The site will not open and i get the message: Too Many Redirects Error on mobile phone. What can i do?
]]>If you want to redirect to a Facebook profile you can add this snippet to your functions.php and add the ‘fb’ protocol to the list of allowed url’s to enter into the mobile redirect. If you don’t use this snippet then the url won’t be saved.
This is the URL format to open a link in the facebook app: fb://profile/[profile ID goes here]
* Allowing additional URL protocols to list of allowed protocols.
* @param array $protocols List of protocols allowed by (default WordPress.)
* @return array $protocols Updated list including additional protocols.
function custom_themo_add_additional_protocols( $protocols ){
$protocols[] = 'fb';
return $protocols;
add_filter( 'kses_allowed_protocols' , 'custom_themo_add_additional_protocols' );
Is this plugin dead?
Thank you
]]>The plugin does not seem to redirect, have disabled all caching in wp-optimize, but cant for the life of me find where to do that in wordfence.
Help would be greatly appreciated
it not stay one day working. what i should be do?
the plugin has the following errors and is preventing the site to be usable on mobile:
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 49 of 61 bytes in /wp-content/plugins/equivalent-mobile-redirect/includes/class-emr.php on line 365
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /wp-content/plugins/equivalent-mobile-redirect/includes/class-emr.php on line 368
]]>Here is some CSS to fix this plugin from causing issues with other admin pages.
Thanks to the plugin developer for Role Based Pricing.
.metabox-holder .postbox-container .meta-box-sortables { overflow: hidden !important;
.postbox{ overflow: hidden !important; }
Just reporting a bug – if this plugin is enabled – it breaks at least this plugin – and maybe others assuming as it is due to it using a custom page type.
Perhaps it will be great to limit enabling this plugin only on certain page types?
]]>Hi thanks for your plugin!
I have a question about indexing.
What happens to the site’s serp?
Will I find the mobile pages that I am going to create in the serp?
Will I then have double pages, indexed?
Can a desktop find mobile pages and vice versa?
Thank You
When looking into my error log I noticed thousands of notices: “Notice: Undefined variable: mobile_rel_link”
If you google this error message, you actually find many wordpress websites that are having the same issue and that are displaying the error message on their frontends.
The fix for this issue is should quite easy. Can you replace
if ( $mobile_rel_link == '' )
if ( empty( $mobile_rel_link ) )
on line 328, class-emr.php
Thanks in advance
ps. I spent some time trying to figure out how I could create a pull request with this minor change; but couldn’t manage to checkout this repo in my Sourcetree. I guess it doesn’t work with SVN
Today, more and more users view site by APP, and there is always an embed browser in those APP.
SO, I just want to redirect a SPECIFIC browser BY TAG, is that possible please?
My homepage is not redirecting to the mobile link even though I have followed the instructions to ensure that W3 Total Cache is not caching mobile pages under “Page Cache”, “Minify” and “CDN”.
Please help asap!
I’m attempting to activate Equivalent Mobile Redirect plugin but receiving the following error:
“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected….wp-content\plugins\equivalent-mobile-redirect\equivalent-mobile-redirect.php on line 74”
Here’s the code for php file where the error is occurring:
Plugin Name: Equivalent Mobile Redirect
Description: Detect and redirect mobile visitors to the equivalent page on your mobile site.
Version: 4.2
Author: uniquelylost
Author URI:
License: GPL3
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
require_once ('includes/emr-options.php' );
// Start your engines!
new NDG_Speedy_Page_Redirect;
class NDG_Speedy_Page_Redirect {
* Plugin version number.
* @const string
const VERSION = '4.2';
* List of post types for which to enable this plugin.
* Note: can be filtered via "ndg_spr_post_types".
* @var array
public $post_types;
* Redirection data from the postmeta table, structured by blog_id and post_id.
* @var array
public $data;
* Constructor.
* @return void
public function __construct() {
// Run update routine if needed, also upon activation
if ( version_compare( self::VERSION, get_option( 'ndg_spr_version', 0 ), '>' ) ) {
// This init action should happen after register_post_type calls: priority > 10
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ), 20 );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'activate' ) );
@brief During activation, update the settings.
@since 2018-11-08 20:01:16
public function activate()
$options = get_option( 'rooter2484_theme_options' );
if ( ! $options )
$new_options = [
'emr_tablets' => ( $options[ 'emrlego' ] == 'plumbers' ? 'yes' : 'no' ),
'emr_all_select' => ( $options[ 'emrall' ] == 'rediryes' ? 'yes' : 'no' ),
'emr_redir_all_url' => $options[ 'redirallurl' ],
'emr_front_page' => ( $options[ 'emrfrontpage' ] == 'frontyes' ? 'yes' : 'no' ),
'emr_redir_front_url' => $options[ 'frontpageurl' ],
update_option( 'emr_settings', $new_options );
delete_option( 'rooter2484_theme_options' );
* Update the plugin to a newer version.
* @return void
public function update() {
// Store version of the installed plugin for future updates
update_option( 'ndg_spr_version', self::VERSION );
* Initialize the plugin.
* @return void
public function init() {
// Automatically include all public custom post types
$this->post_types = array_merge(
array( 'page' => 'page', 'post' => 'post' ),
get_post_types( array( '_builtin' => false ) )
// Allow user to modify the post types
$this->post_types = apply_filters( 'ndg_spr_post_types', $this->post_types );
// Avoid needless work
if ( empty( $this->post_types ) )
// Mirror the post types array so we can do fast isset() checks on the keys
$this->post_types = array_combine( $this->post_types, $this->post_types );
// Add the link actions only for the applicable post types: pages, posts and/or custom post types
if ( isset( $this->post_types['page'] ) ) {
add_action( 'page_link', array( $this, 'link' ), 20, 2 );
if ( isset( $this->post_types['post'] ) ) {
add_action( 'post_link', array( $this, 'link' ), 20, 2 );
if ( array_diff( $this->post_types, array( 'page', 'post' ) ) ) {
add_action( 'post_type_link', array( $this, 'link' ), 20, 2 );
// Action for the actual redirect
add_action( 'template_redirect', array( $this, 'template_redirect' ), 1);
// Stuff that's only required in the admin area
if ( is_admin() ) {
// Meta box setup
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_meta_boxes' ) );
add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'save_post' ) );
* Add meta boxes for page redirection to all applicable post types.
* @return void
public function add_meta_boxes() {
// Add meta box for each post type
foreach ( $this->post_types as $post_type ) {
add_meta_box( 'ndg_page_redirect', __( 'Mobile Redirect', 'emr-redirect' ), array( $this, 'meta_box_show' ), $post_type );
* Output the form for the page redirection meta box.
* @param object $post post object
* @return void
public function meta_box_show( $post ) {
// Default data entered in the form
$default = array(
'url_raw' => '', // Don't prefill the field with "https://" because such an incomplete URL triggers an HTML5 error for the "url" input type
'status' => 302,
// Load existing redirection data for this post if any
$data = (array) $this->get_post_data( $post->ID );
// Overwrite default values with existing ones
$values = array_merge( $default, $data );
// Add a hidden nonce field for security
wp_nonce_field( 'ndg_spr_' . $post->ID, 'ndg_spr_nonce', false );
// Output the URL field
echo '<p>';
echo '<label for="ndg_spr_url">' . __( 'Mobile URL:', 'emr-redirect' ) . '</label> ';
echo '<input id="ndg_spr_url" name="ndg_spr_url" type="url" value="' . esc_url( $values['url_raw'] ) . '" size="50" style="width:80%" placeholder="">';
echo '</p>';
* Update post redirection data in database.
* @param integer $post_id post ID
* @return void
public function save_post( $post_id ) {
// Validate nonce
if ( ! isset( $_POST['ndg_spr_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['ndg_spr_nonce'], 'ndg_spr_' . $post_id ) )
// Basic clean of the entered URL if any
$url = ( isset( $_POST['ndg_spr_url'] ) ) ? trim( (string) $_POST['ndg_spr_url'] ) : '';
// A URL was entered (standalone protocols like "https://" are considered emtpy)
if ( '' !== $url && ! preg_match( '~^[-a-z0-9+.]++://$~i', $url ) ) {
// Prepare data array to store in the database
$data['url'] = esc_url_raw( $url );
// Save the data in the postmeta table
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_ndg_Speedy_Page_Redirect', $data );
// No URL entered
else {
// Delete any possible previous data stored for this post
delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_ndg_speedy_page_redirect' );
* Return the new destination URL of a post in case of a permanent redirect.
* @param string $url URL of the post
* @param integer|object $post post ID or post object
* @return string post URL
public function link( $url, $post ) {
// Only continue if page redirection is enabled for this post type
if ( ! isset( $this->post_types[ (string) get_post_type( $post ) ] ) )
return $url;
// page_link action returns ID, post_link action returns object
$post_id = ( isset( $post->ID ) ) ? $post->ID : $post;
// No redirection data found
if ( ! $data = $this->get_post_data( $post_id ) )
return $url;
// Return the destination URL
return $url;
* Perform the actual redirect if needed.
* @return void
public function template_redirect() {
global $post;
//Let's see if we should set the full site cookie
if(isset($_GET['view_full_site'])) {
$get_cookie_check = $_GET['view_full_site'];
if(isset($get_cookie_check)) {
//strip the https://www from the domain
$site_url = site_url();
$domain = parse_url($site_url, PHP_URL_HOST);
if($get_cookie_check =='true'){
//set the cookie
setcookie("emr_full_site", 1, time()+86400, "/", $domain);
$_COOKIE['emr_full_site'] = 1;
if($get_cookie_check =='false'){
//set the cookie
setcookie("emr_full_site", 0, time()-3600, "/", $domain);
$_COOKIE['emr_full_site'] = 0;
//cookie variable
if(isset($_COOKIE['emr_full_site'])) {
$full_site_cookie= $_COOKIE['emr_full_site'];
//cookie empty then include
if (empty($full_site_cookie)) {
if ( !class_exists('Mobile_Detect') ) {
$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
//emr option page settings
$options = get_option('emr_settings');
if (isset($options['emr_on_off'])) {
$emr_enabled = $options['emr_on_off'];
if ( $emr_enabled == 'off' ) {
$tablets_redirect = $options['emr_tablets'];
$mobile_to_one_url = $options['emr_all_select'];
$mobile_all_url = $options['emr_redir_all_url'];
$nonstatic_homepage_redirect = $options['emr_front_page'];
$nonstatic_redirect_url = $options['emr_redir_front_url'];
if ( $detect->isMobile() && $mobile_to_one_url == 'yes' ) {
if ( $detect->isTablet() && $tablets_redirect == 'no' ) {
$detect = "false";
elseif ( $mobile_all_url !="" ) {
// redirect all and quit
wp_redirect( $mobile_all_url, 302);
elseif ( $detect->isMobile() && $nonstatic_homepage_redirect == 'yes' && is_home() ) {
if ( $detect->isTablet() && $tablets_redirect == 'no' ) {
$detect = "false";
elseif ( $nonstatic_redirect_url !="" ) {
wp_redirect( $nonstatic_redirect_url, 302 );
elseif ($detect->isMobile()) {
if ( $detect->isTablet() && $tablets_redirect == 'no' ) {
$detect = "false";
else {
// Finally do the regular mobile redirect and quit
// Redirects only apply to pages or single posts
if ( ! is_page() && ! is_single() && ! is_front_page() )
// Only continue if page redirection is enabled for this post type
if ( ! isset( $this->post_types[ (string) get_post_type( $post ) ] ) )
// No redirection data found for this post
if ( ! $data = $this->get_post_data( $post->ID ) )
else {
wp_redirect($data['url'], 302);
* Get redirection data for a post.
* @param integer|object $post post ID or post object
* @param integer|object $blog blog ID or blog object
* @return array|null post redirection data for the post
public function get_post_data( $post, $blog = null ) {
// Clean post ID
$post_id = (int) ( ( isset( $post->ID ) ) ? $post->ID : $post );
// Clean blog ID
if ( ! $blog_id = (int) ( ( isset( $blog->blog_id ) ) ? $blog->blog_id : $blog ) ) {
// Use current blog ID by default
global $blog_id;
// Load redirection data for this blog from the database
if ( ! isset( $this->data[ $blog_id ] ) ) {
// Load redirection data for all posts of this blog
global $wpdb;
$rows = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' WHERE meta_key = "_ndg_speedy_page_redirect"' );
// Initialize redirect data for the blog
$this->data[ $blog_id ] = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
// Unserialize data
$data = unserialize( $row->meta_value );
// Store the originally saved URL as raw_url
$data['url_raw'] = $data['url'];
// Generate the full URL in case a relative URL is stored in the database
if ( '/' === substr( $data['url'], 0, 1 ) ) {
$data['url'] = trailingslashit( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ) . ltrim( $data['url'], '/' );
// Cache redirection data in object property
$this->data[ $blog_id ][ (int) $row->post_id ] = $data;
// Return redirection data for post if any
return ( isset( $this->data[ $blog_id ][ $post_id ] ) ) ? $this->data[ $blog_id ][ $post_id ] : null;
Help is appreciated.
]]>Hello, please can you tell me if I were to duplicate a page to make a lightweight version for mobile will this cause duplicate content issues or does the plugin handle this correctly.
Thank you
Some caching software set on your desktop site may override Equivalent Mobile Redirect’s mobile detection method and then the redirects will not function properly. Fortunately, most caching plugins can be set to disable caching when mobile devices are detected. If you use: W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, Wordfence, WP Rocket, Hyper Cache, Quick Cache Pro, WP Simple Cache, Comet Cache, WPEngine, or other caching plugins or services.
In the settings you will need to disable caching for the following User Agents:
MSIE 10.0
Nexus 7
If your not redirecting tablets as mobile you may want to remove the tablet user agents such as “iPad” for example.
I have this plugin installed on my e-commerce. Everything was fine for a year or so but recently it seems it stopped doing its job and occasionally when I load the page from mobile, it gets me the desktop homepage instead.
The only thing that brings everything back to normal it to save the permalinks again and flush the caches.
Do you know what may cause this?
Appreciate the help
Thanks ??
I’m trying to redirect my homepage on mobile devices to other page on my website, but I’m getting these erros:
Notice: Use of undefined constant rediryes – assumed ‘rediryes’ in /my-path/plugins/equivalent-mobile-redirect/equivalent-mobile-redirect.php on line 256
Also with frontyes on line 266
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, I am trying to remove mobile redirection which was set up with your plugin. I have removed the redirection url from the homepage (back end), deactivated the plugin, removed the plugin, deactivated the cache, removed the cache directory (comet cache), cleared all browser caches, nothing works, it’s still doing it. What gives?
The plugin redirects properly to phones, but not to ipads ( it is properly configured saying YES to tablet redirect).
If I deactivate the cache plugin (wp rocket), it seems to work for both of them, so there is probably a problem with the cache plugin.
Thank you!
plugin was working great for few days.
but than we got error:
Too Many Redirects
the only way to access the site after that was,
manually remove plugin folder via FTP!!
please advise.
i am using the plugin to redirect my homepage to the mobile version, which works greatly for the url
Unfortunately, it doens’t work for the url
My settings are:
Want Tablets Redirected? No
Redirect Mobile to One URL? No
Redirect All Mobile to URL None
Redirect Homepage if displays blog posts? No
Redirect Front Blog Page URL None
I am using both WP Fastet Cache and W3 Total Cache. I added the rejectable User agents in the page cache of W3 Total Cache.
The redirected url is
Leaving the www out of the URL didn’t change anything.
It would be cool if you could find a solution, that would make the plugin really perfect!
Best regards
]]>Hi sir,
is that possible att redirect one custom page of a web site to another url? please
I would like to ask you about how your plugin is handling the relationship between urls? This is from the SEO perspective, to help search engines / algorithms to understand that this is the same website, but only mobile version.
As per documentation on link:
Sites should have <link> tag with rel=”canonical” and rel=”alternate” elements.
It looks like it is a very important thing. (Form the SEO point of view).
How is your plugin handling it? Or how should that be done.
Thank you in advance for your info.
]]>When I update my landing page, the redirect works just fine. But in less than a week it quits bringing up the mobile page and just brings up a blank black page that still has our info on the bottom, our home button but none of the content from the mobile page. We are also running the Highend theme. If I update the main site’s welcome page (where the redirect is located) then the mobile page starts working again. But it always quits within a week.
]]>Is there any reason that a page would not redirect to the same url on the corresponding mobile site?
Working with a client on the issue, and might need some help. Do you have paid support?
]]>Hi there,
When I install the plugin and activate my whole site stops working. Do you have an solution?
]]>Is it possible to redirect based on OS?
I want to redirect iOS users to one link, android users to another, Mac OS to another, etc.
We are having problems with our site when responsive/viewed on tablet devices.
We think it could be an issue with this plugin and our cache plugin.
It is displaying a blank white page with no content on Tablet devices when our cache plugin is disabled, and displays our mobile home page in the content area with our desktop home page header when the cache plugin is active – it should display our desktop home page on tablet not the mobile site.
(tested on – iOS iPad, Amazon Kindle Fire, Google Nexus 10 etc, on google web developer and also tested on iPad mini v9.2 device).
The mobile re-direct in place kicks in at 767px, and works fine. (Tested on iPhone 6 and on google web developer) and displays the correct mobile home page.
Do you have any suggestions as to what could be causing the Tablet issue?
We have recently made our site “live” and changed the name of our subdirectory which holds our wordpress files and our home page is now displayed from the root instead of the subdirectory.
Many thanks,
Our website –
I have a one page website. The menu links are all going to anchors on the same page.
I’ve been unhappy with my theme’s given mobile view, so have created a new page that looks good just on mobiles.
I’ve put the settings to ‘No’ on tablets and ‘Yes’ on mobiles, plus added the url the home page should be redirected to on mobiles. However, when I try and view the page (using the desktop page url which should not redirect) it says on Safari on an iphone “Safari cannot open the page because too many redirects occured.
The url redirect has worked as it’s showing my mobile url, however it isn’t showing the page.
Just tested it also on mobile google and I get “the web page is not available”.
Any suggestions would be greatly received – do you think it’s conflicting with my theme?
Many thanks in advance