In the installation of the plugin says:
Unable to display feed at this time.
and no run.
]]>I am attempting to embed the RSS from one WordPress blog into another. When I put in my feed url ( the plugin tells me that it’s not a valid URL. Suggestions?
]]>Hi, I am using the sidebar widget. Firstly, is there a way that the feeds can open in a new window, instead of the parent? And: I am using Live Bookmarks as RSS feed and thus url:[]=coffee
However, the resulting feeds are NOT about coffee (as per the URL). Any idea how to fix this?
My website page is
Hello, Embed RSS Developers.
First off, great plug-in. It’s by far the best RSS short code plug-in I’ve ever used.
My company operates 30+ websites, and each day we publish at least one new article on them. On our corporate website, I set up a page that has a heading for each site and an RSS Embed short code below each one that serves only 1 article. It will be a good page for prospective clients, since it shows the scope of our content creation.
Is this going to be a speed problem for users? It seems that it takes a long time for the page to load — I guess because it’s fetching the articles from all 30 RSS feeds. Is there any way to optimize this, aka through caching? Or is it possible tomcod the plug-in so that it only pings the feeds daily? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
]]>Is there a way to display a thumbnail of the featured image from a blog in the feed? I’m displaying my own blog (housed in HubSpot) on my home page and I want to include the images (, blog is at
I have seen that was already a thread on this two years ago, never answered. but the problem is still there. The plugin is installed on a wp3.9 blog I’m buiding now, and works fine with other feeds. Not with Facebook ones though.
This feed, for example:
is displayed fine in the standard wordpress rss widget in the sidebar. When passed to this plugin with the code below, instead,(pasting it in the raw text window, or in the visual one doesn’t change things) doesnt’t work, it returns a “facebook error”
[cetsEmbedRSS id=’′ itemcount=10 itemauthor=0 itemdate=0 itemcontent=0]
(changing atom10 to rss20 doesn’t make any difference)
The text of the “facebook error” page is:
You probably reached this page by entering the guid of a syndicated error message into the location bar of your browser. This probably means that you can’t see the feed that you were trying to access. This is probably because the owner of the feed changed his or her privacy settings or deleted content on the feed. You may be able to get access to the feed by contacting the owner of the content being syndicated in that feed.
What is happening, and how to fix it?
Could you post some examples or some documentation on how to use this?
The example on the Description page is:
[cetsEmbedRSS id=’’ itemcount=’2′ itemauthor=’1′ itemdate=’1′ itemcontent=’1′]
If you could explain what the varibles are and what the valid entries are for the shortcode, that would be very helpful.
]]>Is there any way to suppress showing RSS content where the date is older than a certain age?
Ver 3.1
I have installed this plugin on my site and have embedded the plugin shortcode inside the page but it has slowed down my site. I am using super cache but it didn’t seem to work well with this plugin. Hope someone have solution for speeding it.
Thanks in advance.
]]>each line of rss feed has a bullet point and a box with text
but the box overlaps the content
Is it possible to add more than one feed to an instance of RSS Embed? This would enable me to mix my news items up all in the one display – Rather than having multiple embeds on a single page.
]]>Disable “sort by date’.
By default wordpress will sort the rss feed by date, I just want to show it in the same order as the feed is written.
This is done by using
after you have done
Set rss feed cache time
By default wordpress will cache each feed for 12 hours.
You can modify this by following the instructions at
I have embedded your rss into a custom.php fiile for my home page, pulling in an rss from another wordpress install in another directory on the same server.
The feed itself updates immediately with a new post:
But I am seeing odd times of a few hours to even two days before the post shows on the display here in the bottom area under Investing for Impact Blog:
Here is the code I use, surrounded by a style div:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[cetsEmbedRSS id=”” itemcount=”4″ itemauthor=”0″ itemdate=”0″ itemcontent=”0″]’);?>
I have tried alternative rss urls all with the same issue:
I am at a loss of figuring out the time delay. Is there any insight you can provide that may help me resolve this delay?
I completely disabled the cache on the site and tested in a test page.
I would like for the links that come through this plugin to open in a new window. What can I do to get this to happen?
Thank you.
]]>I did not upgrade, because I want to have the RSS feed of the latest single entry in-line with text in a post. (itemcount=1) That is the way your version 2.3 worked. The 3.1 version puts everything in a list, with bullets and a final newline. I modified your 3.1 code to work the proper way for a single RSS feed entry only, but don’t want to have forked code.
Bryce Fowler
I would like have the feeds list the title/hyperlink in <h4> and list the content below the link. Is this possible?
Here is the page I am looking to edit
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
]]>I am assuming that itemcount parameter is to limit the items to the most recent number of rss items. I have it set to 5 and 10 posts are inserted in the page.
]]>I like this plugin,
However, I’m having a bit of a problem with a feed. I setup a free feed using
I tested it at W3C showing that it was a good feed.
When I published it on a page, I get the message “Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.”
I’m unclear if this message is part of the plugin. If so, how do I use the:
force_feed() command? I tried to embed it but nothing worked.
Any help on this would be appreciated.
I have the RSS button in the bottom sidebar of my site and it seems to be working.
I am using an rss reader called NetNewsWire and the changes that I make to the site aren’t showing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Spent forever trying to figure this out. It’s easy, just remove this code when editing the plugin’s “shortcodes.php.”
” \n<br class=’clear’ />\n “
I didn’t upgrade because of the “rss not allowed in posts anymore” change.
I use the plugin to include the comments from a Youtube video in my posts (like this )
Is it possible to add an option to have it working on posts ? Maybe not selected by default but possible to activate it if you accept a warning ?
Please ,…..
My RSS feed address is
This is not being displayed on the front end when I use embed code:
[cetsEmbedRSS id= itemcount=20 itemauthor=0 itemdate=1 itemcontent=1]
The feed is working fine except that it’s stripping out all the line breaks from the xml.
any ideas?
]]>Trying to get this to work with Facebook Page RSS feeds. Neither the atom or RSS versions of the feeds seem to work?
]]>I’m not able to get any of the 3 RSS embed widgets that I’ve set on a WordPress Page, I’ve read about the css issue and fixed it already, unfortunately this didn’t gave any results.
The code in my page is:
[cetsEmbedRSS id= itemcount=0 itemauthor=0 itemdate=1 itemcontent=1]
I hope anybody can give me some hints
]]>Since i wanna use my own posts on a page of the same blog
I’ve used the rss feed of a category on my wordpress in a page.
but it doesnt use the rss feed at all.
It simply ignores it. I’ve seen it like 2 times but now it seems that it’s ignored. Any tips?
i am using a feed source of ‘upcoming events’ to embed into my wordpress PAGE. this is a wordpress feed that comes from a POST category. and i am dying to know if it’s possible to show each feed item’s respective thumbnail which I believe is determined in the ‘featured image’ area when you publish a post on wordpress.
does this make sense? hopefully i worded it in an understandable way.
]]>I am new to WordPress. I managed to install the plugin and actually have it pulling the RSS feed from blogger. However, I cannot seem to get an excerpt to display with the title. I am fairly frustrated. What am I missing here? Thanks for your help!
]]>I made an amendment to fix a bug in the output of this (created via shortcodes.php in the lib directory).
The plugin couldn’t read amperhsands (&) in the RSS feed, so that when I was trying to get it to read RSS feeds of categories created by WordPress it was simply returning the whole lot.
I changed
$rss = @fetch_rss( $id );
$rss = @fetch_rss( str_replace('\&\#\3\8\;','&',$id) );
(without the backslashes)
And it works properly. Obviously this is a quick’n’dirty fix, and you may want to loo at a more elegant way to handle ampersands in the RSS feed.
]]>I’ve installed embed-rss. Its available when I go to edit a page, when clicked I can just about make out the boxes and type, although it appears over the text beneath. I have carried out the instructions and saved/published but nothing appears on the page when I visit it. Can anyone help? I am a wordpress beginner. Thanks