Rating: 5 stars
i just want to ask why i can’t reset the EVP player?
i tried to use “forgot password” but no email message has been delivered.
also i tried to force change password in cpanel but when i try to login it don’t accept it.
thanks in advance
]]>Rating: 5 stars
If you want to embed your EasyVideoPlayer code into your wordpress site, this plugin will help.
I find that if I paste the code straight into my page, wordpress sometimes moves the video player to the bottom of the screen and generally does weird stuff to it.
With this plugin it will stay where you want it!
]]>Rating: 1 star
This plugin is lame.
Only looking for money for a service that is of inferior quality to everything else on the market.
]]>Rating: 1 star
Very missleading.
It’s almost like a fake plugin…
Rating: 1 star
If I wanted to pay for a plugin, I’d go searching for one. I’m not looking to install a free plugin from the WordPress CMS only to have it blocked pending purchase of another service. Overview and installation notes lead you to believe that the plugin works upon installing it. Surprise! There’s a big spammy ad at the top of the page insisting you buy a membership/subscription and the quick-insert button asks for a code that you can only get from this service.