It seems there is problem with new WP version or something wrong here…
I see no new optionzs on style. ??
WordPress 6.6.1 – PHP 8.2.12
I hope for solution ??
]]>Just a heads up – this plugin does NOT work with WP 6.6, and will cause a RESULT_CODE_HUNG error in the browser when trying to edit a page/post with Editor Plus activated.
in localhost, I have wordpress 6.5.4, the OcenWP theme and Editorplus to change the typography.
With OcenWP, I have create a template for my footer (3 columns).
Editorplus disabled, it is possible to change the color or background of the text.
But if I change typography witch editorplus, the changes don’t apply.
by deactivating editorplus, modifying my text and button color then reactivating editorplus, I managed to keep my style. But that’s not normal.
A idea ?
]]><!-- wp:spacer {"className":"","epAnimationGeneratedClass":"edplus_anim-cOb08i","epGeneratedClass":"eplus-wrapper"} -->
<div style="height:100px" aria-hidden="true" class=" wp-block-spacer eplus-wrapper"></div>
<!-- /wp:spacer -->
This is the code for a rogue spacer block that appears sometimes at the end of pasted text. When it’s clicked on, it deletes the blocks before it. Clicking on the spacer block continues to delete blocks ahead of it when clicked on.
The workaround I’ve found is to immediately click […] (hamburger) -> EDITOR: Code editor and then delete this hungry spacer block and save the post, then switch back to EDITOR: Visual editor and continue as normal.
Hi – Certain client site had me trying out some solutions and I installed Gutenberg Blocks Library & Toolkit?but then realized I did not need it for this build. So, I deleted the plugin. No problem with the offerings of your plugin, nothing bad to say — but for this one client, it was not needed.
Now I find your plugin still autopopulates css into various blocks…even though the plugin is not installed on this site.
I have not been able to successfully remove this ghost feature. Note: I don’t think it’s a great practice to have css pertaining to your plugin show up after the plugin has been deleted. Not harmful (maybe), but not a best practice.
Can you please advise? Thanks.
Did someone noticed that when edit paragraph block in Typography – Font drop-down menu was not shown when plugin is active?
]]>Hello, I have a problem.
I use the Editor Plus plugin on WordPress.
And I have the message: “Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property EditorPlus_Extensions_Manager::$extensions is deprecated in …/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/class- editorplus-extensions-manager.php on line 28”
Hi There
I’ve installed this plugin today, and am unable to find any responsive setting with the block settings anywhere. From what I understand from the tutorial there should be 2 buttons – R and H – within the setting heading i.e. typography. These do not appear for any blocks at all. I’ve checked the plugin settings and everything is on.
I’ve updated all plugins + theme, and tried disabling all plugins + switched themes (currently using Astra theme) and still no responsive controls.
Please see screenshot of block settings here: https://ibb.co/Bq8FFSk
I’m also not using this on the site editor, but on the page Gutenberg editor as I see someone was doing on another post.
Any idea why these setting may not be showing.
I cannot see the EditorPlus icon at the top left of the Page editor…
screenshot here:
Hello, I turned on the debugger on my WordPress (wp-config.php) site and I am getting the following error:
Deprecated: ctype_digit(): Argument of type float will be interpreted as string in the future in?/home/dh_y85y5v/nikoabeachclub.com/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/utils.php?on line?200
What could be the problem?
Thank you
i have one request if possible, i ‘m reusable blocks/patterns directly within php template using pattern id. Is there any chance that i get generated styles?
Your prompt help on this matter would be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Although I never had and don’t have a problem when updating other plugins within wordpress UI, I now get this error message when I try to update from v2.9.16 to v2.10.0
Plugin update failed.
An error occurred while updating Editor Plus: The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions. .prettierrc.js, cypress.json, editorplus.php, phpunit.xml.dist, .wp-env.json, readme.txt, assets, assets/index.php, assets/scripts, assets/scripts/counter.js, assets/scripts/countdown.js, assets/scripts/frontend.js, assets/scripts/lodash-conflict.js, assets/scripts/lottie-player.js, assets/scripts/progressbar.js, assets/scripts/tabs.js, assets/scripts/toggles.js, assets/stylesheets, assets/stylesheets/.gitignore, blocks, blocks/index.php, dist, dist/admin.js, dist/admin.asset.php, dist/gutenberg-editor-style.css, dist/gutenberg-editor.asset.php, dist/gutenberg-editor.js, dist/style-admin.css, dist/style-gutenberg-frontend-style.css, includes, includes/class-editorplus-extensions-manager.php, includes/blocks.php, includes/class-editorplus-styles-generator.php, includes/class-editorplus-styles-manager.php, includes/class-editorplus.php, includes/utils.php, extensions, extensions/icon-inserter, extensions/icon-inserter/fonts, extensions/icon-inserter/fonts/eplus-icon.eot, extensions/icon-inserter/fonts/eplus-icon.svg, extensions/icon-inserter/fonts/eplus-icon.ttf, extensions/icon-inserter/fonts/eplus-icon.woff, extensions/icon-inserter/index.php
I’m not a power user, I always update plugins via wordpress UI and do not extract or install plugins manually.
May it be possible and a solution to deactiate, disable, delete and reinstall the plugin, or will this bring problems. The plugin is working fine at the moment but cannot be updates. I would be unhappy, if I could not reinstall the pugin after deleting it – because of some file permissions
]]>This plugin is great but when enabled it breaks the plugins page and also some random blocks when inserted in a Gutenberg page.
Here’s the error I get:
Yesterday a client’s website upgraded to WordPress 6.4, and now the Editor Plus customizations no longer show up in the Page Editor. Also when I go to the Editor Plus settings page of the admin panel, it is completely blank. Is this a known issue with the new WordPress version?
]]>Hello, is it possible with this plugin to define default styles? And how to ? For example, by default if I place a progress bar, the color will be blue. The but would therefore be that I manage the styles so that my client does not need to modify the colors afterwards. Thanks for your help.
What are the differences between Editor Plus and EditorsKit ?
Thanks and regards.
]]>When the plugin is active all the widgets have the same message, “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.” and the only way I can use any widgets is to deactivate this plugin.
]]>(Plugin Editor Plus 2.9.16, WP 6.3)
When Toggle are into a Tab, the content isn’t display.
The link is ok, but he just open a little empty space…
Is there a solution ?
]]>I was using Editor Plus a while ago on my own website. Since experience was good I installed it on a client’s website today.
But I noticed that e.g settings for a button are reflected in the block editor, but have no effect on the front-end.
I tried it on my own web-site again and found the same.
I added an icon, some padding and shadow to a button.
Here is the result in the editor:
Notice the icon, the increased padding and the shadow on the right button.
Anyhow, here is how it looks on the front-end:
Nothing, no icon, no padding, no shadow.
I looked into the developer tools. There is no html for the icon and no CSS for the padding and the shadow. It’s not that there is CSS that is overwritten due to conflicts with other rules, it’s simply nothing there.
When I use the “!important” directive where possible (padding, icon space) it has still no effect.
It seems, that Editor Plus hasn’t generated any code.
I tested headings.
Here the settings have an effect also in front-end (alignment center, uppercase). For color I had to add the exclamation mark (!important) but then it worked, too.
And idea why button setting doesn’t work?
]]>Hi there,
Are there any chances that the dist folder that is shipped with this plugin’s source code is released to the public? I want to help contribute to the plugin, but I need to know what is in admin.js and gutenberg-editor.js in order to help improve this plugin. Is there also not a git repository somewhere?
If you don’t want to release this un-minified source code, that is fine, but then I’ll have to figure out how you did this by myself and build something from scratch.
Any help in regards with accessing the gutenberg editor to add the controls and such (javascript) is much appreciated.
]]>Hi Munir:
EditorPlus, do not apear in the template editor, but is working ok in the “Gutenberg editor”
I try to explain myself
When you edit a page or a post you have the EditorPlus interface, but if you use a BlockTheme and try to use it at the theme template EditroPlus do not work. maybe its a feature, no a bug, lol.
Regards from Patagonia
]]>I’ve had this issue with the past 2 versions of EditorPlus. The blocks still display correctly on the front end, but on the backend, I cannot edit tab or toggle blocks.
In the console, I get this error.
Error: Minified React error #310; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=310 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
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The problem is theme specific. You can set pages and posts in theme options, see here. Some Edit Plus features work, others don’t. It can be viewed here. Look the site by scrolldown, select the page/post in the menu to see the differences.
]]>If you apply styling on a block, and also have additional classes, once rendered, it will remove the first letter of the additional class.
e.g “is-large” will be outputted as “s-large” instead.
Steps to recreate:
It seams that Editor Plus is not working correct.
In Editor: https://schwiering-stiftung.de/public/editor_plus/hovered_in_editor.png
Online: https://schwiering-stiftung.de/public/editor_plus/hovered_online.png
Only the border with 1px works, all other definations are deny.
What’s the matter? Any explanations. Please help!
]]>Button defined in Editor: https://schwiering-stiftung.de/public/editor_plus/Button_defined_in_Editor.png
Online: https://schwiering-stiftung.de/public/editor_plus/Button_Online.png
Can you please corret this problem/error.
]]>mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in?/var/www/vhosts/…/plugins/editorplus/includes/utils.php?on line 74
]]>Hi Munir Kamal,
I started using the Editor Plus plugin a couple of weeks ago because the extra styling features it brought to Gutenberg are incredibly useful. One day, I’m sure, those features will be in core.
I was mainly using the dimensions e.g. padding margins etc but after a few days using it I started to notice that the setting I set the day before had all disappeared.
So i’d reset them and a day later they would again all disappear. I still don’t know why is was happening. The only thing I can think is maybe when I edited a Template or Template Part that was causing it, but i’m only guessing.
I have stopped using Editor Plus in favour of adding CSS code into the template – which by he way is Spectra One.
I though I’d report the issue to you because i’d like to continue using Editor Plus in the future. Maybe you can recreate the issue and resolve it?
I have created a “course” (not live yet) using the tabs, which I am in love with. So simple and I can hide it with the RCP plugin.
I am done with the CSS and all of the responsive parts BUT when I add a link to the tab title (I need it for mobile to link to the content) the link shows outside of the block.
See the attached screenshots.
The above is in desktop view. The word “INTRODUCTION”, when a link is added, is misplaced beneath the tab itself. There is a sliver of the link still in the tab though.
It actually throws the link outside of the code used for the tab somehow, so I can’t even style the “active” link – see below
The reason this is needed is for mobile.
In responsive view it looks like this:
So the introduction is a hyperlink to an internal portion of the page so they don’t have to scroll for each section. Obviously I would need to use a link for EACH tab to link to the correct content in the course.
How would I go about fixing this?
Thanks a ton
]]>After I have switched the website to PHP 8.0 (from 7.4) it shows only a white screen. The back end is still reachable.
When switching back to PHP 7.4 everything is OK again.
After enabling debug messages, here is what I get.
Sounds to me, as if there is a PHP 8.0 issue in Editor Plus.
Any advice?
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/utils.php:172 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/utils.php(392): editorplus_convert_position_to_percentage(‘NaN’) #1 /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/class-editorplus-styles-generator.php(145): editorplus_background_convert(Array) #2 /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/class-editorplus-styles-generator.php(62): EditorPlus_Styles_Generator->get_block_styles(Array, ‘eplus-styles-ui…’) #3 /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/class-editorplus-styles-manager.php(216): EditorPlus_Styles_Generator->generate_styles_from_blocks(Array) #4 /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/class-editorplus-styles-manager.php(40): EditorPlus_Styles_Manager->render_styles() #5 /var/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): EditorPlus_Styles_Manager->{closure}(”) #6 /var/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /var/www/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /var/www/wp-includes/general-template.php(3049): do_action(‘wp_head’) #9 /var/www/wp-content/themes/astra/header.php(31): wp_head() #10 /var/www/wp-includes/template.php(783): require_once(‘/var/www/wp-con…’) #11 /var/www/wp-includes/template.php(718): load_template(‘/var/www/wp-con…’, true, Array) #12 /var/www/wp-includes/general-template.php(48): locate_template(Array, true, true, Array) #13 /var/www/wp-content/themes/astra/page.php(20): get_header() #14 /var/www/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include(‘/var/www/wp-con…’) #15 /var/www/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/var/www/wp-inc…’) #16 /var/www/index.php(17): require(‘/var/www/wp-blo…’) #17 {main} thrown in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/editorplus/includes/utils.php on line 172