I’m upgrading my camera club’s website and wanted to know if EntryWizard 1.3.8 has been tested successfully on WordPress 6.7.2?
]]>Three years ago I reported that a png file had been accepted when my settings should only allow jpg. That seemed to clear later.
This time I have had a couple of webp files get through. That is not even in the allowed file type list.
]]>We have a Rating Scheme where one of the fields is Full Name, and a Rating Form based on the scheme.
When logging in as an EWZ admin and viewing the Rating Form as a Judge, the Full Names are displayed.
However when logging in as that same judge and using the same Rating Form, the Full Names are blank (the column heading is there but the values are all blank).
Is there anything that would make the Full Name not show for the judges but show for the admin? The field is not ticked as ‘secondary’.
Other fields, such WP Item ID, display fine for both admin and judges.
]]>We have an upload form where most images upload fine, but some don’t (even though they are within dimension/size limits).
After pressing submit, the progress bar completes but then a blank page is displayed with just the date and time in the top left corner. The image doesn’t upload.
I can replicate the issue users are having with particular images. The bowser console gives this error:
https://melbournecameraclub.org.au/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ewz_upload 403 (Forbidden)
We’re running php 8.4.3.
Any clues why particular images are being rejected?
]]>I am creating a new Rating Form and I see that all previously define ones are gone (not visible). I did create a new one, but it too is no longer visible, and creating it again with the same ID, generates an error.
Any thoughts?
-David Walther (Latow Photographers Guild – Burlington)
]]>I am just updating the camera club’s evaluations for the next year. I built out new layouts and webforms. I updated the shortcodes on the past evaluations page to the new ones. Nothing is displaying !!!. If I use an older shortcode to a closed webform it works, in displaying a message the webform is closed.
I have Divi in use for the editing the website.
I am looking for any help in troubleshooting this. Current WP version is 5.8.10, PHP is 7.4.33, EntryWizard version 1.3.27
]]>Hi Josie,
We have had the pleasure of using EntryWizard for years now and thinks it’s probably the most useful plugin on our site. However, we are sooner or later going to be in a bit of bother.
The thing is our club has three different categories for members: General, Intermediate and Advanced.
Currently, after downloading “images inc spreadsheet”, our comp’ admin accesses the EW directory using a combination of our clubs separate member database and a visual basic programme written by one our elders.
This examines the contents of the EW directory and sorts all the images into three new directories subject to the member categories as above, along with sheets for the judge to mark each image in each category.
The problem we have is that Microsoft are intending to discontinue support for Visual Basic which means sooner or later our workflow is going to fall over.
If I was to add General, Intermediate or Advanced as biographical info to each member’s “Edit User” page (or create same as additional roles within User Roll Editor), is there a way that EntryWizard would be able to find this and add it to the csv file and sort the images by user category as is currently done by our comp’ admin via Visual Basic?
If not, could this be considered as a possible function request.?
If not, would it be possible to commission such a function and if so what sort of cost would we be looking at.
There is of course an easy way to achieve this. I could make three different versions of the form (tweaked identifiers) and trust that the users would click on the correct link to access the correct comp image upload page. Sounds simple but there will always be those who won’t!
Thanks for taking the time to view this.
Best regards,
Eugene Stevenson (www.conwycameraclub.com) web admin
WordPress????????? 6.5.4
Theme:????? ????????? twentytwenty?????? Version: 2.6
EntryWizard??????? Version 1.3.27 |?
I’ve recently set up a staging site using the new wordpress Twenty Twenty-Four theme. The submit button on th upload forms is no longer working. I reverted back to twenty-seventeen and was working again. Do you have any suggestions I can try to remedy this.
I just experienced a previously unresolved issue. Referencing the original topic that was closed for inactivity (my own fault for not following up):
“One of my rating forms is having an issue. Attempting to delete the ratings from the form or delete the entire rating form shows the following error message:
“Error deleting: Unable to find matching item in database.”
Other rating forms seem to have no issues. How can I fix this error?”
Original reply from Josie Stauffer (@joanne123):
“That exact error message would seem to imply that an “item” (ie an uploaded image file) that was expected to be there was not found. Did you delete items that had attached ratings? That should not normally have been allowed to happen without the rating itself being deleted.
Are you able to delete individual ratings, or do all the ratings in the form produce the same error?
Do you find anything in your error log file that might be relevant?”
In the current instance, I did delete the images from the corresponding Web Form before updating the Rating Form. Working in this order does seem to break the Rating Form. I cannot delete the ratings from the last time the form was used. Is there any other way to remove the ratings from the form in this instance?
]]>In recent months we have been requested to start judging video files. Could Entry Wizard in the future be able to accept video files like mp4 or avi?
I have implemented the judging of mp4 files in our system. Loading them into the system, as of now is an slow process as it is manual.
Any opinions in the subject?
]]>I only use this plugin intensively from Feb to April. Just like to say it does everything we need. Thanks from the Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs (the cacc.org.uk)
]]>We can not save images uploaded in web form.
we get this error
[U011] Upload may not have succeeded:
*** EntryWizard ERROR *** Error in file upload for 0L2A5239adddd.jpg: The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/ewz_img_uploads/THE.
Page will reload to show current status.
—— Please advise
]]>At my camera club we have competition categories with sub-categories.? For example, the Nature Images category has sub-categories of Botany, Zoology and General.? For a single instance of the Nature Images competition, each member may submit a total of three images, spread across the sub-categories as they wish.? Also, each member has a Competition Division they belong to, being Beginners, Advanced or Masters; and the awards are determined separately for the images in each division. ?Does Entry Wizard’s competition structure support this without having to define each sub-category or member division as a separate competition altogether?
We also have competitions for which a single submission consists of a series of images, to be viewed and judged as one entry.? Depending on the competition, this series has a minimum and maximum number of images for the series comprising an entry.? Does Entry Wizard support this type of competition?
]]>I am trying to update my login page, and I am pointing to the correct identifier but I get the following.
“Apologies, but no results were found for your request. Perhaps searching will help you to find a related content.”
I feel like there is a setting I am overlooking so any help would be great.
In the layout we define the maximum image size in mb. Yet there is a limit in total mb that can be uploaded upon submitting.
Who controls this maximum? World press, Capnel or Entry Wizzard?
Can it be changed?
]]>The rating forms open and all images submitted are shown. When click a small image, normally that image open and can be examined. It does not open, just show a black page. If you say next, another black page appears.
Yes, it can be close. and repeat the same with the same result.
Any Advice?
]]>Both my old site and my new development site use EWZ. From a ‘photo competition image submission‘ form used on the old site, I copied all the settings from the old layout and form to the equivalent places on the new development site. Then, used test images, uploaded identically with the forms on both sites, to compare the data generated by the two sites. On downloading the forms’ images + spreadsheet, the sheet from the (new) development site lacked one column called ‘Formatted Title’. (The 2 spreadsheet files can be downloaded from … https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zkuvfjc64xokpq9goccgm/h?rlkey=bqj8b71qrbepehe3mi8hhpy0m&dl=0). I would like to add this column to the data on the development site. I have searched the ‘Extra Data to Show’ and everywhere else for this item, but I cannot find it. Can you help? [email protected]
]]>Hi Josie,
First, thank you for creating a great plugin. Our club has used it without issues for a number of years. I am in the process of creating a new site for our club and I have run into a bit of a snag so I am looking for a little guidance.
I have created a user role called ProjectedChair that definitely has “edit_users” permission set. However, when logged in as the ProjectedChair, I am unable to view the EW Permissions item on the admin menu.
However, if ProjectedChair has “manage_options” permission, the EW menu item is visible. The state of the edit_user permission does not seem to affect the visibility of the EW Permissions menu item when “manage_options” is true.
This situation seems to contradict the Help documentation which, as you know states:
As of version 1.2.28, either ‘edit_users’ or ‘manage_options’ WordPress capability is required to see the Permissions page. Earlier versions of entrywizard required manage_options. Both are by default restricted to admin.
We are using PeachPress’s Capabilities plugin (v. 2.8.1) to manage role permissions. Our site is using WordPress version 6.2.2 with PHP 8.1.8 and the Twenty-TwentyThree theme. This issue is not mission critical but it would be nice if I did not have to expose the “manage_options” permissions to the ProjectedChair role.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and information.
]]>For my website, I’m using the Kadence theme adjusted to have a black background with white text. Entrywizard forms display OK, but when items in the form have dropdown menus with choices, the text in the dropdown list is too dark, until the cursor is hovered over a list item (see .doc file here). It is usable, but is there a way to brighten slightly the unselected items in the dropdown list? If so, please send details.
]]>One of my rating forms is having an issue. Attempting to delete the ratings from the form or delete the entire rating form shows the following error message:
“Error deleting: Unable to find matching item in database.”
Other rating forms seem to have no issues. How can I fix this error?
Hi Josie
Not sure if this is related to https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/webform-auto-close-date-and-time/
When we set the date format to ‘d/m/y’, the webform (e.g. in closing date) still interprets the date in US format ‘m/d/y’.
This means that day and month are reversed if the date-picker is used (e.g. 10th July is interpreted as 7th October).
Also, it means that if the day is greater than 12, the form gives an error when saving: “[W023] EWZ: problem saving webform. *** EntryWizard ERROR *** Invalid date-time”
If I manually type the date in US format (month first) then it saves OK.
Is it possible to get the date-picker to follow the date format that is set in the system?
HI Joise
I cam across a bit of a bug I think at least on our system
when you choose edit the uploaded data for checked items it is ok if item is on page one
but if item is on page two it goes back to the main screen where you select manage items
I change my list to 200 items on one page and now I can select any one or more to edit the data on them.
So to say it will only allow edit data on page one and not on any other page
Dan C
]]>Is Entrywizard compatible with MariaDB? Do all its functions/services work with MariaDB?
]]>I know is Sat, So I do not expect any com until Mond.
This is just new. I have used the online scoring for a while. Great, great product.
I have about 60 images uploaded in entry wizard. All good.
In the rating side a scheme and a rating form. All good so far.
If I open a page as an admin and review the page ew code, is all good.
I can review and view all images submitted as Judge 1, 2, or 3. good so far.
When I click a small image, normally the first time shows a sample check.
Click OK and that image does show. here is the problem…. a black screen shows, not the image.
I have recreated the scheme and the rating form with same results.
Any suggestions?
Hi Joise,
Happy Canada Day.
There is still this issue with the Auto-Close on webforms. After we enable and set the auto-close date/time, we can save the form. But later we check the forms again, one retains the auto-close setting, but others show it is disabled (unchecked). Please advise.
What is the recommended way to manage users? Other than using the (clunky) WordPress default. I want to use this plugin for exhibits– to generate a show list and labels. Our art club has 65 members, and is growing so there will need to be an easy way to manage the newbies. A few are non-techies. We need to have a way to get them to 1. login, and 2. for their phone number to display on the spreadsheet without them having to enter it for each artwork in a show. Any help is greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi Josie,
I have an user whose images were not stored in the server folder and yet claimed that he did do the upload. I am trying to figure out what happened. Can you point me to where I should look?
I did noticed that he logged into our system at 4:50 p.m. and logged off at 5:22 p.m. on April 11. 5:00 p.m. on April 11 was our upload expiry date/time. It could be that when he pressed the Submit button, the time already passed 5:00 p.m. I am wondering if that were the case, will his images still be uploaded or not uploaded at all? If the images were not uploaded because of the expiry time already passed and webform closed, is there any message being displayed to the user to alert him?
Minor issue but my layouts specify only jpg for the image file ie, not gif or png. But one user managed to upload a png file. Downstream I create a new filename and add jpg, so I then got a warning that a png file was wrongly typed.
]]>I was there and it was fine.
Yet it does show in the plugins. Asking to be activated.
Press activate and nothing happens. still the same.
I went to plugins and renamed the php. file. Still the same.
If I try to re-install it, it shows to activate, no installation option.
Any suggestions, will be great.
Hi Josie,
I just set up a new rating form. When I view the rating page, I can see the thumbnails. When I click on the thumbnail, the image window opens with the test image. But after I dismiss the test image box, no image is displayed. Even when I press Next or Previous button, no images are shown.
I also try the previously-work rating forms, same issue. No image display.
I have been setting up these rating forms for a few months now. Everything worked, until now. My WP version is 5.8.3; EntryWizard: Version 1.3.25; EWZ-Rating Version 1.1.22
This is the first time creating a rating form with version 1.3.25.
Please advise. I need this issue resolved ASAP, as judging date is coming up in a few days. Thanks.