It seems the 3.0 update removed the content from featured downloads.
We use it in a favorite tab using the shortcode. Normaly it would show the title and in our case an audio player. Now it is only showing the title.
Any fix for this?
]]>Just installed this, same problem as someone else already mentioned:
Featured Column & Quick edit option Missing from Downloads list!
Any updates/patches?
Even if it is a plugin conflict, can’t go losing other plugins just for this to work?
Would be a great plugin if it works as described ??
In the screenshots of this plugin and description it shows a column in the admin screen which indicates which downloads are featured.
I am missing this column (not available in Screen Options either). So the only method right now (from the back end) is to individually edit a download in order to see if it is featured.
If there are several hundred downloads there is no efficient way currently to see which downloads are featured or organize or even apply the featured status.
]]>plugin has some issues with wordpress 4.4 and EDD 2.4.10:
– column “featured” is not showing in downloads list
– quick edit is not available (or is this removed from edd?)
]]>Hi Andrew,
Love your plugin, but having trouble getting it to work. I’m using Squarecode theme. That theme allows a “featured items” section on the homepage. Indeed, the section header is there, but it appears this section header is hard coded as it cannot be accessed from the page editor. After installing your plugin, checking a test item as “featured,” and updating the page, I cannot get the download item to show up under the section header.
Any advice? I did see where you provide a cut/paste template tag,
(if( function_exists( ‘edd_fd_show_featured_downloads’) ) {
but, I do not know how to use template tags. And since I cannot access that part of the page without going into the code – I’m at a loss.
Can you help me out?
]]>Please get in touch if you have any queries about this plugin