WordPress says your plugin is complatible up to 3.5.2, and raises some concerns for us regarding security. Especially with the several recent WordPress core updates to fix security loopholes. Can you confirm that there are no current vulnerabilities with your plugin? In addition, will there be any updates in the near future for added features etc?
]]>I have two blog categories. On the sidebar, under the “Recent Posts” list, ALL my recent blogs show from the most recent to the oldest regardless of category. How do I filter these Recent Posts by category?
Can each category be independent and have their own list of recent posts on the sidebar?
It seems that none of the functionality of the plugin is active – it just fetches the standard 5 posts list.
]]>Thanks for this simple but usefull widget!
If post is On Top the widget still will give a post that is NOT included.
The function $posts->have_posts() will still give a unwanted (excluded) category record if that record is On Top of a Category.
Solution is simple:
In file plugin-class.php row ± 132, change
if ($posts->have_posts()) {etc…}
$no = $posts->found_posts;
if (($no>0)&&$posts->have_posts()) {
]]>Does anybody know how to add bullets next to the titles of the recent posts?
Thank you!!
]]>I have one recent posts widget in which I exclude a few categories, and I wanted to include another recent posts widget that only included one of the categories that I excluded from the 1st widget.
It doesn’t seem to work, the second widget seems to take all the settings from the first widget.
Any ideas?
]]>When the “Show date” box is marked and if I change the date format in General – Settings – Date Format, the changes are not reflecting in the result. I use WP 3.4.
]]>I love this plugin!
Here is our page:
Your plugin is in the right column of our page, titled “Upcoming Events”
I’ve carefully assigned events to categories called either “events” or “past events”. Despite being assigned to the “past events” category, one old event (wine, women and song) continues to display in the widget. It’s correctly sorted out on our pages though (in menu bar there is link for events and past events), but not in the widget/enhanced recent posts.
What am I doing wrong here?
i want to add Description and content limit, currently show only link(entry title)..
]]>Hi. Cool plugin. But here’s the deal: My posts are sometimes in multiple categories. For example, post#1 is in the following categories: 3,5,19. I want my recent posts widget to hide posts that are in category #19. But because my post is in other categories in addition to #19, it isn’t hidden.
Is there a way to hide *all* posts that are in a particular category, even if some of those posts are also in another category?
]]>I think a few people have noticed that the ERP plugin breaks the widget area within the admin panel.
This is because of a dodgy script [from line 200] in includes/widget-class.php within the plugin.
I’m no expert on PHP and jScript integration but found some help on Otto’s blog on how to do the job properly. See: https://ottopress.com/2010/passing-parameters-from-php-to-javascripts-in-plugins/
However, a quick and dirty fix is to chop out the script from the php file from line 200.
All it does is control the display of two text boxes dependent on the value of the drop down. I use this widget all over the place on on site I manage and I can live with having to remember which ‘category numbers’ to put in which box when using the plug-in.
]]>The Enhanced Recent Posts plugin breaks the ability in the dashboard to collapse and expand panels. This is exceptionally problematic in the widget admin because you can no longer expand the widget panels to make changes. Noticed this since the upgrade to version 3.5 of WordPress.
]]>Have to disable Enhanced Recent Posts plugin for WP 3.5 widget menu to allow drop downs to work. Looks like a jquery conflict to me.
]]>I was having trouble with using the widget screen after upgrading to WordPress 3.5 (menus on the page didn’t work at all, no ability to drag and drop, etc., though these things worked in other parts of the dashboard), and after looking at console errors in my browser, traced the problem to this plugin and jquery.
After deactivating Enhanced Recent Posts, the widget page worked normally.
]]>“Order posts by publication date” option doesn’t work on my website as the posts seem to appear randomly in the widget that I put in my sidebar… any idea why ?
]]>Just FYI, it seems like when you use this plugin to exclude post titles from a category from showing up in the widget, what also happens is that when you go to that category page, no post titles show up in the widget.
I installed the Enhanced Recent Posts plugin to my sidebar and set it to exclude category 1 and 9.
Now the problem is that no posts show up at all! And I think it’s because my front page only shows posts from category 9. (I think it’s because of that because the plugin works on all other pages)
How do I fix this issue?