Hi there,
first time to be in that Forum. Happy to address to you.
Just installed and activated EU Cookie Law Plugin.
How can get to the “Settings page”? Plug In list Shows only “Deactivate” and “Adminstration” (php-file).
Sorry, no URL available, using still local webserver.
Thx in advance for your help.
In IE11 banner (black background) takes whole screen & you have to scroll to see the site. Not the same as in Chrome. Link and button “close” are visible.
Using Win7, 1366×768
]]>Hi there!
I want to reduce the size of the message but I don’t know how to find the code, here is my actual message:
As you can see, there is a lot of space between the message and the bottom of the message, so I want to reduce it.
Screen cap: https://f.cl.ly/items/3Y3l1a3L1M3M0Y0s1L2N/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202015-02-12%20a%20las%2023.40.25.png
Does anyone know how to do it?
]]>In my 3.9.1, the cookie message simply does not persist, without dismissing the window, an F5 simply makes the message go to never be seen again. Same happens when visiting any page, message goes after visiting another page. Tested in Chrome & Firefox.
]]>It seems to me that .show(‘fast’) and .hide(‘fast’) in the javascript jQuery just messes with the layout.
Using simply .show() and .hide() works much better.
Anyways, thanks for a great plugin!
]]>Any chance we can translate the wording into other languages using WPML?
It is important for countries like Italy or Spain where it is mandatory to have by law messages in the country’s language. Thanks
On a site we manage, in IE8 the cookie warning message bar stretches too far over the page and does not allow visitors to click the accept button as it’s somewhere off the page. This has only happened on one of the sites we manage, the others are all fine. The width is set to 100% in the CSS so I’m not sure where this is going wrong?
Can anyone help give me some guidance as to how I can fix this?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
I’ve used the plugin to great satisfaction on multiple sites. Thanks for a simple solution to comply with these idiotic laws.
Now I have a website where the bar does not show up also not in the source code of the site: https://www.socialeinnovatienederland.nl
It appears that the code is not included when wp_footer is called. I’ve checked and wp_footer() is called in the theme I used.
Is there something else I can check to get the bar to show up?
]]>Hello again,
It has become noted that the Copy Protection plugin is causing faults within WP, shown below….
Errors that must be fixed
Meta Tags In Body
Your page has meta tags in the body instead of the head. This may be because your HTML was malformed and they fell lower in the parse tree.
Please fix this in order for the tags to be usable.
When your plugin is disabled this error vanishes.
This error is causing a serious problem with reading of META TAGS for publishing.
Can you look into this please, Many Thanks.
]]>Dear plugin creators,
After installing the recent update for this plugin it has caused an error by making my wordpress admin bar at the top of my site vanish when your plugin is now active.
Upon deactivating it my wordpress admin bar reappears.
Please can you fix this issue ASAP
Could the maintainer set id="eu_cookie_notify"
on the element that holds the message, so browser plug-ins could discreetly inform the user about cookies by displaying small icon instead?
Best Regards,
Could the maintainer set id="eu_cookie_notify"
on the element that holds the message, so browser plug-ins could discreetly inform the user about cookies by displaying small icon instead?
Best Regards,
]]>Hi – plugin working fine but I’d like to do a bit of css editing using Firebug to alter the size of the box the message is held in. But to do that I need to be able to see it! What is the name of the cookie I should be looking for toget the message back on again? I don’t want to reset all my cookie data!
]]>The Dutch lawmakers (OPTA) have adopted a way more farfetching explanation of the European cookie law: implicit consent is not sufficient. People have to explicitly approve of cookies being used. This law also holds for foreign websites when visited by people from the Netherlands.
The EU Cookie Law Complience Message 1.01 plugin doesn’t comply with the Dutch regulation. It does for the EU directive.
]]>Cookie message does not appear after update to 3.4.1
If anyone else has it working then please let me know
]]>The transparent background doesn’t show making it unreadable on IE8.
Since c. 18 – 34 % of users on different sites I’m responsible for use IE8 this would be unacceptable to me.
But I’ve got around this by making a quick fix, replacing the transparent background with a solid colour.
Would be preferable if CSS was separate so could be styled as desired.
I appreciate the non-WP instructions as I have a site that is a mixture of both.
Theme Arras
Looks an interesting plugin but on installation via Plugins area, doesn’t display the “EU Cookie Message” in Settings menu. And no banner is shown either.
Any thoughts on what might be wrong?
Website: https://www.wilderness.org.uk
]]>The easiest way to be compliant with the silly EU Cookie Directive.
Perfect for a simple site such as mine! Simple and effective!