I would like to know if there is a function to import the beers you like instead of doing al the work yourself.
Kind regards,
Hi all.
I′d like to hide “Beer numnber” and “Aditional Notes” in the grey square. Someone knows how to do it?
I cannot find anything about it in the forums.
Thanks and regads!
]]>i noticed a little while after using the plugin, that the new thumbnails weren’t coming through. i couldn’t figure out what had changed. i pretty much had the same plugins installed and it was the same theme.
after poking around, i finally found that there were a bunch of dead images in the media library.
the image URLs look like this:
after looking through their API reference and your code, i’m noticing that you have ‘beer_label_hd’, but they have ‘beer_label’.
I’m no coder, but I tried to replace ‘beer_label_hd’ with ‘beer_label’, but I had the same result.
]]>I am using your plugin to provide an up-to-date list of beer offerings by styles for my friends’ bar. For some reason, the information is acting like it is not cached and is instead creating a new API call for what appears to be every beer. If I refresh the page twice, it makes it impossible to load at all.
Is there a way to set it to manually update once a week and then just display the cached data? The way it is now, I can’t do anything.
I am using the untappd for businesses API and have full access to everything I need. I just keep getting a API limit reached error pretty much non-stop.
]]>I’m still learning about the tappd API and proper use of this plugin, but I cannot seem to figure out how to sync the beers/menus. (untappd -> into -> website)
I activated the WordPress debug log and found these lines being generated, every time I clicked on the sync button.
I added the beer name, beer slug, and beer ID# from untappd.com, to my site. Any suggestions?
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:29 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: utfb_id in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 176
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:29 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: menus in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 206
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:29 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 206
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:42 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: delete_missing in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/admin/embm-admin-actions.php on line 407
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:42 UTC] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘untappd_id’ in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/admin/integrations/embm-integrations-untappd.php on line 727
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:43 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: utfb_id in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 176
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:43 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: menus in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 206
[29-Aug-2018 16:38:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/smithsbi/public_html/content/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 206
Hi – thank you for making this plug in!
One question: is Untappd integration necessary to show a Menu?
I am able successfully use [beer …] and [beer-list …] shortcodes, but if I use [beer-menu … ] it returns:
“Please log in to Untappd for Business to use this shortcode.”
I’ve tried “Disable site-wide integration” in the settings, but that doesn’t help.
Thanks for any suggestions
]]>Is there an option to use the offset and beers_per_page features work when displaying a beer_menu rather than a beer_list? I am trying to put our “currently on tap” into a column format that will continue to update with untappd rather than creating a “group”
If there is a workaround, please let me know! Great Plugin!
Hi Erin – great plugin! I’m building out a small social site using wordpress and buddypress, and I was interested in using a plugin on it to let buddypress members add their own homebrew beers to their buddypress profiles, that they could add/edit/remove/share on the front end from their profile. Any chance this plugin could be used for that? Thanks!!!
]]>Hi Erin,
I am receiving the following error in the Untappd box:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/erimil56/brewery424.com/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/metaboxes/embm-metabox-untappd.php on line 206
In addition to this, for all but two beers, the Untappd info and the Beer info (ABV, IBU, Malts, Hops, etc) has all been cleared out. Any ideas why this would happen?
]]>If I pull up the URL /wp-json/wp/v2/embm_beers on my site it is only returning the last 10 beers that I created. Is there a parameter I can pass to return all beers in the database?
I don’t have any caching plugins installed on this instance.
]]>I use this plugin for beer reviews, and want to have my beer list show the post (review) date so people know when I reviewed a particular beer. Is there any way to do this?
]]>i need to list all the groups on one page. i am sure this is an easy task but i cannot figure out how to do it.
]]>when i display beer information i get wrong characters next to style name.
Is there a way to shrink the size of all of the Beer Titles, when i look at my beer page on desktop i can only see a few beers because the headers are so large, and from mobile i can only see about 2 beers. i need to see nearly the whole list at one time because no one wants to scroll that much
]]>I get “Sorry, Untappd importing is only supported for brewery accounts.”
But I am, and when I hover over the logged in user it even says brewery in brackets.
Am I doing something wrong?
The featured image does not link to the details of the beer when this is outputted by group. Is there a way to allow for this?
]]>I am listing the beers out by Group and wondered if there is a way to change the order of the beers (order by)?
]]>I’m using the shortcode to successfully bring the check-ins to my beers page. This page I’m using is not the one used by the Custom Post Types, I’ve created a page that lists multiple beers on the same page. When using more than one shortcode (with different beer id #’s), it is adding each feed called in each of the shortcodes.
Beer #1 Content
Shortcode for Beer #1
Checkins for Beer #1
Checkins for Beer #2
Checkins for Beer #3
Checkins for Beer #4
Beer #2 Content
Shortcode for Beer #2
Checkins for Beer #1
Checkins for Beer #2
Checkins for Beer #3
Checkins for Beer #4
Beer #3 Content
Shortcode for Beer #3
Checkins for Beer #1
Checkins for Beer #2
Checkins for Beer #3
Checkins for Beer #4
Beer #4 Content
Shortcode for Beer #4
Checkins for Beer #1
Checkins for Beer #2
Checkins for Beer #3
Checkins for Beer #4
Not sure why this would happen. Thoughts?
]]>I’m having a bugger of a time figuring out how to use this plugin to draw information out of Untappd. I’m trying to list the checkin feed for each individual beer for our brewery next to the information and image of our beer. None of the shortcodes seem to pull form Untappd, only from internal to WordPress’ entry ID’s.
Is there any way to display the last “N” checkins based on Untappd Beer ID?
]]>This seems like it should be simple but I am struggling. I would like the Beer Title and Beer Style to be on different lines. Currently, I am getting BEER(STYLE). It seems rather long. I tried to edit the embm-output.php file and didn’t have much luck.
// Beer style
if (EMBM_Core_Beer_style($beer_id)) {
$link_title = sprintf(__('View all %s beers', 'embm'), EMBM_Core_Beer_style($beer_id));
$output .= '<br><span class="embm-beer--header-style">(';
I tried closing the h1 tag and tried adding the br tag on the last line. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The untappd checkin feed on my site hasn’t been updating for some days. If I try to flush the cache in the widget it says ‘ERROR: There was a problem refreshing check-in data from Untappd! Please try again later.’
The link above is some screen shots of what I am dealing with. As you can see on a regular page the theme lines up fine. On a beer page from the plugin, there is grey space from the top image and the bar is down farther. I have no clue what would cause this some I am not sure where to even start to troubleshoot this.
The other issue, when I add a style the title looks kind of funny. I don’t think I even want the style to show up. But, if nothing else, the style isn’t starting with a (. I am not sure what that character even is. I’m a little confused by that or where to edit that setting at. Thanks for any help.
]]>I’ve installed minutes ago the plugin and just tried to activate. The error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/lagoa/public_html/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/admin/embm-admin-untappd.php on line 67
Thanks in advance ??
]]>I am having difficulty getting this plugin running. I installed from the WordPress admin page. I was able to activate it and get into the settings (once). I went to authorize and after it authorizes I got the following message (one page… just that text):
ErrorException thrown
Undefined variable: http_response_header
So when I go back into settings on the WP side, I get that now so I seem stuck. I tried deleting my browser cache. Untappd did get authorized in the process. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Just updated to EM Beer Manager v3.0.1 this morning and I’m not able to log in to authorize Untappd. I upgraded from the last 2.x plugin.
The “Log in to Authorize Untappd” button is displayed but when I click that it goes reloadsd options.php and nothing changes.
On the Labs tab there is also the button but it isn’t in a form so clicking the button does nothing.
I tried digging through the code a bit but am not sure how it is supposed to authorize things and get the token. I do not have a ’embm_untappd_brewery_id’ or ’embm_untappd_token’ in my settings table.
The new update has caused the widget which displays checkins for a brewery not to display as well as previously. There’s a new ‘powered by untappd’ graphic, which is way larger than I am happy with and the checkin data runs together and isn’t as well formatted as previously. See rh column of https://www.watsonsbrewery.co.uk
I haven’t used any of the options to display avatar, ratings etc, as they all display SUPER HUGE!!
I just added the UNtappd check-ins widget to the footer on my main page. I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘String could not be parsed as XML’ in /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/widgets/embm-widget-untappd.php:256 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/widgets/embm-widget-untappd.php(256): SimpleXMLElement->__construct(”) #1 /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/widgets/embm-widget-untappd.php(211): EMBM_Widget_Untappd_Recent_display(Array) #2 /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php(395): EMBM_Widget_Untappd_Recent->widget(Array, Array) #3 [internal function]: WP_Widget->display_callback(Array, Array) #4 /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-includes/widgets.php(738): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-content/themes/theme51974/wrapper/wrapper-footer.php(13): dynamic_sidebar(‘footer-sidebar-…’) #6 /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-includes/template.php(686): require(‘/home/content/5. in /home/content/54/10250654/html/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/widgets/embm-widget-untappd.php on line 256
I was wondering if I can use Shortcode for a group of beers and have them appear side-by-side (columns) instead of a normal running list – line after line? I used the shortcode example in a previous support forum post – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/shortcode-for-offset-im-trying-to-make-columns/ and that just listed them as normal where they take up an entire line.
Here’s the current webpage that has the shortcode – https://21c.7b4.myftpupload.com/brews2/
]]>Hi Erin,
I’m facing an unexpected problem with the plugin. When I open my WP panel I got the error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function register_rest_field() in /home/cerev248/public_html/wp-content/plugins/em-beer-manager/includes/embm-core.php on line 663
Some pages are also displaying this error at admin level. The beers has been displayed correctly at the posts.
I guess the WP was automatically updated to 4.6.1 and after that the problem started.
]]>Hi there,
Is there a way that I can extend the widget to display avatars within the feed?
At the moment, the widget shows the title and date/time but I would like to include a users avatar, if this is possible?
Many thanks,