I have the “show name” box checked, but the name field does not show up on the form.
]]>Hello, I think RECAPTCHA v3 implementation is wrong. To be specific, in v3 you shouldn’t verify response with grecaptcha.getResponse(). This part is needed only for v2. I think that if there is a problem with authorizing request in v3, it won’t fire event specified in data-callback.
I just installed the plugin, while I was adding my recaptcha site key, realized that there wasn’t any option for the secret. Then I headed to the plugins main php, on the process_sendy function, there is no validation for recaptcha.
Am I missing something?
Is there a way to allow the user to select which list they want to subscribe to? Ideally I would like the form to ask for “Name”, “Email” and then a list of checkboxes to select which list(s) they want to be added to.
]]>I try to embed code to elementor, but could not success.
By Using [embed_sendy] insert into elementor, it just a words appear.
Please help.
Great plugin so thanks for that!
I have unticked and saved the option “Show name field” but it still appears on the form as you can see from the link. Am I doing something wrong?
]]>Hi, when i use this plugin, the PageSpeed Tool shows error “Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance”. If i add the following script in head, the problem is solved, but the plugin doesn’t show “Success message” after subscribed.
<script type="text/javascript">(function(){var a=c();if(a){var b=EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;d(b)}function d(e){var f={passive:true,capture:false};EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener=function(j,k,i){var h=typeof i==="object";var g=h?i.capture:i;i=h?i:{};i.passive=i.passive!==undefined?i.passive:f.passive;i.capture=g!==undefined?g:f.capture;e.call(this,j,k,i)}}function c(){var f=false;try{var g=Object.defineProperty({},"passive",{get:function(){f=true}});window.addEventListener("test",null,g)}catch(h){}return f}})();</script>
Can you fix the passive listeners problem? Thanks ?? This plugin is fantastic!
]]>I had a couple of questions:
1. I made a Re-Captcha v3 key – but I got an error about the site key. Is v3 not supported? It’s much better because it’s invisible and much nicer UX on prospective subscribers.
2. I need to custom-style the button subscribe – where can I control the HTML?
I added a widget to my footer and firstly, there is no style and it shows no text like the title or under the form text.
It’s all just a basic text box with button.
When I click subscribe it just goes to 404. Not sure if this is because the domains for the sendy url and the website are different.
I tried adding the shortcode in a Custom HTML widget but it just displays [embed_sendy] on the website.
I’m new to WordPress so apologies if I am missing something obvious here.
Wordpress reports an fatal error during activation of the plugin. It seems that plugin requires sendy credentials even before activation.
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Required config parameters [sendyUrl, listId, apiKey] is not set or empty in /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-content/plugins/embed-sendy/includes/class-api.php:88 Stack trace: #0 /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-content/plugins/embed-sendy/embed-sendy.php(79): SENDY\API->__construct(Array) #1 /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-content/plugins/embed-sendy/embed-sendy.php(565): Embed_Sendy::instance() #2 /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-content/plugins/embed-sendy/embed-sendy.php(568): ESD() #3 /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(2223): include('/home/adrian/cz...') #4 /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-admin/plugins.php(175): plugin_sandbox_scrape('embed-sendy/emb...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/adrian/czarnaowca/wp-content/plugins/embed-sendy/includes/class-api.php on line 88
I receive a lot of spam-subscriptions with this plugin.
Do you have a solution for this?
It is actually very important to keep them out of the mailing list.
I have tried using this plugin as a shortcode within a wordpress page, but there is nowhere that I can find the shortcode name? and if different lists have different shortcode names.
Also, I can not find the Embed Sendy gutenberg block, it seems to not be there as part of the accessible blocks.
Thank you for your help
When filling the form and clicking the button, there should appear a success message. Now it seems like nothing happened, while the subscription is indeed submitted.
Something that is actually important nowadays (for Europe) is a GDPR thick box.
In Europe it is mandatory for forms.
So hopefully that’s on your list for next release?
Very useful plugin btw. ??
The form has only the email address item in it, whereas in Sendy there is also a “name” and possibly other data to fill in.
The form widget does not seem to be responsive btw.
Hi Guys,
Seems like your plugin could do what I need (nicely written code, btw), but it already fails on your own site on me.
Filling in the email address and hitting Subscribe does nothing but a small flicker (the line with “We promise only the good stuff” moves up one line, then moves down again. Some js-magic, I guess.
But no subscription, no error or success message, nothing.
Maybe we could debug your site before me move on to mine ?
PS: Maybe I can put forward a wish (and I believe no other sendy plugin has this) : Offer a subscription center where users can handle their email subscriptions to the different lists, pause sending, unsubscribe etc. That would be fab 4 !