: 400px;
width: 400px;
border-radius: 200px !important;
background-color: #525252 !important;
border: 5.5px solid #ECA846 !important;
#eModal-3 {
height: 400px;
width: 400px;
border-radius: 200px !important;
background-color: #525252 !important;
border: 5.5px solid #26235B !important;
I added the class eModal and eModal-2 to my menu item but still it doesn’t works as expected, any idea ?
]]>How can I call the close action using jquery ?
I looked trough the source but cannot figure it out unfortunately.
]]>Hi I am using this in order use easy modal for posts previews. However, I would also like to add comments_template to my output. Any ideas in how to do this?
Is it possible to activate option “Select which modals to load” on Woocommerce product pages? Currently, this option is available only on Posts and Pages.
Thank you advance for your reply.
]]>I am currently developing a website. Easy Modal worked perfectly before the WordPress and after the update it stopped. Now, I have tried. Downloaded different plugins and checked links too. Changed options within the plugin. No luck. Please do help me out!
Thank You.
]]>I’ve got a webshop with woocommerce installed and I want to use the easy modal. I want to give the modal the product_id so that it can show the product details in the modal. But I can’t get it to work properly.
The link for the modal
<a data-product_id="<?php echo get_the_id(); ?>" data-product_sku="" rel="nofollow" class="button add_to_cart_button eModal-1 product_type_simple">+</a>
What’s in the modal
[product_page id="<?php echo $product_id; ?>"]
Is there a way to keep the product_id always updated so it shows the right product in modal.
We are using the easy modal on a site and after entering some new text it stopped working.
The load type is set to “Load Sitewide”
We load it in the footer and directly on a page.
I’ll be happy to send the link to the webbsite directly to you.