the plugin does not work with the latest version of wordpress.
I would like to contribute and fix the problems I found. Could you let me join in?
]]>Hi, I see that it have passed a while since the last update for the plugin. Do you know if it still works?
]]>Hi There,
I have this installed on my wordpress blog, and incorporated into my app. However, my devices are not registering. I can confirm that registration works when I manually input the URL on my browser, but devices do not register through the app.
Also, in the code, it says that UDID function is deprecated. Is this plugin still supported with iOS 5 or 6? Could you please update?
Also, when I keep getting errors saying the production certificate cannot be found on my wordpress error log. Could you please let me know what directory is the best directory to put the certificates, and the settings I would put in the worpdress panel.
]]>I have my devices registered, wp_apns_devices and wp_apns_device_history get populated but wp_apns_messages does not. My certificates seem fine, I checked them with a script and there isn’t any error.
So, when I post I get:
Notice: Undefined variable: argv in .../wp-content/plugins/easyapns/apns.php on line 158
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at .../wp-content/plugins/easyapns/apns.php:102) in .../wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 897
(Line 158 of apns.php is in function apns_start:
$args = (!empty($_GET)) ? $_GET:array('task'=>$argv[1]);
]]>Dear Ludovic,
first thanks for this plugin !
I would like to know what can we use instead of device uuid because it seems that the length of 40 chars is mandatory for registering a device.
Do you have any recommendation because UUID is no more available in the API
Hi, the plugin is working great, but seem that the post pubblished in the future are not pushed.
Is there some workaround to solve this?
Thank you
]]>I have the devices registered and created new posts.
But after about 15 minutes, nothing has come back to the device??
How long does this normally take?
if i load apns.php
i get this error
Fatal error: Call to a member function get_results() on a non-object in /home/15264/public_html/wp-content/plugins/easyapns/php/classes/class_DbConnect.php on line 158
Is there a solution to this problem?
]]>Hi, I’ve install the plugin and configurate it but I can’t register any device.
I’ve test certificate path using paths like “https://www.patluze.com/… .pem”, “APN/… .pem” and also “../APN/… .pem”.
I’ve try “…?easyapns=register&task=register&appname…” URL in safari and I’m getting an error:
Fatal error: Missing Production Certificate. 1) ….
The interesting thing is when I post an article (I’ve checked “Process queue directly when a post is published”), if the certificate is set with https://ww…. I’m getting the same error, but if the setting url is ../APN/… I’m not getting the error.
I can’t understand where is the mistake, can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
]]>private function _unregisterDevice($token){
global $wpdb;
$sql = “UPDATE apns_devices
SET status
WHERE devicetoken
LIMIT 1;”;
$this->db->query($sql, ‘query’);
it’s ok. change this in class_APNS.php file.
]]>i’ve change in CLASS_apns.php this:
$sql = “INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->prefix."apns_messages
in easyapns project, i found autoincrement count for badge.
But in this plug in, the message sent to device it’s only for 1.
So even if app it’s closed, the badge number it’s always 1 and don’t increment.
bug o feature?
]]>Hi, I have installed EasyApns plugin. Thanks for such an easy to use plugin for push notifications.
I got the success message after I registered the device but I am not getting any push notifications. Can you please let me know how to troubleshoot it.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I have an app I’m making with EasyAPNS already working. I changed my address for notification server to my wordpress install (3.1.1 with a network setup) and I couldn’t get a device registered. Does it need to be a standalone install? Anything special for the .htaccess?