HI, where are the votes stores? I can’t find them in the wp_options table. I want to write some code to show me the top voted posts.
]]>I love “EC Stars Rating”! Could you please keep it updated to be compliant with the latest WP releases??? Would be so very appreciated!!!
Right now, AggregateRating is not working properly, check it here for any url using Ec stars rating plugin and shema.org (not microformats):
Error is:
The review has no reviewed item specified.
One way to correct is to change line 567 in ec-stars-rating-widget.php to this:
<div class=”ec-stars-outer<?php if($show_meta) echo ($microformats) ? ‘ hreview-aggregate’ : ‘” itemtype=”https://schema.org/AggregateRating” itemscope=”” itemprop=”aggregateRating”‘; ?>>
and then to <body> add this:
itemtype=”https://schema.org/WebPage” itemscope=””
Please let me know if you’ll do the change in plugin update. Cheers
]]>hola estoy ocupando este plugins EC Stars Rating en mi web memesdeborrachos.com
las estrellas siii aparecen al buscar site:memesdeborrachos.com
pero si busco 1 post en google no aparece :C
que esta pasando lo encuentro raro alguien puede ayudarme por favor
Hi the user cannot chante its vote? if I try to click on a different star it does nothing and if I click on the same star it tells me I already voted. thank you!
the plugin shows wrong total results like this:
5.43 / 5
The first value can’t be more than the total!
befare all
thanks for your work, easiest way to rate our posts.
Now I looking forward, “Integration with cache system”. We have problems with the Super Cache plugin. When a SC is working the rating is not showing propertly. So I was thinking to update your plugin with a system that update the cache internally and automatically.
what do you think ? do you see any issue to integrate this update in your plugin ?
Thanks for your time
Do the star ratings show up in Google search results?
]]>I do not see any star anywhere. Tried different settings
it’s possible to insert multiple rating criteria for each page (i.e. as a shortcode) to allow users the rating of each question?
For example:
First question = EC Stars Rating
Second question = EC Stars Rating
Third question = EC Stars Rating
etc. etc.
]]>Hi, how edit the code of plugin for load scripts, .js and css only in single.php and not in all pages of my blog?
Thanks for you support.
]]>Please tell me how to exclude categories that it would not show EC Stars Rating?
Is it possible to do without the white background color of the non-rated stars?
for instance, setting a deafult color for unvoted stars, instead of a semi transparent overlay…
it’s possible to insert multiple stars for each question (i.e. as a shortcode) to allow users the rating of each question?
For example:
First question = EC Stars Rating
Second question = EC Stars Rating
Third question = EC Stars Rating
etc. etc.
]]>I’ve got a custom page, pulling information from Events Manager plugin. The stars are supposed to exist as a rating system for different training classes. The stars seem to work properly, but instead of displaying inside the post I’ve generated, they all display at the top of the page. Any clue as to why this is happening? I’ve tried wrapping them in all sorts of different types of tags, they just don’t want to behave position-wise.
Thanks in advance!
The star ratings are always 5 star but the average star rating below is like 3. Whats wrong? I have styles using css a little, but thats only background to be transparent and padding.
]]>Is there anyway to exclude specific posts I don’t want to have EC Stars Rating in?
]]>which Internet Explorer need the OldIE support code in CSS?
.ec-stars-overlay {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
right: 0;
top: 0;
background-color: transparent;
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);
/* OldIE support */
zoom: 1;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#7FFFFFFF,endColorstr=#7FFFFFFF)";
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#7FFFFFFF,endColorstr=#7FFFFFFF);
#sidebar a {} overrules your star color settings. Instead of
color: <?php echo get_option('ec_stars_rating_hover_color') ?>
you could use
color: <?php echo get_option('ec_stars_rating_hover_color') ?> !important;
around line 158
you wrote: If we want to use microformats we need to put a link to the post
” class=”fn url”><?php the_title() ?>,
I want to use microformats, but I dont want to have a link to the post.
Please tell what I have to do.
thanks in advance
Is it possible to import the GD Star Rating data?
Sorry, twice..
]]>On my website I have tables with a column full of rating stars. Every rating is about one company. I needed to use a shortcode to put these stars there. https://www.amsterdamsehonden.nl/?page_id=249
Unfortunately the plugin (GS Star Rating) stopped working when I changed theme and hosting company. So I’m looking for a different plugin that can do the same.
Is it possible to have multiple ratings on one page with this plugin? And to place them using a shortcode?
]]>I’ve installed the widget, and added the relevant PHP code into my template files, so that people can rate an “product”. This is a custom post type called… “product” …original hey! ??
Now I want to add the sidebar widget that shows the Top 5 posts, but where post type = “product”. Can you tell me how I can do this? I’ve played around with the ec-stars-rating-widget.php but with no success at the moment (
I have been using this plugin EC Star Rating for many months,
But nothing appeared in Google Search.
I tried to add the rating feature in Google webmaster tools Data highlighter. But it is not accepting when I highlight the stars and add it as Ratings. I tried it with different tags, such as ratings, scores etc.
This is the error I get:
“This Tag Does Not Appear To Be a Rating”
Please let me know how to proceed.
Thank You.
]]>First of all, thanks for a fantastic light-weigth plugin!
Please take a look this image: https://tardis1.tinygrab.com/grabs/c5a4cf7dd4df723cc3781031ed29064578006adafc.jpg
This is how the rating plugin works on my site, which has a yellow background. It’s a litle hard to see (because of the yellow or enarly white background), but the overlay on the last half of the 5th star is white (#FFFFFF). Can this overlays colour be changed?
Thanks for any reply in advance!
I created a shortcode to call the plugin on posts, with no success. There is a way to wrap the stars inside of <div>, <p>, <td>...
I liked them because they’re too light.
Thanks in advance.
I have a question regarding the installation step 4.
Place the following snippet where you want the stars to appear (normally single.php, content-single.php or index.php):
I’m not sure where to place the snippet…? Do I have to open the file for example index.php and where exactly to place it then?
Or do I have to create an own document with my editor and to place this document that contains the snippet ONLY into a folder?
Your help would be really great I haven’t done this type of installation before! And finally it seems easy.
Até lá.
I have put in my wp-admin directory a .htaccess to protect my website, with its .htpasswd
Now when anyone want to click on starts, a user/password box appear.
There is any solution for this?
]]>Works in all the other browsers I’ve tried except Safari. If I click a star, it lights up, but doesn’t send my vote through…