Thanks for the plugins. They are light weight, and easy to use. Perfect!
This is what FB Pixel Helper (Chrome Extension) says, when pressing the Add to Cart button on my site:
The recommended parameter ‘value’ is missing. We were expecting value for AddToCart and Purchase events. Learn more
This pixel is not paired with a catalog. Please associate this pixel with a catalog using the Catalog Manager at https://www.facebook.com/products/.Learn more
No products found for given content IDsLearn more
The recommended parameter ‘currency’ is missing. We were expecting currency for AddToCart and Purchase events.Learn more
The view content event gives this warning:
This pixel is not paired with a catalog. Please associate this pixel with a catalog using the Catalog Manager at https://www.facebook.com/products/.Learn more
content_type: product
content_ids: [“005-161785”]
value: 39.2
content_name: Show
currency: NOK
content_category: Bordkortholdere
Setup Method: Manual
URL Called: Show
Load Time: 19.71 ms
Pixel Code: Show
Pixel Location: Show
Frame: Window
This might be OK, but I don’t know – that is why I ask.
But I would like to see that the Add To Cart sent the value for the product added as well.
Can I fix this somehow?
I have checked the tracking on Bing Ads today and although the UET tag is working and the sale is being recorded the variable transaction value is missing with a default of 1 recorded.
Oddly when I look at the source code I can see ‘revenue_value’ : 24.00 and the currency for Facebook, which is the correct amount on the my purchase, but not Bing.
]]>Duplicate Transactions in Google Analytics
each time customer user revisits the thank-you page (same order. Let’s say, on the mobile page-refresh) the transaction is reported to google analytics (and facebook?) multiple times.
we have a user who revisited 13 times!!!, \
another user 8 times!
how can I avoid duplicate reporting for the same order?
]]>Hi, I looked at the source for my pages, including the order-received page, and I didn’t see any mention of the plugin passing the conversion data (order value) back to Microsoft Ads.
window.uetq = window.uetq || [];
window.uetq.push({ ‘gv’: ‘<?php echo $order->get_total(); ?>’});
A confirmation if the plugin actually passes back the data would be great. Thank you ??