It doesn’t work for me to filter by category in the latest version of wordpress, example [edd_search category=”509″]
]]>Hi there,
I’m not very experienced with CSS or PHP but I have done a few school projects in the past, I just need some help changing the font and style of the search form by editing the plugin to have a dropshadow and use a better font.
If you can help me out it would be much appreciated thank you
How can I increase the length of the returned search list?
Thank you
Here’s a question:
EDD search works just fine finding EDD names. I need it to find tags as well!
Let’s say an EDD item has 100 tags and 3 words in its name.. The search should find the item by its 100 tags (popping up in ajax search and 3 words in its name).
That’s it.
Thank you in advance!
I have put your search form in the footer, it works fine, thanks!
I also want to put your form instead the default search form in the header.
How can i do this?
Please help.