Le bouton d’import CSV devrait être accessible (aussi ?) depuis la page de récap des carnets.
là où il est, c’est ambigu (il devrait pas être collé à l’autre bouton, ni même sur la même ligne (?) car ce n’est pas le meme sujet que les actions groupée… et c’est loin dans l’arbo ! ??
I notice today a php short tag on in “archive-newsletter_archive.php” on line 21. And also, I’m not sure it works as expected.
title=”<? the_title ?>” should be title=”<?php the_title(); ?>”
I installed and configured what was. but to my surprise when I click on the link to view the letter online from the email release. Error 404 page not found appears. just as I can not view the archive via the original links of the plugin.
Can you help me ?
]]>in the archive online template, the site favicon should be used.
]]>We have been using the plugin for months but it doesn’t work anymore.
The messages stay put in a waiting filewe can’t understand how to have access to.
We have no error message – just sometimes (not always) the information it will try and send the message again in five minutes. It doesn’t work.
We check all the parameters with no clue what is blocking
Ourwebsite is https://lesziconofages.org/
L’encodage de l’expéditeur est défectueux : les accents ne passent pas partout. On devrait utiliser la fonction mb_encode_mimeheader conformément à https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_and_email
J’ai modifié la ligne 2311 de la fonction autosend ainsi :
$expediteur = mb_encode_mimeheader(get_post_meta($nl_id, ‘expediteur’, true), ‘UTF-8’); //get_post_meta($nl_id, ‘expediteur’, true);
Et là ?a va mieux.
Le sujet du message est peut être sujet à ce soucis, mais je ne mets pas d’accents dans le sujet ??
I noticed there is no css and js minified, it should be great if is possible to have compress files for better SEO.
I just noticed subscribe/unsubscribe mail not care about sender.
I received “Worpress <[email protected]>” instead of “Name <[email protected]>”.
The content have an issue, quotes seems to be escaped (Votre demande d & #39; inscription a bien été prise en compte.)
I try to send newsletter and I notice there are always considered as spam.
So I decided to use this service to check what is wrong : https://www.mail-tester.com
Except the fact of our server is not totaly well configured for sending mail, there is a penality about message ID :
-1.167 INVALID_MSGID Message-Id is not valid, according to RFC 2822
-3.199 MSGID_NOFQDN1 Message-ID with no domain name
Can you double check how you make the mail header because I have no issue with other newsletter/mailer system on the same server.
]]>Would like to have First Name and Last name added to the registration as an option and not just email. Thank You.
]]>On my hosting, the script send only at 5 email address. I contact the hosting admin and he say to set the script to send emails 4.16 per minute. How to do that?
I noticed something strange in configuration tab.
In all textarea, special characters are escaped (for example “‘” and “”” ).
To have a concrete example, if I have :
“L’ami” after saving I will get “L\’ami” and if I saving one more time “L\\\’ami”
I’m not sure but in lettreinfo.php line 2130 there are :
update_option( ‘newsletter_msg’, array(
‘sender’=>$_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_sender’] ,
‘suscribe_title’=>$_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_suscribe_title’] ,
‘suscribe’=>$_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_suscribe’] ,
‘unsuscribe_title’=>$_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_unsuscribe_title’] ,
but if i read line just before, it should be :
update_option( ‘newsletter_msg’, array(
‘sender’=> stripslashes($_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_sender’]) ,
‘suscribe_title’=> stripslashes($_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_suscribe_title’]) ,
‘suscribe’=> stripslashes($_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_suscribe’]) ,
‘unsuscribe_title’=> stripslashes($_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_unsuscribe_title’]) ,
‘unsuscribe’=> stripslashes($_REQUEST[‘newsletter_msg_unsuscribe’])
When i want to add a newsletter, I notice what wpfooter is not correctly positionned (Out of the standard div).
When I display html source and count number of <div i got 420 and /div> I got 421. Maybe I am wrong but it’s seems to be your plugin wich create this issue.
After searching the bad /div, I found a suspect /div> (after closing/openinig div in notepad ++) in lettreinfo.php in newsletter_admin_wizard function on line 1626.
This div close something out of the function.
I don’t inspect all the code but can you confirm this ?
There is a little issue on line 714 in file “lettreinfo.php”
Currently is :
<form action=”#” method=”post” class=”newslform” onsubmit=”if(this.news_email.value==”” || this.news_email.value==”newsletter : votre email”){ return false; }”>
</p> ‘;
But i think, it should be :
<form action=”#” method=”post” class=”newslform” onsubmit=”if(this.news_email.value==\’\’ || this.news_email.value==\’newsletter : votre email\’){ return false; }”>
</p> ‘;
” are use un php variable to avoid ‘ but it cause an issue in html attribute.
]]>Hi sorry to bother you.
I love the plugin but when I add a post to my newsletter it truncates it.
Also non of the posts images are displayed.
How do add a whole post?