I attempted to import 54,721 Echo comments to WordPress but received the following error:
Couldn’t determine the correct item to attach this comment to. Given URL: https://yehudamoon.com/index.php?date=2012-03-23.
I have already created posts for each of the entries that the original Echo comments mapped to. For instance, the WordPress equivalent URL of the above will be (after publication):
I’m guessing that somehow I need to convert the original query string parameter (?date=2012-03-23) to the new one (03122012).
Do I open the XML file in Excel and do a global replace?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
]]>While trying to import echo comments I get the following message:
Warning: copy(/home/www/web64/html/bluushuus/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/bluushuus-2.blogspot.com-comments.xml_.txt) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/www/web64/html/bluushuus/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 348
Warning: gzopen() [function.gzopen]: Unable to access /home/www/web64/html/bluushuus/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/bluushuus-2.blogspot.com-comments.xml_.txt in /home/www/web64/html/bluushuus/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/echo-comments-importer/echo-importer.php on line 102
Warning: gzopen(/home/www/web64/html/bluushuus/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/bluushuus-2.blogspot.com-comments.xml_.txt) [function.gzopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web64/html/bluushuus/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/echo-comments-importer/echo-importer.php on line 102
Invalid file
Please upload a valid Echo export file.
Any help is much appreciated.
I intend to test and use this plugin, that seems to be exactly what I am looking for.
But, since I am an old user of JS-kit echo comments (that was Haloscan before) and my blog was on a RapdWeaver platform (I recently switch to WordPress), it seems that my export files, from JS-kit dashboard, could be not directly useful.
So I need to know what export file informations are necessary for the plugin work.
Thank you (and sorry for my rough english)
]]>I have a handful of comments that returned this error:
“Couldn’t determine the correct item to attach this comment to. Given URL: .”
I’d like to tweak the .xml so they import properly. How can I identify which comment these are referring to?
]]>Hi! I just tested out the plugin and it did a good job of filtering out dupe comments, but some of the comments it did import all showed up as Anonymous. Specifically it skipped over this field: <author>fname lname</author>
I think the is breaking it.